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Homework answers / question archive / University of California, Berkeley ANTHRO 1 Quiz 5 -Acceptable answers 1)The term Platyrrhine which designates the New World monkeys and the term Catarrhine which designates the Old World monkeys and apes, identify them with respect to nasal characteristics

University of California, Berkeley ANTHRO 1 Quiz 5 -Acceptable answers 1)The term Platyrrhine which designates the New World monkeys and the term Catarrhine which designates the Old World monkeys and apes, identify them with respect to nasal characteristics


University of California, Berkeley


Quiz 5 -Acceptable answers

1)The term Platyrrhine which designates the New World monkeys and the term Catarrhine which designates the Old World monkeys and apes, identify them with respect to nasal characteristics. Describe this difference.



  1. Body size and diet are related in primates. What dietary specializations are only associated with small body size? Why?


  1. Monkeys that eat mostly leaves often have specialized stomachs and intestines. Typically this involves complex stomachs or complex large intestines, in comparison to primates that mostly eat fruit. What do these specializations provide (i.e. what is special about leaf-eating that is not a problem for fruit eaters)?



  1. Name a primate species where there is extensive paternal care of offspring. Name a species in which there is almost no paternal care of offspring. (common names OK)



  1. High sexual dimorphism in primates (much larger males) is generally associated with what other physical trait?


  1. Name a primate species in which infanticide has been regularly observed (common name OK). Under what circumstances does this tend to occur?


  1. Describe two features shared by most ape bodies that represent adaptations to a suspensory mode of locomotion.



  1. Describe one specialization of the gibbon body that is shared with spider monkeys that contributes to the unusually efficient brachiation in both species.



  1. What is the major mode of terrestrial (i.e. ground) locomotion for chimpanzees and gorillas? What factors (size, habitat, competing locomotor needs) may have led to this form of support?



  1. Describe a compensatory structural adaptation of the skeleton of the trunk which aids terrestrial locomotion in the great apes and is quite different than what is found in humans.



  1. How do gibbons move on the ground most of the time? What factors contribute to this difference compared to orangutans, chimpanzees, and gorillas?


  1. How might large body size in gorillas contribute to their dietary adaptation?



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