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Homework answers / question archive / Florida International University SOP 4731 CHAPTER 13 Physical Health 1)Research on obesity rates and genetically based skin color illustrate different types of biological change because while genetically based skin color demonstrates culture­gene coevolution, obesity rates do not

Florida International University SOP 4731 CHAPTER 13 Physical Health 1)Research on obesity rates and genetically based skin color illustrate different types of biological change because while genetically based skin color demonstrates culture­gene coevolution, obesity rates do not


Florida International University

SOP 4731


Physical Health

1)Research on obesity rates and genetically based skin color illustrate different types of biological change because

    1. while genetically based skin color demonstrates culture­gene coevolution, obesity rates do not.
    2. while obesity rates demonstrate opposite effects of genes across cultures, genetically based skin color demonstrates the same effects of genes across cultures.
    3. obesity rates demonstrate an evoked cultural response; genetically based skin color does not.
    4. obesity rates show how distal causes can lead to biological changes, while genetically based skin color shows how proximal causes can lead to biological changes.
    5. while obesity rates demonstrate culture­gene coevolution, genetically based skin color does not.
  1. Any changes in biological characteristics within a culture must have occurred through long periods due to genetic evolution because cultural changes cannot account for biological changes. Do you agree with this statement?
    1. No—obesity rates have risen faster than can be explained by changes in the genetic makeup of a population.
    2. Yes—the epidemiological paradox suggests that genetic changes primarily drive biological changes.
    3. No—the fact that European­Americans have better health than Hispanic­Americans is evidence that cultural changes can account for biological changes.
    4. Yes—the French paradox suggests that the lower obesity rates in France relative to the United States can be attributed to genetic differences between the two populations.
    5. No—the fact that Melanesians live in different locations than people from Equatorial Africa but still have similar skin colors means that culture cannot account for biological changes.
  2. The fact that the amount of ultraviolet radiation that reaches different parts of the world has led to the evolution of differences in skin color is an example of which of the following?
    1. acquired biological differences
    2. existential universal
    3. distal cause
    4. nonuniversal
    5. proximal cause
  3. On Planet X, some areas receive very little ultraviolet radiation. What skin color would you expect Planet X’s people to have if they live in those areas?
    1. always light
    2. always dark
    3. light, unless their diet contains a lot of Vitamin D
    4. dark, unless their diet contains a lot of Vitamin D
    5. light, unless their diet contains a lot of Vitamin A
  4. The fact that people from some cultures lack an enzyme to allow them to digest milk reflects that
    1. cultural practices can affect human evolution.
    2. cultural practices are shaped by the local geography.
    3. people from different cultures differ more in terms of their genes than they do in terms of their cultural practices.
    4. this inability is due to a proximal cause.
    5. genetic differences are difficult to overcome.
  5. The case of lactase persistence is an example of culture­gene coevolution because
    1. the genetic mutation for lactase persistence constitutes a form of transmitted culture.
    2. a cultural practice (dairy farming) led to the selection for a genetic mutation (lactase persistence) among dairy farming populations.
    3. of a genetic mutation (lactase persistence), despite there being no selection pressures, but it allows people to engage in a


cultural practice (digest milk into adulthood).

