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Homework answers / question archive / North Lake College PSYC 2301 Package Title: Test bank Course Title: Real World Psychology Chapter Number: Chapter 13 Question Type: Multiple Choice 1)Which of the following is an action -oriented approach to therapy that does not rely heavily on talk? psychoanalytical cognitive   behavioral humanistic               Therapies defined as “talk therapies” include                                   

North Lake College PSYC 2301 Package Title: Test bank Course Title: Real World Psychology Chapter Number: Chapter 13 Question Type: Multiple Choice 1)Which of the following is an action -oriented approach to therapy that does not rely heavily on talk? psychoanalytical cognitive   behavioral humanistic               Therapies defined as “talk therapies” include                                   


North Lake College

PSYC 2301

Package Title: Test bank

Course Title: Real World Psychology

Chapter Number: Chapter 13

Question Type: Multiple Choice

1)Which of the following is an action -oriented approach to therapy that does not rely heavily on talk?

    1. psychoanalytical
    2. cognitive


    1. behavioral
    2. humanistic








  1. Therapies defined as “talk therapies” include                                    .
    1. psychodynamic and cognitive
    2. humanistic and behavioral
    3. psychoanalysis and ECT
    4. humanistic and operant conditioning








  1. Psychotherapy is defined in your text as the various methods of therapy that                     .
    1. attempt to describe, explain, and treat various mental disorders
    2. aim to improve psychological functioning and promote adjustment to life


    1. were only used by Freud
    2. seek to improve biological functioning and promote adjustment to life








  1. Using therapeutic techniques to improve psychological functioning and promote adjustment to life is known as .
    1. eclectic therapy
    2. psychoanalysis/psychodynamic therapy
    3. psychotherapy
    4. counseling








  1. The system of psychotherapy developed by Freud that seeks to bring unconscious conflicts into conscious awareness is known as                                                 .
    1. transference
    2. cognitive restructuring
    3. psychoanalysis
    4. the “empty chair” technique









  1. According to your text, why does psychoanalysis work?
    1. Once a person understands her or his maladaptive thoughts, new thoughts can be learned.
    2. Once unconscious material gets to the conscious mind, new behavior can be learned.
    3. Once a person gains insight, conflicts can be resolved.
    4. Once a person feels unconditional positive regard, she or he can learn to love her or himself.









  1. Having a patient recline on the couch with only the ceiling to look at is believed to encourage


    1. catharsis
    2. countertransference
    3. transference
    4. free association








  1. According to Freud, which part of the mind has strong defense mechanisms that block unconscious thought from becoming conscious?
    1. ego
    2. superego
    3. id
    4. conscience











  1. In psychoanalysis, free association refers to                    .
    1. unproductive sessions when the client is not effectively working through problems
    2. a thought process that has no underlying cause or motivation
    3. reporting whatever comes to mind without monitoring its contents
    4. purposefully bizarre and disconnected associations









  1. In therapy, Alda started speaking about her upcoming birthday, which reminded her of a childhood birthday. In discussing her fifth birthday, she remembered feelings of rage and disappointment and recalled a dream she’d had last night in which she was behind the wheel of a

steamroller. This process would best be described as                    .

  1. dream analysis
  2. psychotic processing
  3. free association
  4. transference












  1. In dream analysis, a psychoanalyst will look for the                           meaning that underlies the


  1. conscious; unconscious
  2. latent; manifest
  3. dramatic; mundane
  4. manifest; latent









  1. Hardy reported a dream in which he was riding as a passenger in the back seat of a driverless car, which he experienced as extremely frightening. His psychoanalyst suggested that Hardy might be feeling that neither he nor anyone else is taking charge of his life. This process would best be described as                                , in which the therapist’s interpretation was meant to uncover                                                                                              .
  1. transference; Hardy’s problems with authority
  2. countertransference; the manifest meaning in Hardy’s real life
  3. dream analysis; unacceptable, unconscious feelings in Hardy’s psyche
  4. free association; the latent content of Hardy’s dream












  1.                             is a stage in psychoanalysis in which a patient is unwilling or unable to discuss or reveal certain memories, thoughts, motives, or experiences.
  1. Blocked association
  2. Failed transference
  3. Resistance
  4. Counterresistance









