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Homework answers / question archive / Western New Mexico University BSAD 340 Chapter 13 1)The connected chain of all of the companies involved in all of the upstream and downstream flows of products, services, finances, and information, from initial suppliers (the point of origin) to the ultimate customer (the point of consumption) is known as the: a

Western New Mexico University BSAD 340 Chapter 13 1)The connected chain of all of the companies involved in all of the upstream and downstream flows of products, services, finances, and information, from initial suppliers (the point of origin) to the ultimate customer (the point of consumption) is known as the: a


Western New Mexico University

BSAD 340

Chapter 13

1)The connected chain of all of the companies involved in all of the upstream and downstream flows of products, services, finances, and information, from initial suppliers (the point of origin) to the ultimate customer (the point of consumption) is known as the:

a.            channel of distribution.

b.            intermediary link.

c.             physical distribution integration.

d.            reseller network. e. supply chain.


2.                           coordinates and integrates all of the activities performed by channel members into a seamless process, from the source to the point of consumption, resulting in enhanced customer and economic value.

a.            Yield management

b.            Channel power

c.             Materials handling

d.            Supply chain management

e.            Physical distribution


3.            Peachtree Windows does not make a window until an order is received. It can promise delivery in five working days because of the excellent relationships it has established with its suppliers. The partnering relationship that Peachtree Windows has established with its suppliers indicates the use of:


a.            supply chain management

b.            yield management

c.             channel networks

d.            horizontal marketing channels

e.            intensive distribution strategy


4.            A large automotive after-market business wanted to improve its current situation, which is characterized by excessive inventory, incomplete information, high logistics costs, slow reactions to environmental change, and lost profits at the retail level. Would supply chain management be of any help to the business?

a.            Yes, supply chain management is designed to coordinate and integrate all the activities from raw materials to product consumption.

b.            No, supply chain management is only applicable to distribution strategies for products being sold to the consumer market.

c.             Yes, supply chain management would be very useful because it relies so heavily on benchmarking.

d.            Yes, supply chain management would alleviate all channel conflict.

e.            No, supply chain management requires an expensive investment of time and resources to make it worthwhile.


5.            All of the following accurately describe supply chain management EXCEPT:

a.            physical flow process.

b.            customer driven.

c.             provides enhanced customer and economic value.

d.            plays the role of communicator of customer demand. e. relies on a “push” strategy.


6.            All of the following are benefits of supply chain management EXCEPT:

a.            increased flexibility of supply chain activities.

b.            improved customer service.

c.             reduced supply chain costs. d. decreased cash flow.

e. decreased inventory.






7.            For true supplier integration to occur, all of the following must occur EXCEPT:

a.            firms must choose their suppliers carefully

b.            supply chain partners must interact in ways that minimize waste and redundancy

c.             firms need to adopt a “push” system rather than a “pull” system of supply chain management

d.            firms must monitor each supplier’s strategic goals and operational capabilities

e.            both firms must have a stake in the outcomes of their interactions


8.                           occurs when all the firms and business units participating in the supply chain appear as though they are reading from the same script.

a. Strategic channel operation b. Supply chain integration


c.             Strategic MRP

d.            Demand management

e.            Extensive distribution integration


9.            When the Boeing Co. announced it would delay the introduction of its new 787, the CEO blamed the problem on the company’s supply chain. Airplanes use thousands of individual parts, and in an attempt to relieve the smaller, individual supply chain quandary, Boeing used major suppliers to construct large pieces of the plane. Boeing would have benefited from more             integration.

a.            channel

b.            supply chain

c.             MRP

d.            functional

e.            tactical distribution


10.                         integration is the ability of two or more companies to develop social connections that serve to guide their interactions when working together.

a.            Relationship

b.            Social

c.             Customer

d.            Materials and service supplier

e.            Technology and planning integration


11.          Which type of integration implies the performance assessment of the supply chain should be taken as a whole while also holding each member of the supply chain accountable for meeting its own goals?