    1. a genetic mutation (lactase persistence) led to the creation of a cultural practice (dairy farming).
    2. adults with lactase nonpersistence, but who drink a lot of milk, will develop the genetic mutation for lactase persistence.
  1. Which of the following examples best illustrates culture­gene coevolution?
    1. A population began farming a healthier strain of rice, but it contains a mild toxin. This led the population to develop a genetic mutation that allows people to safely digest the toxin.
    2. A population could not bury its dead because the climate was too cold, making the ground too hard to dig. This led the population to develop a funeral ritual of offering its dead to the animals.
    3. The average height of a country has increased within a year due to an influx of very tall immigrants, carrying with them their genes for height.
    4. A population lives in a very cold climate that has constant snowstorms. This leads the population to develop a genetic mutation that causes people to have a lot of body fat to keep warm.
    5. The average BMI of a population has become healthier in a year due to the population drinking more red wine and having a more positive attitude about food.
  2. One group of people has developed special lungs to breathe underwater, while another group has not, but with training, everyone can develop those special lungs to breathe underwater. What is this an example of?
    1. distal cause
    2. innate biological variation
    3. accessibility universal
    4. sexual selection
    5. acquired biological variation
  3. Research reveals that the French paradox (the tendency for French people to have low body fat percentages despite eating a diet high in fat) is due to the French
    1. consuming less red wine.
    2. consuming fewer calories.
    3. exercising more.
    4. avoiding high­fat foods.
    5. having a different sense of humor.
  4. Based on Rozin and colleagues’ reasoning that environment affects portion size, what are people most likely to say if asked how many nuts people want to eat?
    1. a specific number of nuts
    2. none
    3. depends on the specific type of nuts
    4. a specific number of containers or packages
    5. None of these choices are correct.
  5. You try to portray people’s attitudes about dogs using a Chernoff figure. After averaging all their responses, you find that the Chernoff figure for your sample has a very small face with very small and unhappy features. What does this figure represent?
    1. Your sample prefers smaller dogs.
    2. Your sample cares very little about dogs.
    3. Your sample does not like smaller dogs.
    4. Your sample is annoyed by the questions.
    5. Your sample has negative attitudes toward dogs.
  6. Cross­cultural comparisons of obesity rates reflect that
    1. obesity is largely the result of genetics.
    2. obesity rates are unrelated to a country’s GDP.
    3. cultural differences in obesity are largely a product of the percentage of fat in diets.
    4. people from “heavier” cultures tend to have more children than those from “lighter” cultures.
    5. None of these statements is correct.
  7. A certain country has been experiencing huge gains in its economy. Based on research covered in this textbook about economic effects, which of the following is the most likely consequence of these gains?
    1. More people in that country will be moving into the cities.
    2. Fewer people in that country will have the required daily caloric intake.
    3. The people in that country will get taller, on average.
    4. There will be more collectivism in that country.
    5. A country’s economy has not been shown to affect anything.
  8. Over the last fifty years, the average height of the people from the reclusive country of Druidia has been increasing. Based on data profiled in the textbook, which of the following is likeliest to be associated with this increase?
    1. an influx of genetically tall people into the country
    2. genetic changes over the last fifty years