  1. Jack paused for several minutes right after he started discussing his most recent interaction with his wife. Jack’s analyst interpreted this as a sign that Jack’s ego was trying to prevent him from revealing an unconscious conflict and asked Jack to discuss this recent interaction. The analyst was attempting to overcome Jack’s                                                                        .
  1. resistance
  2. transference
  3. therapeutic obstacle
  4. impasse













  1. According to a psychodynamic therapist, the displacement of unresolved emotions and attitudes from past relationships onto the therapist is called                                       .
  1. transference
  2. countertransference
  3. projection
  4. displacement









  1. Blanche yells at her psychoanalyst, “You have never listened to me or understood anything I have said. You don't care at all what happens to me. I hate you!” Assuming this is not really true, it is most likely that Blanche is experiencing in this stage of her therapy.
  1. unconscious impulsiveness
  2. free association
  3. transference
  4. projection












  1. Interpretation in psychoanalysis         .


  1. is the analyst’s explanations of a patient's free associations, dreams, resistance, and transference
  2. is the analyst’s judgment of the patient's failure to find a cathartic breakthrough
  3. can occur at any time that the patient thinks it will be effective or useful
  4. is the patient's presentation of the analyst's problems in a new light or manner









  1. An analyst says to her patient, “When you raise your voice with me, it seems as if you are doing what you did to be heard by your father, and what you may be doing with your boss that is keeping you from being promoted.” It is most likely that this analyst is engaged in the psychoanalytic technique called  .
  1. projection
  2. interpretation
  3. countertransference
  4. self-disclosure












  1. Which of the following statements about the applicability of psychoanalysis is true ?
  1. It is a brief therapy that is inexpensive for the average patient.
  2. It only works with severe mental disorders.


  1. Psychoanalysis assumes that repressed memories and unconscious conflicts actually exist.
  2. There is an abundance of scientific credibility.









  1. According to your text, a seemingly valid criticism of psychoanalysis is that it                             .
  1. cannot be scientifically validated
  2. is too expensive and time consuming
  3. does not really work
  4. only works with young, attractive, verbal, intelligent, and successful (YAVIS) clients









  1. This form of modern psychotherapy emphasizes conscious processes and current problems.
  1. humanistic therapy
  2. psychodynamic therapy
  3. eclectic therapy
  4. hypnosis therapy










  1. Which of the following is true about modern psychodynamic theory?
  1. It takes much longer to be effective.
  2. The patient is treated face to face.
  3. It focuses more on the unconscious and less on early childhood.
  4. The patient is treated while lying down on a couch.








  1. A variation of a psychodynamic therapy identified in your text is                                   .
  1. cognitive therapy
  2. interpersonal therapy
  3. insight-oriented therapy
  4. humanistic therapy








  1. Interpersonal theory focuses primarily on a client’s                                               .
  1. past failed relationships with others
  2. current relationships
  3. internal feelings
  4. early childhood









  1.                therapy helps clients to maximize their capacity for self-actualization, and focuses on obstacles that block personal growth and potential.
  1. Cognitive-emotive
  2. Emotive
  3. Humanistic
  4. Actualization









  1. According to the humanistic approach to therapy, the basic cause of psychological problems is          .
  1. frustration and conflict
  2. faulty thinking
  3. blocked personal growth
  4. misperception of reality
















  1. In Rogerian therapy, the role of the therapist is to                   .
  1. provide a quiet, private, structured atmosphere for the exploration of symptoms
  2. agree with the client to allow improve the client’s self-concept and experiences
  3. provide an accepting environment and encourage healthy emotional experiences
  4. unconditionally love his or her patients







  1. Rogerian therapists create a therapeutic relationship by focusing on the following important qualities of communication:
  1. empathy, conditional positive regard, genuineness, and active listening.
  2. empathy, conditional positive regard, genuineness, and passive listening.
  3. empathy, unconditional positive regard, analysis, and active listening.
  4. empathy, unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and active listening.