a.            Accountability

b.            Benchmarking

c.             Social

d.            Planning

e.            Measurement


12.          Which of the following is an example of one of the six types of integration that are sought by firms interested in providing top-level service to their customers?

a.            Strategic integration

b.            Hierarchical integration

c.             Material and service supplier integration

d.            Global integration

e.            All of the above

13.          In terms of firm-to-firm social interactions,          integration provides important benefits. a. relationship

b.            measurement

c.             customer

d.            production

e.            technology and planning


14.          By achieving       integration across their supply chains, firms can use hardware and software systems to gain the information needed to execute short-term and long-term planning, and thereby make better operational decisions.


a.            relationship

b.            social

c.             functional

d.            technology and planning

e.            internal operations


15.          Through the use of automatic shipping notices, Ace Hardware is effective at removing unnecessary costs from its supply chain. According to a VP of inventory for the retailer, “Information gathering that used to take three or four phone calls now is available immediately.” This is an example of the use of           integration.

a.            relationship

b.            social

c.             functional

d.            technology and planning

e.            internal operations


16.          Food producers love big boxes because they serve as billboards on store shelves. Walmart wants to change this practice and promises suppliers that their shelf spaces won’t shrink even if their boxes do. As a result, some of its vendors have reengineered their packaging. This is an example of integration.

a.            relationship

b.            social

c.             functional

d.            operational

e.            material and service supplier


17.                         integration holds that performance assessments should be transparent and measurable across the borders of

different firms. a. Measurement

b.            Social

c.             Functional

d.            Relationship

e.            Material and service supplier





18.          Nabisco has linked seamlessly with its parts manufacturers and outsourced customer call centers to provide streamlined work processes and a high quality customer experience. This seamless linking of Nabisco’s strategic business units toward a common vision is an example of               integration.

a.            relationship

b.            social

c.             functional

d.            hierarchical

e.            Material and service supplier


19.          Sobha Developers has begun to develop distinctive value added offerings to its customers— starting with the oldest and most consistent ones. Sobha is working toward stronger                 integration.

a.            relationship

b.            social

c.             functional

d.            operational e. customer


20.          Highly integrated supply chains (those that are successful in achieving many or all of these types of integration) have been shown to be better at:

a.            satisfying customers.

b.            managing costs.

c.             delivering high-quality products.

d.            enhancing productivity. e. All of the above


21.                         is (are) composed of bundles of interconnected activities that stretch across firms in the supply chain.

a.            ABC segmentation strategies

b.            Activity-based costing

c.             Customer relationship management d. Business processes

e. Customer service activities


22.          There are eight critical business processes on which supply chain managers must focus. Which of the following is one of those processes?

a.            Returns management

b.            Sales promotion activities

c.             Distribution intensity

d.            Public relations activities

e.            Environmental assessments







23.          Of the eight critical business processes on which supply chain managers must focus, which process allows companies to prioritize their marketing focus on different customer groups according to each group’s longterm value to the company or the supply chain?

a.            Customer relationship management

b.            Returns management

c.             Product development and commercialization

d.            Order fulfillment

e.            Demand management


24.          Of the eight critical business processes on which supply chain managers must focus, the                process presents a multi-company, unified response system to the customer whenever complaints, concerns, questions, or comments are voiced.

a. manufacturing flow management b. customer service management

c.             product development and commercialization

d.            order fulfillment

e.            demand management


25.          By working closely with its suppliers and listening to its customers, Target has improved the service encounter to a level that was not thought possible in mass retailing. This is an example of which of the eight critical processes performed by supply managers?

a. Manufacturing flow management b. Customer service management

c.             Product development and commercialization

d.            Order fulfillment

e.            Demand management


26.          Which business process is based on the activities involved in customer data collection, forecasting of future demand, synchronization of supply and demand by comparing production capacity to forecasts, and the development of activities to “smooth out” demand?

a.            Manufacturing flow management

b.            Customer service management

c.             Product development and commercialization

d.            Order fulfillment

e.            Demand management


27.          The activities that enable the demand management process to work include:

a.            customer data collection.

b.            forecasting of future demand.

c.             sales and operations planning.

d.            the development of activities that tend to “smooth out” demand. e. All of the above.


