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Homework answers / question archive / Discussion 2 Joe Morphis MGMT 501-B02 Leadership Accountability, Trust, and Selflessness   Resilient Leadership Resilient leaders are characterized by the ability to effectively communicate and convey competence (Dees, 2013)

Discussion 2 Joe Morphis MGMT 501-B02 Leadership Accountability, Trust, and Selflessness   Resilient Leadership Resilient leaders are characterized by the ability to effectively communicate and convey competence (Dees, 2013)


Discussion 2

Joe Morphis

MGMT 501-B02

Leadership Accountability, Trust, and Selflessness


Resilient Leadership

Resilient leaders are characterized by the ability to effectively communicate and convey competence (Dees, 2013). Quality leadership is vital to organizational, family, institutional, societal, and cultural success. Leaders that build constructive relationships with others demonstrate the qualities that are valuable to organizations (Dees, 2013). The three qualities that are evident in the material studied and emerge as concepts are leadership accountability, leadership trust, and leadership selflessness, which translates into humble leadership.

Accountability, Trust, and Selflessness

The concept of leadership accountability is an examination of a leader's ethics and motivation to achieve success (Jhamb & Carlson, 2020). Leaders often operate in autonomy within a results-oriented framework, resting an environment for the absence of true accountability (Melo et al., 2020). For a resilient, successful leader, accountability is derived from internal motivation to lead with integrity and inspire followers to react in kind (Dees, 2013). Recent research concludes that leadership accountability impacts organizational performance, holding leaders ethically accountable to stakeholders (Melo et al., 2020). Accountability has legal foundations as leaders are expected to display positive workplace behaviors to induce productivity in an ethical operation, avoiding legal dilemmas (Jhamb & Carlson, 2020). Accountability to an individual or group with actionable authority is traditionally found in modern organizations, particularly in context of recent human resource failures. Stakeholders value transparency in leadership and demand that leaders are accountable to organizational and societal success (Dees, 2013; Melo et al., 2020).

As leaders display competence and shared vision with followers, trust is accomplished (Koohang et al., 2017). Trust has a significant impact on employee engagement resulting in high work efficiency and productivity (Hasel & Grover, 2017). When employees trust that leaders have the collective interest of all stakeholders as their guiding principles, employee efficacy is increased, leading to discretionary effort that gives an internal competitive advantage (Koohang et al., 2017). The fundamental quality of trustworthiness is essential for leaders to successfully lead others and produce desired results (Dees, 2013). A trust relationship between employees and leaders produces organizational trust and inspires workplace commitment in addition to increased job satisfaction (Hasel & Grover, 2017).

A leader's ability to become self-aware and put the feelings and needs of others before their own self-interest is a valuable quality in resilient leadership (Dees, 2013). Modern research defines this quality as humility, or humble leadership (Vazquez, 2020). Leaders who have the perspective of leadership as serving the greater need of others and the organizational goals act in selflessness and humility (Dees, 2013; Nielsen & Marrone, 2018). A humble leader invokes follower motivation to support initiatives as a consequence of the followers perspective of leadership intent (Nielsen & Marrone, 2018). Humility, or selflessness, in leadership may enhance the leader's reward from work and instigate a dissemination of servant-leadership throughout an organization (Dees, 2013; Vazques, 2020).


Biblical Leadership

There are numerous examples of resilient leaders in scripture. King Cyrus was an example of a humble yet powerful leader in his day, displaying accountability to God, selflessness, and gaining the trust of followers (King James Bible,1769/1998, Ezra 1:1-11). The apostle Paul demonstrated selflessness and humility in his writings to the early church in 2 Cor 8:9. The greatest example of leadership in the bible comes through the life of Jesus. Jesus was a humble leader and continually credited God with all the glory for any positive outcome of his ministry (Mark 10:45). Jesus was accountable to God perfectly in his daily walk and inspired Paul to teach that each human was accountable to God as well (Rom 14:12). Jesus was the epitome of a trusted leader, always garnering enormous crowds to hear his teachings. In Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi, he described how God meets the needs of his followers through Jesus (Phil. 4:19)


Dees, R. F. (2013). Resilient Leaders--The Resilience Trilogy (pp. 37-77). Creative Team Publishing.

Hasel, M. C., & Grover, S. L. (2017). An integrative model of trust and leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal38(6), 849–867.