  1. The therapist who attends to body language and listens for cues to help her or him understand the emotional experiences of clients is using                                      .
  1. sympathy
  2. emotional bonding
  3. empathy
  4. unconditional positive regard







  1. The non-judgmental attitude and caring that a therapist expresses toward a client is called


  1. unconditional positive regard
  2. unconditional caring
  3. genuine acceptance
  4. genuine positive regard








  1. In Rogerian therapy, the awareness of one’s true inner thoughts and feelings and the ability to share them authentically with others is called                                             .
  1. unconditional regard
  2. intimate interaction


  1. active sharing
  2. genuineness








  1.                                  is listening with total attention by reflecting, paraphrasing, and clarifying.
  1. Speaker-centered listening
  2. Speaker-focused listening
  3. Unconditional positive listening
  4. Active listening









  1. A client just reports to his therapist that he has cheated on his wife. The therapist refrains from making any character judgments about his patient. This represents                                                   .
  1. active listening
  2. unconditional positive regard
  3. genuineness
  4. empathy










  1. Melissa states to her therapist that she feels a great fear and hate towards her ex-husband. Her therapist then states, “So you dislike your husband and are afraid of him.” This is an example of             .
  1. active listening
  2. unconditional positive regard
  3. genuineness
  4. empathy









  1. A client tells her therapist that she has a great fear of flying. Her therapist responds, “Me too. I don't like flying in planes, especially when there is a lot of turbulence.” This is an example of


  1. active listening
  2. unconditional positive regard
  3. genuineness
  4. empathy










  1. Research on humanistic therapy has found                   .
  1. no evidence supporting the effectiveness of humanistic therapy
  2. mixed results for the effectiveness of specific humanistic techniques
  3. that self-actualization and self-awareness are quite easy to test scientifically
  4. clear results for the effectiveness of empathy and active listening









  1. Which of the following forms of therapy focuses on faulty thought processes and beliefs to treat problem behaviors?
  1. self-talk therapy
  2. belief-behavior therapy
  3. cognitive therapy
  4. thought analysis









  1. Cognitive therapists assume that problem behaviors and emotions are caused by                      .
  1. faulty thought processes and beliefs
  2. negative self-image
  3. incongruent belief systems
  4. lack of self-discipline









  1. Cognitive therapy suggests that negative                   , the unrealistic things people think about themselves, is (are) most important.
  1. self-talk
  2. self-analysis
  3. delusional beliefs
  4. incongruent thoughts








  1. The process by which the therapist and client work to change destructive ways of thinking or inappropriate interpretations is called                                               .
  1. problem solving
  2. self-talk
  3. cognitive restructuring
  4. rational recovery












  1. When Rudyard missed the bus to school, he immediately thought to himself, “The teacher will never let me in late to the final exam. I’m doomed.” Rudyard’s thoughts are an example of

             , which cognitive therapists attempt to change using                    .

  1. self-analysis; problem solving
  2. irrationality; rationalization
  3. unreality; reality therapy
  4. self-talk; cognitive restructuring











  1. Whereas psychoanalysis focuses on                                           , cognitive psychology focuses on


  1. insight; negative self-talk
  2. relationships; insight
  3. negative self-talk; the unconscious
  4. negative self-talk; relationships









  1. According to your text, negative self-talk can have which of the following outcomes?
  1. increased depression
  2. inappropriate actions
  3. manic episodes
  4. hallucinations











  1. Ellis’s approach to cognitive therapy attempts to eliminate self-defeating beliefs through logic, confrontation, and examination. He named his approach RET, or                                      therapy.
  1. rational-emotive
  2. rational event-related
  3. recognition-exchange
  4. recovering effectiveness









  1. In Ellis’s RET, the letters ABCD represent                        .
  1. Actualization of self, mental and physical Behaviors, Coping reactions, Design improvement
  2. Authenticity, Becoming, Choice, Dependability
  3. Activating event, irrational Beliefs, emotional Consequences, Disputing irrational beliefs
  4. Analyzing, Believing, Creating, Designing








  1. “I just need to put in a little more time studying, and I am sure I will pass the test next time.” This statement is characteristic of what stage in Ellis’s RET model?
  1. activating event
  2. irrational belief
  3. emotional consequence
  4. disputing irrational belief











  1. Samara’s fiancée just broke up with her. This statement is characteristic of which stage in Ellis’s RET model?
  1. activating event
  2. irrational belief
  3. emotional consequence
  4. disputing irrational belief











  1. Ellis’s therapy emphasizes                            irrational beliefs, which cause changes in maladaptive emotions.
  1. identifying
  2. uncovering
  3. disputing
  4. revealing






  1. Keith turned down Destiny’s offer to eat lunch together. Destiny thought to herself, “Nobody ever likes me,” and immediately felt depressed and lonely. Ellis’s RET approach to therapy would directly address which of the following?


