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Homework answers / question archive / HS612 Health Informatics and Application Request for information (RFI) 100 points Assignment Description: - Imagine you are a manager at a health organization and a physician comes to you asking for a new information system change

HS612 Health Informatics and Application Request for information (RFI) 100 points Assignment Description: - Imagine you are a manager at a health organization and a physician comes to you asking for a new information system change

Health Science

HS612 Health Informatics and Application

Request for information (RFI)

100 points

Assignment Description: - Imagine you are a manager at a health organization and a physician comes to you asking for a new information system change. Feel free to use your own organization as a scenario to work from or use an instructor-provided scenario. Gather information from the staff member(s) requesting the change to the system (or use the instructor-provided mock information).  Conduct research on the requested system change. Use the gathered information from the requestor for change and research to create a specification list, identified need, market assessment, determinations of options that exist, and a business request (including finances). Use this information to develop a Request for Information (RFI) that could be given to the vendor. Be sure to use the information above, as well as what the system is, who will be involved, a budget proposal, how the data will be captured and available for use, the use of predictive analytics, and support for planning, implementation, and evaluation of the current and future administrative purposes. The written proposal should reflect professional standards in the field (see instructor guidelines for details). (SLO 2, 4, 5, 7) (29% of course grade)

Grading Guidelines:  (NOTE-lowest passing score is 70)  


High Proficiency


Moderate Proficiency

Low Proficiency





System Summary






7 or less


The summary provides a clear and concise overview of the requested information system; addresses what the system is, who will be involved, and how the data will be captured and available for use

The summary provides a general overview of the requested information system; addresses what the system is, who will be involved, and how the data will be captured and available for use

The summary provides a simple overview of the requested information system; addresses what the system is, who will be involved, and how the data will be captured and available for use in a very simplistic manner.

The summary provides an incomplete overview of the requested information system; doesn't address what the system is, who will be involved, and how the data will be captured and available for use in a minimal manner.



Budget Proposal





7 or less


The proposed budget is constructed in a detailed manner. Considers the essential costs associated with the RFI. 

The proposed budget is constructed in a general manner. Considers the basic costs associated with the RFI. 

The proposed budget is constructed in a simple manner; missing some costs needed for consideration.

The proposed budget is incomplete; missing many costs needed for consideration.



Use of Predictive





7 or less


The description of the use of predictive analytics strongly aligns with the RFI; demonstrates a sound understanding.

The description of the use of predictive analytics basically aligns with the RFI; demonstrates a general understanding.

The description of the use of predictive analytics somewhat aligns with the RFI; demonstrates a simple understanding.

The description of the use of predictive analytics does not align with the RFI; demonstrates a minimal understanding.



Support for planning, implementation & evaluation of the current and future administrative purposes




12 or less


All of the discussion regarding the support for planning, implementation, and evaluation of the current and future administrative purposes is appropriate for the RFI.

Most of the discussion regarding the support for planning, implementation, and evaluation of the current and future administrative purposes is appropriate for the RFI.


Some of the discussion regarding the support for planning, implementation, and evaluation of the current and future administrative purposes is appropriate for the RFI. Some elements are missing or incorrect.

Most of the discussion regarding the support for planning, implementation, and evaluation of the current and future administrative purposes is unclear and underdeveloped.



Research on the

Requested System






12 or less


All of the research to create a specification list, identified need, market assessment, determinations of options that exist, and a business request is evident and appears appropriate.

Most of the research to create a specification list, identified need, market assessment, determinations of options that exist, and a business request is evident and appears appropriate.

Some of the research to create a specification list, identified need, market assessment, determinations of options that exist, and a business request is evident

and/or appears appropriate.

Little of the research to create a specification list, identified need, market assessment, determinations of options that exist, and a business request is evident and/or appears appropriate.




Critical Thinking




12 or less


The analytical thinking reflected in the RFI demonstrates a strong understanding of information systems and how to develop an RFI. Strong reasoning skills and logic are evident.

The analytical thinking reflected in the RFI demonstrates adequate understanding of information systems and how to develop an RFI. Good reasoning skills and logic are evident.

The analytical thinking reflected in the RFI demonstrates a simplistic understanding of information systems and how to develop an RFI. Simplistic reasoning skills evident.

The analytical thinking

reflected in the RFI demonstrates an incomplete understanding of information systems and how to develop an RFI.






6 or less



 Writing Quality

The RFI is written with a professional tone, is well organized, represents the vocabulary of the field, and never strays from standard written English.  The introduction and conclusion frame the paper well.

The RFI is written with a professional tone, is well organized and rarely strays from standard written

English; has a logical flow and concise manners. Adequate use of the language in the field.  The introduction and conclusion frame the paper well. 

The RFI communicates ideas associated with the RFI but lacks a professional tone, organization, or clarity of expression.  Some areas stray from standard written English. The introduction and conclusion are both present but could be stronger.

The RFI communicates relevant ideas but represents either a casual tone, illogical organization, or weakly-constructed or absent introduction and/or conclusion. It often strays from standard written




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