28.          All of the following are activities related to the manufacturing flow process EXCEPT:

a. improve manufacturing output in terms of quality, delivery speed, and flexibility b. updating account status following shipment

c.             leveraging the capabilities held by multiple members of the supply chain

d.            creating flexible agreements with suppliers and shippers

e.            producing of goods and service

29.          The amount of time between order placement, receipt of the customer’s payment, and order shipment is known as the:

a.            3PL cycle

b.            product life cycle

c.             purchase cycle

d.            order-to-cash cycle

e.            float


30.          A firm that provides functional logistics services to others is called a(n): a. third-party logistics firm (3PL)

b.            intermediate distributor

c.             industrial distributor

d.            merchant wholesaler

e.            ABC firm


31.          ProLog is a firm that specializes in warehousing and fulfilling orders for firms as diverse as those supplying parts for manufacturers of complicated missile defense systems to those manufacturing

pet-care products. Firms contract ProLog to manage part or all of their order fulfillment process. ProLog is an example of a:

a.            merchant wholesaler

b.            retailer

c.             distributor

d.            third-party logistics firm (3PL)

e.            manufacturing flow process manager


32.          Which business process ensures that firms in the supply chain have the resources they need? a. Manufacturing flow management

b.            Customer service management

c.             Product development and commercialization

d.            Order fulfillment

e.            Demand management


33.          Which business process supports manufacturing flow by identifying and maintaining relationships with highly valued suppliers?

a.            Supplier relationship management

b.            Customer service management

c.             Product development and commercialization

d.            Order fulfillment

e.            Demand management









34.          Specialty Blades designs precision cutting devices for varied applications. On one recent project, they worked closely with a medical device company, developing a combination scalpel and stapler that slices tissue very neatly close to the staples, which results in less traumatic procedures and quicker patient recoveries. This is an example of which of the eight critical processes performed by supply chain managers?

a.            Supplier relationship management

b.            Customer service management

c.             Product development and commercialization


d.            Order fulfillment

e.            Demand management


35.          Mattel, the world’s biggest toymaker, ordered 18 million toys made in China to be recalled because of hazards such as the use of lead paint. Mattel’s   process allowed it to handle the product recall efficiently.

a.            order fulfillment

b.            returns management

c.             product commercialization

d.            demand management

e.            product fulfillment


36.          Companies operating under a demand-supply integration philosophy are better at their business because all of the different divisions within the company     .

a.            work to minimize complexity

b.            have their own management systems

c.             compete with each other to earn revenue d. play from the same sheet of music

e. operate under a strict hierarchy


37.          New product idea generation and testing are related to which of the following processes?

a.            Demand management

b.            Order fulfillment

c.             Customer service management

d.            Product development and commercialization

e.            Customer relationship management


38.          Returns average as much as        percent of sales volume in certain cases.

a.            2

b.            6

c.             10

d.            25 e. 40


39.          The goal of most supply management activities is to:

a.            reduce the cost of raw materials and supplies.

b.            provide satisfying customer service

c.             make sure the right amount of product is kept on hand

d.            identify, sort, and label goods

e.            move products from supplier to producer and from producer to buyer


40.          All of the following are part of a sequence of “source, make, and deliver,” EXCEPT: a. trade promotions

b.            production

c.             inventory control

d.            warehousing and materials handling

e.            order processing


41.          Which of the following provides the technological link connecting all of the logistics components of the supply chain?