  1. Destiny’s misunderstanding of dating gender roles
  2. Destiny's depression and loneliness
  3. Destiny's irrationally pessimistic and global thinking
  4. Destiny's rationally pessimistic and global thinking











  1.                is the name of Ellis’s theory of cognitive therapy.
  1. Rational Event-related Action Learning (REAL)
  2. Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
  3. Directed-Emotional-Behavioral Therapy (DEBT)
  4. Behavior-Management Therapy (BMT)








  1. Beck practices                 , which attempts to change not only destructive thoughts and beliefs, but the associated behaviors as well.
  1. psycho-behavior therapy
  2. cognitive-behavior therapy
  3. thinking-acting therapy
  4. belief-behavior therapy











  1. According to your text, Beck believes that                      are among the most important thinking patterns that lead to depression.
  1. selective perception, overgeneralization, magnification, and all-or-nothing thinking
  2. obsessions, compulsions, and irrational thinking
  3. irrational beliefs, worrying, and emotional thinking
  4. black-and-white thinking, illogical beliefs, and destructive ideation








  1. Casey believes it is useless to keep writing because she has received so many manuscript rejections and only one screenplay acceptance. Beck would consider Casey’s depression to be due to her use of          .
  1. overgeneralization
  2. all-or-nothing thinking
  3. selective perception
  4. magnification












  1. Barney read the script wrong three times in a row during this morning’s show. He believes his career is over and is filled with self-hatred. Beck would say Barney is at risk for developing depression because he is engaging in                                                                      .
  1. selective perception
  2. overgeneralization
  3. magnification
  4. self-defeating behavior











  1. Ioana believes she has the ugliest face in the world because of a small mole on her nose. According to Beck, Ioana's frequent depression is related to the maladaptive thought pattern called .
  1. magnification
  2. exaggeration
  3. selective perception
  4. delusional thinking












  1. Brandon believes that everyone has to like him or he is not lovable. This is an example of one of Beck’s maladaptive thought patterns called                                                .
  1. selective perception
  2. overgeneralization
  3. magnification
  4. all-or-nothing thinking











  1. Discovering that negative attitudes are largely a product of faulty thought processes is an important part of                                     .
  1. Beck’s CBT
  2. Ellis’s rational-emotive behavior therapy
  3. Freud’s psychoanalysis
  4. Rogers’s humanistic therapy









  1. The first part of CBT, the “cognitive” part, consists of                                        .
  1. recognizing and keeping track of thoughts
  2. identifying and pursuing pleasurable activities
  3. changing maladaptive thought patterns
  4. identifying and pursuing sensation-seeking activities








  1. The second part of CBT, the “behavioral” part, consists of                                       .
  1. keeping thought records
  2. identifying and pursuing pleasurable activities
  3. changing maladaptive thought patterns
  4. identifying and pursuing sensation-seeking activities








  1. Research suggests that Beck’s and Ellis’s cognitive therapies work for                         .
  1. severe psychotic disorders
  2. depression, anxiety, bulimia, and addiction disorders
  3. depression and anxiety disorders only
  4. schizophrenia and the related disorders











  1. Critics suggest that Beck and Ellis ignore, deny, or minimize the importance of                            for patients’ behaviors.
  1. unconscious dynamics and prior experiences
  2. thoughts and beliefs
  3. rationality
  4. irrationality








  1.                therapy uses techniques based on learning principles to change maladaptive behavior.
  1. Behavior
  2. Action-oriented
  3. Learning-based
  4. Family









  1. The main focus in behavior therapy is to increase                      and decrease               .
  1. positive thoughts and feelings; negative thoughts and feelings
  2. adaptive behaviors; maladaptive behaviors
  3. coping resources; coping deficits
  4. rational behaviors; emotional behaviors









  1. Which of the following techniques would a behavioral therapist use to treat a client?
  1. observational learning
  2. free association
  3. restructuring
  4. transference









  1. Lily covers her husband’s alcohol-related absences by lying to his boss. A behavior therapist is most likely to say that Lily’s problem is                                                   .
  1. her own codependence
  2. best treated by attending Al-Anon meetings
  3. her husband's alcohol-related behavior
  4. lying to her husband's boss













  1. Behavior therapists use classical conditioning techniques to decrease maladaptive behaviors by      .
  1. rewarding adaptive behaviors
  2. punishing maladaptive behaviors
  3. creating new associations to replace faulty ones
  4. analyzing thought patterns











  1.                             is a gradual process of extinguishing a learned fear response by associating a hierarchy of fear-evoking stimuli with deep relaxation.
  1. Hierarchical training
  2. Systematic desensitization
  3. Aversion conditioning
  4. The relaxation response











