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Homework answers / question archive / University of Texas, El Paso SOCI 1301 Intro to sociology practice Exam 2 ch 5 Multiple Choice 1)Which of the following statements about crime and arrests is true? There are more arrests for victimless crimes than for property crimes

University of Texas, El Paso SOCI 1301 Intro to sociology practice Exam 2 ch 5 Multiple Choice 1)Which of the following statements about crime and arrests is true? There are more arrests for victimless crimes than for property crimes


University of Texas, El Paso

SOCI 1301

Intro to sociology practice Exam 2 ch 5

Multiple Choice

1)Which of the following statements about crime and arrests is true?

  1. There are more arrests for victimless crimes than for property crimes.
  2. There are more arrests for property crimes than for violent crimes.
  3. There are more arrests for violent crimes than for victimless crimes.
  4. There are more arrests for violent crimes than for property crimes.
  5. There are more arrests for victimless crimes than for violent crimes.


       _ 2.                     believe that deviance and crime are normal parts of the social structure that maintain society.

  1. Functionalists
  2. Conflict theorists
  3. Feminist theorists
  4. Symbolic interactionists
  5. Criminologists


3. Your sociology class this semester is an example of a/n

  1. primary group.
  2. secondary group.
  3. out-group.
  4. benchmark group.
  5. academic group.


              4. Dr. Miller, a college professor, prepares lectures, grades papers and holds office hours (among many other things). These activities reflect Dr. Miller’s

  1. statuses.
  2. symbols.
  3. inconsistencies.
  4. roles.
  5. busywork.


5.                    refers to a situation in which people are unsure of how to behave because of absent, conflicting, or confusing social norms.

  1. Sanction
  2. Anomie
  3. Social control
  4. Deviance
  5. Strain


       _ 6. Your sociology professor and college dean are examples of people who have a strong effect on your

  1. informal social controls.
  2. formal social controls.
  3. internal social controls.
  4. external social controls.


  1. positive social controls.






 _ 7.                           tend to overstate stability and ignore worker dissatision and alienation.

  1. Functionalists
  2. Conflict theorists
  3. Symbolic interactionists
  4. Exchange theorists
  5. Feminist theorists


       _ 8. The respect, recognition, or regard attached to a social position is called

  1. power.
  2. prestige.
  3. esteem.
  4. reverence.
  5. clout.


     9. Adam and Alberto are members of the Phi Chi Xi fraternity on their college campus. The fraternity has 35 local members and 4,000 national members. Each year, the fraternity publishes a “who’s who” book of its members in hopes of being able to promote among its members.

  1. social interaction
  2. solidarity
  3. social networking
  4. integration
  5. competition


  10.   Harold started using drugs when he was 17. By the time Harold turned 20 he was living on the streets.

According to Merton, Henry is a/n

  1. conformist.
  2. innovator.
  3. ritualist.
  4. retreatist.
  5. rebel.


11.   According to some critics,                         doesn’t explain impulsive crimes committed by people who have grown up in law-abiding families.

  1. differential opportunity theory
  2. differential association theory
  3. conflict theory
  4. functionalism
  5. secondary deviance theory


      12. More prestigious occupations involve

  1. more abstract thought and mental activity than low prestige occupations.
  2. less abstract thought and mental activity than low prestige occupations.
  3. more creative work than low prestige occupations.


  1. less creative work than low prestige occupations.
  2. none of the above








13. In As You Like It, Shakespeare wrote that “All the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players.” This illustrates which concept?

  1. self-fulfilling prophecy
  2. Thomas theorem
  3. dramaturgical analysis
  4. social construction of reality
  5. ethnomethodology


  14.   The United Way, the Green Party and the National Rifle Association are examples of

  1. bureaucracies.
  2. formal groups.
  3. reference groups.
  4. voluntary associations.
  5. voluntary groups.


15. Jim and Nancy visit several McDonald’s restaurants on their road trip because they know what is on the menu at each one. Which of Ritzer’s components does this illustrate?

  1. efficiency
  2. calculability
  3. predictability
  4. control
  5. rationality


16. Heather has been teaching for 25 years at the local junior high school. She does not care about a big pay check and has stopped caring about the success of her students. Heather is just doing enough to make it to retirement. According to Merton, Heather is a/n

  1. conformist.
  2. innovator.
  3. ritualist.
  4. retreatist.
  5. rebel.