a.            Logistics information system

b.            Materials requirement plan

c.             EDI

d.            RFID chips

e.            Distribution resources strategy


42.          Onequarter of Ace’s 60,000 SKUs are vendor managed through software called the “Collaboration” program. This software allows certain vendors to go online to get information to build their forecasts. The result of this application is fewer shipments, fuller pallets, increased pallets per truck, and a reduction in freight. Collaboration is part of Ace’s:

a.            logistics information system

b.            materials requirement plan

c.             EDI

d.            RFID chips

e.            distribution resources strategy


43.          The supply chain team does all of the following EXCEPT:

a.            communicating, coordinating, and cooperating extensively.

b.            embracing all parties who participate in moving the product to market.

c.             typically cutting across organizational boundaries. d. providing financing for distributors.

e. orchestrating the movement of goods, services, and information from the source to the consumer.


44.          Which of the following is a member of a supply chain team that moves just-picked cotton to finished clothing and then to the consumer of that clothing?

a.            The warehouse in which the cotton was temporarily stored

b.            The ad agency that develops the promotion for the clothing

c.             The farmer who picks the cotton

d.            The trucking company that hauls the cotton to the clothing manufacturer e. All of the choices


45.          In which component of the supply chain will you find electronic data interchange a common feature?

a.            Production scheduling

b.            Transportation c. Order processing

d. Materials handling

e. All of these


46.                         is information technology that replaces the paper documents that usually accompany business transactions.

a.            Business prioritizing

b.            Electronic data interchange

c.             Just-in-time inventory

d.            Real-time inventory

e.            Direct sourcing



47.                         is a method of developing and maintaining an adequate assortment of materials or products to meet a manufacturer’s or a customer’s demand.

a. The materials-handling system b. An inventory control system

c.             Direct sourcing

d.            Contract logistics

e.            Warehousing


48.          Which of the following is the inventory control system that manages the replenishment of raw materials, supplies, and components from the supplier to the manufacturer?

a.            Electronic data interchange (EDI)

b.            Distribution resource planning (DRP)

c.             Third-party logistics firm (3PL)

d.            Materials requirement planning (MRP)

e.            Activity-based costing (ABC)


49.          The goal of inventory management is to:

a.            minimize inventory levels while maintaining an adequate supply of goods to meet customer demands.

b.            maximize inventory levels to prevent any possibility of stockouts.

c.             determine order timing and order quantity.

d.            estimate proper usage rates.

e.            integrate JIT to reduce risks of obsolescence, theft, and damage.


50.          In which logistical component of the supply chain will you find distribution resource planning (DRP) a common feature?

a.            Production scheduling

b.            Transportation

c.             Order processing

d.            Materials handling e. Inventory control


51.          ZuTech makes sensitive monitors for measuring exposure to hazardous materials. ZuTech has suffered substantial losses when moving products from the assembly line to the warehouse and shipping docks. ZuTech should consider reducing the number of times an item is moved in the warehouse by installing a(n):

a. inventory control system. b. materials-handling system.

c.             safety procedure to manage SKUs.

d.            order-processing system.

e.            outsourcing system.

52.          All of the following are types of inputs used in both materials requirement planning and distribution resource planning EXCEPT:

a.            the source of funding.

b.            lead times.

c.             the mode of transportation to be used.

d.            outstanding orders.


e.            sales forecasts.


53.                         provides time utility to buyers and sellers and aids manufacturers in managing supply and demand.

a.            Containerization

b.            Distribution c. Storage

d. Direct sourcing

e. Channelization


54.          Which of the following moves inventory into, within, and out of a warehouse?

a.            An inventory control system

b.            A multichannel system

c.             An ERP control system

d.            A freight forwarder

e.            A materials-handling system


55.          The goal of any effective materials-handling system is to:

a.            reduce the time of the order-processing system

b.            optimize the inventory control system

c.             increase safety procedures

d.            move items quickly with minimal handling

e.            reduce the length of time a product is in the transportation subsystem