  1. Which one of the following lists steps in systematic desensitization?
    1. learning to think rationally about phobias, starting with the most feared object
    2. arranging anxiety-arousing stimuli into a hierarchy from most to least arousing
    3. practicing relaxation to anxiety-arousing stimuli, starting at the top of the hierarchy
    4. practicing relaxation to anxiety-arousing stimuli, starting at the bottom of the hierarchy









  1. Andre is maintaining a deep state of relaxation as he visualizes looking at a picture of a snake, then viewing a snake through a window, then watching a snake from across the room, then observing a snake at arm's length. In this example, Andre is using                                                                             to decrease his snake phobia.
  1. cognitive-relaxation therapy
  2. the relaxation response
  3. systematic desensitization
  4. virtual-relaxation therapy












  1. Max is , a snake-phobic client using systematic desensitization. What would a behavior therapist tell Max to do when he begins experiencing anxiety while visualizing a snake through the window?
    1. Continue the desensitization process by increasing his coping thoughts.
    2. Continue the desensitization process by decreasing his distress-maintaining thoughts.
    3. Repeat his relaxation technique until his anxiety diminishes.
    4. Stop the visualization for the rest of this session.












  1.                creates anxiety by pairing an unpleasant stimulus with a maladaptive behavior in order to decrease the behavior.
  1. Anxiety conditioning
  2. Aversion therapy
  3. Systematic sensitization
  4. Conversion therapy









  1. In aversion therapy,                 compete(s) with the pleasurable associations someone experiences when he or she engages in a maladaptive behavior, like drinking or smoking.
  1. positive punishment
  2. negative associations
  3. parasympathetic arousal
  4. negative punishment









  1. Antabuse is a substance that helps people decrease alcohol consumption because the nausea it induces when alcohol is ingested becomes associated with the alcohol. This is an example of


  1. aversion therapy
  2. the placebo effect
  3. systematic desensitization
  4. rational-emotive therapy











  1. The creation of anxiety to decrease maladaptive behavior occurs in                       therapy; the induction of relaxation to increase an adaptive behavior occurs in                                           .
  1. behavior; humanistic therapy
  2. random sensitization; gestalt therapy
  3. aversion; systematic desensitization
  4. rational-emotive; cognitive restructuring











  1. The use of computer technology to provide exposure to feared objects during systematic desensitization is called               .
  1. simulation modeling
  2. virtual reality therapy
  3. simulation therapy
  4. visualized reality therapy









  1. In behavior therapy,                 techniques use shaping and reinforcement to increase adaptive behaviors.
  1. classical conditioning
  2. modeling
  3. operant conditioning
  4. social learning













  1. One of the most successful applications of shaping has been with                                      .
  1. developing language skills in autistic children
  2. helping women overcome domestic violence
  3. helping men overcome anger management issues
  4. developing language skills in children with ADHD











  1. In shaping, the behavior to be acquired is called the                     , and people are rewarded for

              that behavior.

  1. desired behavior; performing
  2. target behavior; successive approximations of
  3. goal; working toward
  4. outcome behavior; close approximations of








  1. Dr. Novak is working with Hal, who is very shy. As Hal practices meeting and conversing with imaginary people during his therapy session, Dr. Novak provides feedback and rewards him for each behavior that would meet with approval in a real social setting. What’s happening here?
  1. Dr. Novak and Hal are role-playing.
  2. Dr. Novak and Hal are engaging in cognitive rehearsal.
  3. Dr. Novak is shaping Hal's biological behavior.
  4. Dr. Novak is engaging in a form of play therapy with Hal.











  1. Tokens can be exchanged for                   that are used to shape desirable behaviors in people in inpatient treatment facilities.
  1. primary reinforcers
  2. secondary reinforcers
  3. monetary rewards
  4. intangible rewards








  1. When tokens are used to shape behavior, they can be                when the patient receives the reinforcement of being helped.
  1. discontinued
  2. intangible as well as tangible
  3. used only for simple behaviors
  4. given on a fixed interval schedule









  1. This type of therapy involves watching and imitating appropriate models that demonstrate desirable behaviors.
  1. shaping
  2. spectatoring
  3. modeling
  4. systematic desensitization









  1.                modeling combines live modeling with direct and gradual practice.
  1. Practice
  2. Participant
  3. Directed
  4. Graduated












  1. According to your text, behavior therapy has been effective in dealing with                       .
  1. delusions
  2. overconfidence
  3. alcoholism
  4. eating disorders








  1. Marcus is classically conditioned with Antabuse to avoid alcohol; however, once he leaves his therapy sessions, he is back to the bar drinking. This example highlights which criticism of behavior theory?
  1. Patients are not consistently reinforced in the “real world.”
  2. The therapy addresses the behavior, but not the underlying causes of the behavior.
  3. The theory lacks scientific reliability.
  4. The therapy does not have long-term efficacy.