              17. “If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.” This statement best matches which of the following concepts?

  1. social construction of reality
  2. dramaturgical analysis
  3. Ethnomethodology
  4. self-fulfilling prophecy
  5. Thomas theorem


       _ 18. Which of the following is a reason why people may experience role conflict and role strain?

  1. Because many people are overextended, some roles are bound to conflict with others.
  2. People have little or no training for many roles.
  3. Some role expectations are unclear or contradictory.
  4. Highly demanding jobs often create difficulties at home.
  5. Some people are pressured to take on too many roles.








       _ 19. Crime differs from deviance because crime

  1. is always more serious than deviance.
  2. is always less serious than deviance.
  3. involves a larger share of the population.
  4. violates written laws.
  5. violates rules about behavior that is seen as sinful or immoral.


20. Jan was unhappy in her marriage and decided to divorce her husband. Which coping strategy did Jan use?

  1. Compartmentalize our roles.
  2. Exit role or status.
  3. Do not take on additional roles.
  4. Set priorities.
  5. Compromise and negotiat


              21. Identify which social class the following description illustrates: People in this social class are chronically unemployed and persistently poor.

  1. upper-middle class
  2. lower-middle class
  3. working class
  4. working poor
  5. Underclass


22. Stephanie is a best-selling author of children’s books. While she makes a very good income, she has very little power or prestige. This is an example of

  1. status roles.
  2. status inconsistency.
  3. role reversal.
  4. role discrepancy.
  5. a bad publicist.


      23. “What you’re raised with you grow to become.” This statement exemplifies which symbolic interaction perspective?

  1. differential association
  2. Labeling
  3. Strain
  4. crime control


  1. Conflict


24. People create and reinforce stratification. This statement best represents which theoretical perspective?

  1. Conflict
  2. Functionalist
  3. symbolic interactionist
  4. Feminist
  5. exchange theory


25. Diane, an administrative assistant at a large company, routinely falsifies her timecards to indicate that she has worked more hours than is the case. Diane is guilty of

  1. cybercrime.
  2. occupational crime.
  3. corporate crime.
  4. organized crime.
  5. industrial crim


26. Funeral directors earn a healthy salary, but score low on the occupational prestige scale. This is an example of

  1. role reversal.
  2. role discrepancy.
  3. status inconsistency.
  4. status roles.
  5. a bad publicist.


27. Functionalists believe that

  1. organizations perform best when individuals communicate effectively.
  2. groups are governed by a small, elite groups of individuals.
  3. groups and organizations are made up of interrelated and mutually dependent parts.
  4. groups and organizations are most effective when leaders hold more power than workers.
  5. organizations are most effective when wages are based on piecework.


28. Last week, Eldon’s professor suggested that he visit the Writing Center for extra help on his papers because they were below average. Eldon did not go to the Center because he felt it would be a waste of time. Eldon received a “D” on his next paper. This is an example of

  1. social construction of reality.
  2. dramaturgical analysis.
  3. ethnomethodology.
  4. a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  5. social exchange theory.


      29. The Johnson family cannot afford to buy food for their children. The Johnson family is living in

  1. absolute poverty.
  2. relative poverty.
  3. subjective poverty.
  4. objective poverty.
  5. squalor.


      30. “Individuals produce, interpret, and share reality with others.” This statement best matches which of the following concepts?

  1. social construction of reality
  2. dramaturgical analysis
  3. Ethnomethodology
  4. self-fulfilling prophecy
  5. Doublespeak


31. Zimbardo’s and Milgram’s research violated which of the following ethical guidelines?

  1. must obtain informed consent
  2. must not harm, humiliate or abuse participants
  3. must identify sponsors
  4. must honor privacy of participants
  5. must be as accurate as possible


32. According to ethnomethodology, people make sense of their everyday lives by

  1. impression management.
  2. observing others and breaking rules.
  3. managing role conflict.
  4. all of the above
  5. none of the above




     33.   While we occupy a status, we                     a role.

  1. make-up
  2. distribute
  3. play
  4. change
  5. participate in


      34. The majority of people respond to blocked institutionalized means through which of Merton’s modes of adaptation?

  1. conformity
  2. innovation
  3. ritualism
  4. retreatism
  5. rebellion


              35. Colleen is an aspiring movie star. Which of the following may be her reference group?

  1. producers
  2. talent scouts
  3. actors
  4. directors
  5. all of the above


       _ 36. Identify which social class the following description illustrates: Most families in this social class rely on two incomes to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. This social class is strongly influenced by taxes, inflation, and employment patterns.

