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Homework answers / question archive / Virginia Tech ECON 92237 Quiz 2 1)In his article in the JEL, Dani Rodrik argues that Jeffery Sachs is representative of one type of development economics

Virginia Tech ECON 92237 Quiz 2 1)In his article in the JEL, Dani Rodrik argues that Jeffery Sachs is representative of one type of development economics


Virginia Tech

ECON 92237

Quiz 2

1)In his article in the JEL, Dani Rodrik argues that Jeffery Sachs is representative of one type of development economics. What does Sachs say causes countries to stay poor? What does Sachs propose?

a.            Bad institutions; foreign aid

b.            Poverty trap; Washington Consensus c. Poverty trap; foreign aid

d. Bad institutions; Washington Consensus


2.            In his “Two Cheers” article, Leeson argues that more capitalism leads to better outcomes, but only until a certain point. After this point, more capitalism leads to worse outcomes.

a.            True b. False










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