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Homework answers / question archive / Millersville University of Pennsylvania BUAD 455 CHAPTER 12 1)The amount of money a new owner can take out of the firm without harming the business is   ? The amount of money an organization can generate before the cost of finances and taxes in an   organization is                                   ?                                    is a steering control that is a retailer's cost of goods sold divided by the   average value of its inventories?                                              is the method an organization can use to allocate indirect and fixed costs   to products that it bases from value-added activities in the workplace? The result of dividing net income before taxes by the total amount invested in the organization is                                     ? Which of the following is a control that focuses on the actual performance results in   an organization? Which of the following responsibility centers are profits NOT considered because sales departments have very limited influence over the cost of products?   The manufacturing facility compute costs for its operations based on historical data in   the                            center? In the                          center resources are measured in dollars without consideration to the service   and product costs? The responsibility center where the performance in an organization is measured in terms of the   difference between revenues and expenditures is the                       center? The                        center measures performance in terms of the difference between its resources   and its products in the workplace? Which of the following steps in the benchmarking process can the strategic manager identify the   area or process that has the potential to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace? In                                                            , the organization develops strategies to change existing   endeavors to enhance the organizational performance in the workplace? The strategic manager identifies the area or process that has the potential to gain a competitive   advantage in the marketplace in                                             of the benchmark process

Millersville University of Pennsylvania BUAD 455 CHAPTER 12 1)The amount of money a new owner can take out of the firm without harming the business is   ? The amount of money an organization can generate before the cost of finances and taxes in an   organization is                                   ?                                    is a steering control that is a retailer's cost of goods sold divided by the   average value of its inventories?                                              is the method an organization can use to allocate indirect and fixed costs   to products that it bases from value-added activities in the workplace? The result of dividing net income before taxes by the total amount invested in the organization is                                     ? Which of the following is a control that focuses on the actual performance results in   an organization? Which of the following responsibility centers are profits NOT considered because sales departments have very limited influence over the cost of products?   The manufacturing facility compute costs for its operations based on historical data in   the                            center? In the                          center resources are measured in dollars without consideration to the service   and product costs? The responsibility center where the performance in an organization is measured in terms of the   difference between revenues and expenditures is the                       center? The                        center measures performance in terms of the difference between its resources   and its products in the workplace? Which of the following steps in the benchmarking process can the strategic manager identify the   area or process that has the potential to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace? In                                                            , the organization develops strategies to change existing   endeavors to enhance the organizational performance in the workplace? The strategic manager identifies the area or process that has the potential to gain a competitive   advantage in the marketplace in                                             of the benchmark process


Millersville University of Pennsylvania

BUAD 455


1)The amount of money a new owner can take out of the firm without harming the business is



  1. The amount of money an organization can generate before the cost of finances and taxes in an


organization is                                   ?

  1.                                    is a steering control that is a retailer's cost of goods sold divided by the


average value of its inventories?

  1.                                              is the method an organization can use to allocate indirect and fixed costs


to products that it bases from value-added activities in the workplace?

  1. The result of dividing net income before taxes by the total amount invested in the organization is



  1. Which of the following is a control that focuses on the actual performance results in


an organization?

  1. Which of the following responsibility centers are profits NOT considered because sales departments have very limited influence over the cost of products?


  1. The manufacturing facility compute costs for its operations based on historical data in


the                            center?

  1. In the                          center resources are measured in dollars without consideration to the service


and product costs?

  1. The responsibility center where the performance in an organization is measured in terms of the


difference between revenues and expenditures is the                       center?

  1. The                        center measures performance in terms of the difference between its resources


and its products in the workplace?

  1. Which of the following steps in the benchmarking process can the strategic manager identify the


area or process that has the potential to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace?

  1. In                                                            , the organization develops strategies to change existing


endeavors to enhance the organizational performance in the workplace?

  1. The strategic manager identifies the area or process that has the potential to gain a competitive


advantage in the marketplace in                                             of the benchmark process.

  1.                                                      in the benchmarking process the organization implements new


endeavors and compares performance to primary competitors in the marketplace?


  1.                             is known as a technology that uses electronic tags to improve supply chain


efficiency in theworkplace?

  1. Tailored to match measurements with rewards, the                      compensates managers when


the objectives are set over multiple years in the workplace?

  1. Tailored to match measurements with rewards, the                             measures and rewards the

performance of top SBUs managers when performance factors vary in the individual SBUs in an organization?


  1. Which of the following methods in an organization excludes developmental expenses as a


separate expense from the current operational expenses?

  1.                                    occurs when an organization reviews each responsibility center or functional


unit as a separate entity from the organization?

  1.                                                      is a guideline for proper control used to help an organization achieve cooperation between divisions when the organization implements a form of qualitative or



  1. Which of the following guidelines for proper control should an organization use to monitor or


measure the steering control factors that influence performance in the organization?

  1. The guideline for proper control where an organization should monitor 20% of the factors that


determine80% of the results in the workplace is                                                                   ?


  1. Which of the following guidelines for proper control involve activities or results that the


organization did not include in a predetermined range that cause the organization to take action?

  1.                                       is a guideline for proper control that results in goal displacement when


performance outcomes are not optimum?


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