  1. lower-upper class
  2. upper-middle class
  3. lower-middle class
  4. working class
  5. working poor


              37. Andrea is an aspiring associate editor for a major publisher. She is single but feels “married to her work.” Last year she received a $50,000 bonus for the excellent work she did in promoting  textbooks published by her employer. Based on this information, Andrea’s ascribed status is                                                                                                                                                and her achieved status is                                                                                                                                                .

  1. female; married
  2. married; female
  3. bonus recipient; associate editor
  4. married; bonus recipient
  5. female; associate editor


              38. Athletic teams, close friends, families, and religious congregations are all examples of

  1. roles.
  2. aggregates.
  3. direct groups.
  4. indirect groups.
  5. social groups.






_           39. Role strain and role conflict may produce

  1. tension, hostility, and aggression.
  2. insomnia, headaches, and ulcers.
  3. eating disorders, anxiety attacks and nausea.
  4. tension, hostility, and insomnia
  5. all of the above


40. Liz runs on the track team. She is a sociology major and has three roommates. Liz has two sisters and one brother. Liz enjoys watching movies and swimming. Which of the following is Liz’s master status?

  1. female
  2. track team member
  3. sociology major
  4. roommate
  5. sister


41. “Social interaction is based on a balance of costs and benefits.” This statement best matches which of the theories explaining social interaction?

  1. symbolic interaction
  2. social exchange


  1. feminist theories
  2. functionalist
  3. social learning


42. “Interaction often involves a dominant-subordinate relationship.” This statement best matches which of the theories explaining social interaction?

  1. symbolic interaction
  2. social exchange
  3. feminist theories
  4. functionalist
  5. social learning


43. Sophia is a sociology professor. She is responsible for teaching two medical sociology classes each semester and is also the advisor for the Sociology Club. Which of Weber’s ideal type characteristics best illustrates Sophia’s activities?

  1. high degree of division of labor and specialization
  2. hierarchy of authority
  3. explicit written rules and regulations
  4. impersonality
  5. qualifications-based employment


    C 44. Before starting their first day of work, employees at The Friendship Store are required to read the 81-page employee handbook, which addresses issues ranging from health insurance to acceptable attire on “casual Fridays.” Which of Weber’s ideal characteristics does this exemplify?

  1. high degree of division of labor and specialization
  2. hierarchy of authority
  3. explicit written rules and regulations
  4. impersonality
  5. qualification based employment


45. Students in a sociology class are taking a test today. The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions. After 20 minutes, several students have finished their exams. However, the students remain seated, pretending to be going over their answers “one last time.” Even though they are confident in their answers, these students wait to turn in their exam, hoping to not be the first one done. This is an example of which shortcoming of bureaucracies?

  1. a weak reward system
  2. bureaucratic ritualism
  3. alienation
  4. Parkinson’s Law
  5. Peter Principle


              46. According to Merton, Americans are taught to strive towards the “American Dream” of economic success. He called these aspirations

  1. institutionalized goals.
  2. institutionalized means.
  3. cultural strain.
  4. cultural means.
  5. cultural goals.


47. Completing college, working hard, and making sacrifices are examples of Merton’s

  1. institutionalized goals.
  2. institutionalized means.
  3. cultural strain.
  4. cultural means.
  5. cultural goals.


48. Identify which social class the following description illustrates: Most Americans classify themselves as this social class, including those with annual incomes below $20,000 and those with annual incomes above


  1. upper class
  2. middle class
  3. working class
  4. working poor
  5. underclass


49. Natalie is a secretary in the sociology department. She decided to apply for a  position in the President’s Office, which would include a substantial salary increase. Natalie got the position and left the sociology department. Natalie has experienced

  1. intergenerational mobility.
  2. intragenerational mobility.
  3. occupational mobility.
  4. educational mobility.
  5. none of the above


50. Stratification is dysfunctional because it harms society and individuals. This statement best represents which theoretical perspective?

  1. conflict
  2. functionalist
  3. symbolic interactionist
  4. feminist
  5. exchange theory







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