Jhamb, S., & Carlson, K. W. (2020). Managing Workplace Ethical Dilemmas, Perceptual Ethical Leadership, Accountability, and Management Outcomes: A Critical Review and Future Directions. (2020). Journal of Applied Business and Economics22(9).

King James Bible. (1998). King James Bible (Original work published 1769)

Koohang, A., Paliszkiewicz, J., & Goluchowski, J. (2017). The impact of leadership on trust, knowledge management, and organizational performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems117(3), 521–537.

Melo, P. N., Martins, A., & Pereira, M. (2020). The relationship between leadership and accountability: A review and synthesis of the research. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 23(6), 1-10.

Nielsen, R., & Marrone, J. A. (2018). Humility: Our Current Understanding of the Construct and its Role in Organizations. International Journal of Management Reviews20(4), 805–824.

Vazquez, F. J., Jr. (2020). The Impact of Humble Leadership on Innovation and Team Performance (Order No. 28093913). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2453679789).




Capron Kester

MondayJun 14 at 9:13pm

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Production and People

            Undoubtedly, production plays a vital role in any company. Without something to sell, a business does not have a function. Companies around the world brainstorm how to make their process more efficient for time and costs. Six Sigma and the Toyota Production System both achieve high results and success from those who effectively implement them. While the processes are proven to work, one thing that causes failure despite a good production process is people. People are an organization’s most valuable asset. One must ensure that they not only choose a great production process, but also, the right people to implement, lead, and manage the process.

Six Sigma

            Motorola created the production process of Six Sigma in the 1960s (Satterlee, 2018, p. 226). “Six Sigma is a data-driven process improvement methodology used to achieve stable and predictable process results, reducing process variation and defects” (Laureani & Antony, 2019). Six Sigma seeks to lower defects to 3.4 per million (Sreedharan, 2018). By lowering defects, organizations can increase their quality and save time and money. Six Sigma uses the acronym DMAIC for their improvement process. The acronym stands for: define, measure, analyze, improve, and control. Six Sigma breaks down its managers and users of the program into belts. Those with the lowest level of knowledge on the system are yellow belts. The highest level of belt, a master black belt, is reserved for someone who helps “develop strategic direction” (Satterlee, 2018, p. 277). Those who successfully develop and implement Six Sigma help their organization improve their production process. By improving the production process, they can save money from fewer defects and increase sales through improved product quality. GE implemented Six Sigma and saved an estimated 700 million within their first two years of starting it (Satterlee, 2018, p. 278).

Toyota Production System

Toyota’s production system, although famous now, was developed by Toyota solely for their own purpose (Chiarini et al., 2018). While Six Sigma focuses on precision and accuracy, TPS focuses on speed and efficiency (Laureani & Antony, 2019). Many have adopted the same principles and rules as Toyota and implemented their own version of TPS. Toyota revolutionized their production system. Toyota took the best of automation and human touch and combined it to create an incredibly successful system. With their system, they use just-in-time (Satterlee, 2018, p. 225). This means they only produce the amount of each product as needed at the time. This improves quality and decreases production and storing costs. Toyota also understands that machines are not perfect. By using human touch on the process still, they can catch and prevent repetitive mistakes in products (Satterlee, 2018, p. 225).  Having successful production processes allows businesses to save money from defected products and increase customer satisfaction with higher quality products.

Human Resources

            Human resources makes up the most important part of a business. Efficiently hiring, training, and developing others creates longevity for a company. Human resources helps in picking the correct people and ensuring that rules and standards are in place for an organization. An effective HR department picks the right candidates and helps develop a strong, positive culture for a company. While having an effective production system is important, every company should analyze their human resources and make sure that they have the best people in place to implement it first. If a company does not have a strong leader to drive a new system, it will likely be ineffective and not produce positive results.  

Biblical Integration

            The most important part of creating and implementing a new production system is the people involved. Changing systems and processes for an organization can be extremely difficult. The leaders need to lead the change and cast the vision for the new plan. Proverbs 29:18 says: “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (ESV). While business is not life and death, this verse still has wisdom a business can learn from. A business that wishes to succeed, should have a strong vision. A business needs strong leaders who will drive the vision. When an organization has a strong vision and a bought-in team, it becomes easier to implement changes. Even if those changes are an entire production system!

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