  1. Biomedical therapies are provided by                   .
  1. licensed practitioners in all therapeutic professions
  2. psychologists and other medical professionals
  3. psychiatrists and other medical professionals
  4. psychiatrists only







  1. The use of physiological interventions such as drugs, ECT, or psychosurgery to reduce the symptoms of a psychological disorder is called                                                     .
  1. biopsychosocial therapy
  2. biomedical therapy
  3. psychiatric treatment
  4. biopsychological therapy







  1. The study of the effect drugs have on behavior and mental processes is called                         .


  1. psychiatry
  2. neuropsychology
  3. neurology
  4. psychopharmacology









  1. Which of the following might be used to treat panic disorder?
  1. antianxiety drugs
  2. antidepressants
  3. stimulants
  4. mood stabilizers







  1. Mood-stabilizers are most often used to treat                   disorders.
  1. bipolar
  2. dissociative
  3. anxiety
  4. psychotic









  1. Which of the following is a type of drug used to treat depression?
  1. anti-psychotics
  2. NSAIDs
  3. SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)
  4. lithium








  1. Which of the following is correctly matched?
  1. antidepressant drug: Lithium
  2. antianxiety drug: Valium
  3. antipsychotic drug: insulin
  4. mood-stabilizer drug: Prozac








  1. Drugs that create feelings of calmness and tranquility and lower sympathetic activity in the brain are called        .
  1. antianxiety drugs
  2. neuroleptics
  3. major tranquilizers
  4. mood stabilizers  








  1. Medications that are used to diminish or terminate hallucinations or delusions are called


  1. antipsychotic drugs
  2. major tranquilizers
  3. SSRIs
  4. anxiolytics








  1. Neuroleptics is another name for                  .
  1. antianxiety drugs
  2. antipsychotic drugs
  3. antidepressants
  4. mood-stabilizers








  1. The effectiveness of antipsychotic drugs is thought to result primarily by decreasing activity at the        receptors in the brain.
  1. serotonin
  2. dopamine


  1. acetylcholine
  2. epinephrine
















  1. The most commonly prescribed class of antidepressant drugs are                                        .
  1. tricyclics
  2. MAOI inhibitors
  3. SSRIs
  4. atypical antidepressants








  1. Which of the following is an antidepressant drug?
  1. Ativan
  2. Seroquel
  3. Thorazine


  1. Prozac








  1. Which of the following is an antipsychotic drug?
  1. Effexor
  2. Lithium carbonate
  3. Thorazine
  4. Xanax








  1. A biomedical treatment that is based on passing an electrical current through the brain is called     .
  1. EMT
  2. ECT
  3. EKG
  4. EFG








  1. In electroconvulsive therapy,                 .
  1. current is never applied to the left hemisphere
  2. convulsions activate the ANS, stimulate hormone and neurotransmitter release, and change the blood-brain barrier
  3. electrical current passes through the brain for up to one minute
  4. most patients today receive hundreds of treatments because it is safer than in the past








  1. ECT is used primarily to treat                     .
  1. phobias
  2. conduct disorders
  3. depression
  4. schizophrenia








  1. What types of drugs are administered to a person who is undergoing ECT?
  1. muscle relaxants and anesthetics
  2. anesthetics and antidepressant drugs
  3. antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs
  4. stimulants and anesthetics








  1. An operative procedure on the brain that is designed to relieve severe mental symptoms that have not responded to other forms of treatment is called                                     .
  1. a cortical operation
  2. brain surgery
  3. psychosurgery
  4. transcranial operative stimulation








  1.                          is an outdated brain operation in which nerve pathways between the frontal lobe and the thalamus and hypothalamus are cut in hopes of treating psychological disorders.
  1. Neurotomy
  2. Psychotomy
  3. Lobotomy
  4. Thalamectomy








