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1. What is the differences between statistics as numerical facts and statistics as a discipline or field of study.

5. Consider the data set for the sample of 10 minisystems in Table 1.7
a. how many variables are in the data set?
b. Which of the variables are quantitative and which are qualitative?
c. Which is the average CD capacity for the sample?
d. What percentage of the minisystems provides and FM tuning rating of very good or excellent?
e. What percentage of the minisystems includes two tape decks?

(see attached for data)

State whether each of the following variables is qualitative or quantitative and indicates its measurement scale.
a. annual sale
b. soft drink size (small, medium, large)
c. employee classification (GS1 through GS18)
d. earnings per share
e. method of payment (cash, check, credit card)

21. A seven-year medical research study reported that women whose mothers took the drug DES during pregnancy were twice as likely to develop tissue abnormalities that might lead to cancer as were women whose mothers did not take the drug.

A. this study involved the comparison of two populations. What were the populations?
b. Do you suppose the data were obtained in a survey or an experiment?
c. For the population of women whose mothers took the drug DES during pregnancy, a sample of 3980 women showed 63 developed tissue abnormalities that might lead to cancer. Provide a descriptive statistic that could be used to estimate the number of women out of 1000 in this population who have tissues abnormalities.
d. For the population of women whose mothers did not take the drug DES during pregnancy, what is the estimate of the number of women out of 1000 who would be expected to have tissues abnormalities?
e. Medical studies often use a relatively large sample (in this case 3980). Why?

- I need a short paragraph about a person that uses statistics in his/her work. Describe the type of statistics that is used. Descriptive or inferential.

See attached file for full problem description.

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