56.          All of the following are criteria used to choose a mode of transportation EXCEPT: a. diversity

b.            cost

c.             transit time

d.            reliability

e.            traceability


57.          The mode of transportation that provides the most accessibility is:

a.            pipelines

b.            air freight c. truck freight

d. water transport

e. railroad






58.          The relative ease with which a shipment can be located and transferred is:

a. dependability b. traceability

c.             capability

d.            transit time


e.            observability


59.          The growers of Vidalia onions have determined that their chief priority for choosing a transportation mode within the United States is transit time. However, this must be tempered by practical cost considerations. In light of these considerations, Vidalia onion growers should use

                to ship their onions.

a.            railroads

b.            motor carriers (trucks)

c.             airplanes

d.            water transportation

e.            pipelines


60.          One major advantage of pipelines over other modes of transportation is:

a.            availability

b.            points served

c.             flexibility

d.            speed

e.            reliability


61.          Which of the following describes a disadvantage associated with water transportation?

a.            Cannot be used for international trade

b.            High cost

c.             Capability

d.            Lack of speed

e.            Product weight restrictions


62.          Which of the following transportation modes can most easily determine the location of a package en route between shipper and receiver?

a.            Air

b.            Truck

c.             Rail

d.            Pipe

e.            Water


63.                         is an extra allotment of inventory that companies sometimes choose to hold in the event that demand spikes, or if forecasts regarding the amount of demand are too low.

a.            Cycle stock

b.            In-transit inventory

c.             Seasonal Inventory d. Safety stock

e. None of these



64.          The Canadian lobster harvest requires special handling coupled with rapid transportation to ensure the cargo reaches destinations alive. The favored transportation mode would be:

a.            air

b.            water

c.             truck


d.            pipeline

e.            rail


65.          Pepisco and Waste Management have developed a plan to improve the reverse supply chain for individual beverage bottles not most commonly thrown in trash cans and not recycled. Together Pepsico and Waste Management have plans to deploy thousands of “Dream Machines” in both permanent and temporary locations that will take in recycled bottles and provide rewards to consumers who participate. These companies are practicing:

a.            sustainable supply chain management

b.            contract logistics

c.             intermediary distribution

d.            eco-marketing

e.            environmental mediation


66.          All of the following are examples of sustainable supply chain management EXCEPT:

a. revising routes taken by delivery drivers to minimize fuel consumption b. buying goods from a supplier located in a developing country in Africa

c.             limiting excess packaging materials from shipments

d.            shipping raw materials to point of use rather than point of manufacture

e.            instructing drivers to limit the amount of time trucks sit idling


67.          A manufacturer’s or supplier’s use of an independent third party to manage an entire function of the logistics system, such as transportation, warehousing, or order processing, is called:

a.            outsourcing.

b.            mediation.

c.             intermediary distribution.

d.            benchmarking.

e.            disintermediaton.


68.          Papa John’s pizza chain uses UPS trucks to carry supplies to its franchises. Papa John’s does not own the trucks but has contracted with UPS to have all of the trucks it uses in its deliveries to Papa John’s establishments painted with the Papa John’s logo and company colors. Papa John’s is using:

a.            a horizontal distribution channel.

b.            a selective distribution channel. c. outsourcing.

d. multisourcing.

e. a portable inventory control system.






69.          Volvo, working with FedEx, set up a warehouse in Memphis with a complete stock of truck parts. A dealer needing a part for an emergency phones a toll-free number, and the part is delivered by FedEx within 24 hours. This is an example of how manufacturers are using:

a.            outsourcing.

b.            cross-docking.


c.             disintermediation.

d.            piggybacking.

e.            an integrated demand channel.


70.          A manufacturer of automobile component parts that has turned over all transportation functions to an independent third party in its supply chain has engaged in:

a. creating a dependent materials-handling system. b. outsourcing.

c.             removing entry barriers.

d.            task deployment.

e.            channel rotation.


71.          When Rick purchased tickets to a concert on the Internet, it was an example of:

a.            single-sourcing distribution.

b.            one-way channelization. c. electronic distribution.

d. mass customization.

e. aggregated marketing.


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