  1. In a lobotomy, a neurosurgeon would sever the pathways between the frontal lobe and the


  1. parietal lobe
  2. cerebellum
  3. thalamus and hypothalamus
  4. limbic system












  1. A deep brain stimulation involves drilling two tiny holes into the                                   .
  1. skull
  2. medulla
  3. neck
  4. frontal lobes








  1. A surgical procedure in which two tiny holes are drilled into the skull and electrodes are implanted in the brain is called                                             .
  1. lobotomy
  2. hypothalectomy
  3. thalamusectomy
  4. deep brain stimulation







  1. Which of the following is a problem with drug therapy?
  1. If medication is continued it should prevent relapse.
  2. Drug therapy seldom provides a cure.
  3. Slow results and high costs have led to infrequent use.
  4. Patients never become physically dependent on the drugs.







  1. The dramatic reduction in numbers of psychiatric hospitalized patients is primarily attributable to           .
  1. biomedical therapy
  2. psychoanalysis
  3. psychosurgery
  4. drug therapy







  1.               may make ECT obsolete for treatment of depression.
  1. fMRI
  2. SIT
  3. rTMS
  4. ACT










  1. This is the use of a magnetic coil to create a magnetic field and deliver controlled electrical currents to precise areas of the brain.
  1. rTMS or repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
  2. MRI or magnetic resonance imaging
  3. PMS or periodic magnetic stimulation
  4. cECT or controlled electroconvulsive therapy







  1. During a rTMS, coils are typically placed over the                                          and electric current is delivered.
  1. amygdala
  2. prefrontal cortex
  3. hypothalamus
  4. medualla







  1. Which of the following is true regarding psychosurgery?
  1. It requires general anesthesia.
  2. It is risky, can be fatal, and is irreversible.
  3. It is ineffective, outdated, unethical, and illegal to perform.


  1. It is preferred over ECT or EST.















  1. Disturbed thoughts, disturbed emotions, disturbed behaviors, disturbed interpersonal and life situations, and biomedical disturbances are characteristic of                              .
  1. every mental disorder but not every psychiatric disorder
  2. the types of problems addressed by psychotherapy
  3. all individuals who suffered abuse as children
  4. only patients suffering from schizophrenia






  1.                          is an approach to psychotherapy in which the therapist combines techniques from various theories to find the most appropriate treatment for the client.
  1. Multimodal
  2. Multidimensional


  1. Biopsychosocial
  2. Eclectic






  1. This is the best description of what an eclectic therapist might do.
  1. Avoid interpretation because it doesn’t work.
  2. Use electroshock therapy on clients with moderate depression.
  3. Use a variety of treatment approaches based on the needs of the client.
  4. Avoid medications because they interfere with a patient’s level of consciousness in therapy.









  1. One meta-analysis of research suggests that about                    % of people who receive psychotherapy are better off than people who do not.
  1. 15
  2. 45
  3. 75
  4. 95








  1.                                is a statistical technique that is used to combine the results of several studies.
  1. Meta-analysis
  2. Averaging
  3. Combining
  4. Factor analysis







  1. According to your text, short-term therapies are                                 longer-term therapies.
  1. more effective than
  2. less effective than
  3. just as effective as d)minimally effective.






  1. Phobias and marital problems seem to respond best to which type of treatment?


  1. ECT
  2. behavioral therapies
  3. psychodynamic therapies
  4. aversion therapy






  1. According to your text, obsessive-compulsive disorder ( OCD) best responds to which type of treatment?
  1. systematic desensitization
  2. cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication
  3. medication only
  4. aversion therapy






  1. In               , multiple people meet together to work toward therapeutic goals.
  1. encounter groups
  2. behavior therapy
  3. group therapy
  4. conjoint therapy







  1. This type of group does not have a professional leader, and members assist each other in coping with a specific problem.
  1. self-help
  2. encounter
  3. peer
  4. behavior






  1. Which of the following is an example of a self-help group?
  1. NA (Narcotics Anonymous)
  2. AA (Phobias Anonymous)
  3. SA (Antidepressants Anonymous)
  4. ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)






  1. According to your text, which of the following is a benefit of group therapy?
  1. It is less expensive and less reliable in how much it helps the patient.
  2. Members must follow strict rules and not show too much emotion.
  3. Members gain community when they meet and complain about the same problems.
  4. Members can share insights and coping strategies to help with their problems.










