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Homework answers / question archive / North Carolina Central University NUTRITION 2200 Ch

North Carolina Central University NUTRITION 2200 Ch

Health Science

North Carolina Central University


Ch. 7-Vitamins: Vital Keys to Health

1)Which of the following provides the best source of vitamin K?

a.            1 cup of strawberries

b.            3 oz of chicken liver

c.             3 cups of spinach

d.            one large egg


2.            Which type of tissue contains the most vitamin E?

a.            Pituitary

b.            Adipose

c.             Muscle

d.            Liver


3.            True or False: Vitamin K toxicity from food sources is common.


4.            Which form of vitamin A is the key player in the body?

a.            Retinal

b.            Retinol

c.             Retinoic acid

d.            All are equally as important


5.            True or False: Niacin is synonymous with nicotine.



6.            Which childhood disease can be prevented with enough vitamin D?

a.            Xerophthalmia

b.            Osteomalacia


c.             Rheumatic fever

d.            Rickets


7.            Newborns are susceptible to      deficiency if they are not given an injections at birth.

a.            Vitamin K

b.            Vitamin D

c.             Vitamin A

d.            Vitamin E


8.            Which of the following forms of vitamin K is from animal sources?

a.            Menaquinones

b.            Menadione

c.             Phylloquinone

d.            All of the above


9.                           is the disease of severe niacin deficiency.

a.            Folate

b.            Menadione

c.             Pellagra

d.            Biotin


10.                         if the most stable form of folate and is used for supplementation and fortification.

a.            Folite

b.            Folic acid

c.             Thiamin

d.            Folute


11.          Which water-soluble vitamin plays an important role in the formation of collagen?

a.            Vitamin C

b.            Thiamin

c.             Folate

d.            Biotin


12.          The most common symptoms of moderate vitamin C deficiency are

a.            Gum inflammation and mild depression

b.            Gum inflammation and fatigue

c.             Diarrhea and fatigue

d.            Diarrhea and small hemorrhages


13.          A form of anemia which inhibits vitamin B12 absorption is

a.            Pernicious anemia

b.            Anencephaly

c.             Microcytic hypochromic anemia

d.            Osteomalacia


14.          The active form of vitamin D is

a.            Calcium

b.            Calcitriol

c.             Vitamin A

d.            None of the above


15.          Symptoms of pellagra include

a.            Headaches, respiratory distress, bloating

b.            Blurred vision, nerve damage, paleness

c.             Depression, nausea, nosebleeds

d.            Dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia


16.          Which vitamin can be made from the amino acid tryptophan?

a.            Riboflavin

b.            Thiamin

c.             Niacin

d.            Pantothenic acid


17.          Wernicke-korsakoff syndrome is a thiamin deficiency disease most commonly brought on by

a.            Alcohol induced malnutrition

b.            Diabetes

c.             Pregnancy

d.            Late stages of osteoporosis


18.          True or False: In general, fat-soluble vitamins are more fragile than water-soluble vitamins, and usually much is lost in cooking.


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