  1. Your text defines family therapy as a psychological treatment that                      .
  1. identifies and treats each member’s problems simultaneously
  2. attempts to change maladaptive interaction patterns among family members
  3. treats the identified patient in the family before other members
  4. teaches parents how to use behavior therapy to increase adaptive behaviors in their children








  1. In family therapy, the identified patient                  .
  1. is the member with the most problems
  2. is the member with the deepest disturbance
  3. has often been blamed for problems in the family’s interactions
  4. slows down progress if he or she is unwilling to work on his or her problem








  1. Many times, in family therapy, the person identified as the cause for family problems is often the victim of                                                  .
  1. physical abuse
  2. scapegoating
  3. mental abuse


  1. verbal abuse








  1. According to a(n)                   therapist, an adolescent who is abusing drugs may be doing so because of maladaptive behavior patterns among various family members.
  1. behavior
  2. interactive
  3. developmental
  4. family











  1. According to your textbook, family therapy has been useful for patients suffering from


  1. panic disorder
  2. schizophrenia
  3. anxiety
  4. PTSD








  1. Receiving advice and professional therapy in electronic formats is called                                    .
  1. cognitive-electronic therapy
  2. telehealth
  3. electronic device disorder
  4. e-therapy








  1. Which of the following feature of therapy is culturally universal?
  1. The patient becomes dependent on the therapist for a period of time. .
  2. Treatment can take place anytime or in any place.
  3. Therapists must be credible, caring, and approachable.
  4. The patient is considered to be a passive recipient of the therapist’s interventions.









  1. Differences between Japanese and Western therapies illustrate the different emphasis placed on              .
  1. interdependence versus independence
  2. yin versus yang


  1. insight versus behavior
  2. trust versus mistrust









  1. A Japanese therapy designed to help clients develop personal guilt for having been ungrateful and troublesome to others, and to develop gratitude toward those who have helped them is known as       .
  1. Kyoto therapy
  2. Okado therapy
  3. Naikan therapy
  4. Nissan therapy







  1. This is a major area of concern related to women’s psychological health in Western cultures.
  1. the low rate of diagnosis and treatment for mental disorders among women
  2. the stresses of poverty and multiple roles
  3. the stresses related to middle class life
  4. poorer treatment effectiveness or outcome








  1. A possible reason why more women than men are diagnosed for depression is that


  1. women are more unstable than men
  2. women are less willing to disclose their emotional problems
  3. diagnostic categories are biased toward women
  4. women tend to self-medicate more than men









  1. If a client-centered therapist was upset by a client's verbal abuse of a spouse, which of the following might the therapist do?
  1. Report the client to the police.
  2. Make an interpretation about how this behavior probably stems from the client's own abuse as a child.
  3. Keep his reaction to himself, displaying unconditional positive regard and acceptance of this behavior.
  4. Authentically share his feelings in a nonjudgmental manner with the client.



Page Reference: p. 372



APA Goal: 3 Critical Thinking Skills in Psychology



  1. Barney read the script wrong three times in a row during this morning's show. He believes his career is over, and he is filled with self-hatred. Beck would say Barney is at risk for


developing depression because he is engaging in                    .

  1. selective perception
  2. overgeneralization
  3. transference
  4. self-defeating behavior









  1. Abbas is maintaining a deep state of relaxation as he visualizes looking at a picture of a snake first, then viewing a snake through a window, then watching a snake from across the room, then observing a snake at arm's length. In this example, Abbas is using                                                                              to decrease his snake phobia.
  1. cognitive-relaxation therapy
  2. the relaxation response
  3. systematic desensitization
  4. virtual-relaxation therapy









  1. In aversion therapy for alcohol abuse, Antabuse is the                        whereas nausea is the


  1. UCR; UCS
  2. CR; UCS & CS
  3. CS; CR & CS
  4. UCS; UCR & CR








  1. Lewis and Farrah are seeing a marriage counselor. The counselor role-plays appropriate requests and responses for getting each of their needs met, and then asks the couple to practice doing this themselves in order to resolve a mild problem. Over the next several sessions, they practice resolving harder and harder problems, with appropriate modeling from the counselor, as needed. This is called       .
  1. problem-solving therapy
  2. participant modeling
  3. therapist-directed learning
  4. graduated practice








  1. One early meta-analytic review combined studies of almost                                    people and found that the average person who received treatment was better off than                                      percent of those who did not.

a) 10,000; 25

b) 15,000; 45

c) 25,000; 75

d) 25,000; 85




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