    1. the country undergoing an industrial revolution
    2. more people moving into cities, leading to more calories being consumed per person
    3. improved diet during infancy and adolescence
  1. Which of the following statements regarding height is FALSE?
    1. As a country’s GDP increases, so does the height of the country’s population.
    2. As a country’s GINI increases, so does the height of the country’s population.
    3. Genes are important in explaining individual differences in height.
    4. As a country’s diet becomes more nutritional, the height of its population also increases.
    5. As a country’s GNP increases, so does the height of the country’s population.
  2. Which of the following statements best reflects research on cultural differences in sleep patterns among European­Canadians, Asian­Canadians, and the Japanese?
    1. Japanese people sleep more efficiently than European­Canadians.
    2. Japanese people sleep less than European­Canadians.
    3. European­Canadians report feeling more tired during the day than Japanese.
    4. Asian­Canadians sleep less than European­Canadians.
    5. Asian­Canadians sleep more efficiently than European­Canadians.
  3. Clarice is a patient in a hospital, and the doctors are hoping to give her good health outcomes while she stays in the hospital. Which one of the following options is an example of something that has been shown to lead to positive health outcomes?
    1. giving her chocolates and candies
    2. providing immediate surgery
    3. sending for a tribal doctor
    4. giving her control of visitation hours
    5. providing unsolicited social support
  4. Which of the following people may have particularly bad health outcomes?
    1. Crystal, who just immigrated to the United States from Mexico
    2. Lisa, a nursing­home patient who is allowed to have control over the decorations in her room and her visiting hours
    3. Ronaldo, who is low SES and makes less than $10,000 a year, but lives in a high­SES neighborhood
    4. Fernando, who moved from New York to Florida
    5. Varun, who lives a stress­free life in California
  5. Lara is of low socioeconomic status (SES) and lives in a low­SES neighborhood. Larry is of low SES but lives in a high­SES neighborhood. (Note that low SES here means $30,000 per year.) Which of the two will likely have a longer life expectancy?
    1. They should live approximately equally long.
    2. Whoever has more money within that low­SES bracket will live longer.
    3. Larry
    4. Lara
    5. The answer cannot be determined from the information given.
  6. The fact that people who move to New York City are at increased risk of heart disease is an example of which of the following?
    1. nonuniversal
    2. existential universal
    3. acquired biological differences
    4. proximal cause
    5. distal cause
  7. The relation between income and health can be summarized as so:
    1. Absolute income predicts health outcomes for low levels of income, whereas income relative to those around one predicts health outcomes for high levels of income.
    2. There is a linear relation between absolute income and health, but a curvilinear relation between relative income and health.
    3. Income is largely unrelated to health once you control for dietary practices.
    4. Wealthy people have poor health because of all the stress they experience.
    5. More wealth will always cause more happiness, which causes people to be healthier.
  8. Research discussed in the textbook reveals that the relation between socioeconomic status and health is linked to
    1. cognitive deficits.
    2. relative deprivation regarding income.
    3. stress.
    4. education.
    5. all of these options are correct.
  9. Which of the following statements is true?
    1. European­Americans have better outcomes for the leading causes of death than Hispanic­Americans, unless you control for socioeconomic status, and then Hispanic­Americans fare better.
    2. If you control for socioeconomic status, European­Americans and African Americans do not differ in their health outcomes.


    1. The health advantages of Hispanic­Americans over European­Americans decrease the longer that they have lived in the United States.
    2. The best­supported evidence for the positive health outcomes for Hispanic­Americans is that only Hispanics who were healthy enough to make the long trip to the United States migrated there.
    3. There is no relationship between ethnicity and health.
  1. Which of the following is the best example of the “salmon bias”?
    1. An immigrant grandmother has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and decides to head back to her home country to live out her last days.
    2. People tend to congregate close to their heritage cultures due to familiarity and a need for social connection.
    3. Bears on the West Coast of North America have a preference for Pacific salmon more than bears on the East Coast of North America.
    4. Salmon tend to congregate in the places where they spawned.
    5. Chinatowns are established in cities around the world.
  2. According to the so­called epidemiological paradox, which of the following people is likeliest to have the best health outcome?
    1. Maribel, who immigrated to the United States mainland from Puerto Rico one year ago
    2. Hans, who immigrated to the United States mainland from Germany three years ago
    3. Juan, who immigrated to the United States mainland from Mexico two years ago
    4. Simone, who immigrated to the United States mainland from Puerto Rico three years ago
    5. Marisol, who immigrated to the United States mainland from Mexico three years ago
  3. Which of the following is an example of the “epidemiological paradox”?
    1. Ideas usually stick around in areas of high density, but some ideas perpetuate even in areas of low density due to the lack of introduction of new ideas.
    2. Illnesses can be deadly for some populations, but are of no concern to other populations.
    3. Although some remedies work well to stop communicable diseases in some regions, they are powerless in other regions.
    4. Even though diseases generally have higher incidence rates in hotter regions of the world, Australia sees relatively few epidemics per year.
    5. Marisol, who immigrated to the United States from Mexico, has a lower socioeconomic status, but better health, than her friend who was born in the United States.
  4. Eric’s medical results show that there is an infection in his pancreas. What is his American doctor most likely to do in response to these results?
    1. perform an exorcism
    2. prescribe vitamins and lots of rest
    3. recommend antibiotics or surgery
    4. seek help elsewhere for the cause of the infection
    5. seek the help of a shaman
  5. Pierre visited his doctor because he had been feeling sick for some time. Given what we learned about medical practices around the world, we might expect that his French doctor would
    1. recommend surgery.
    2. prescribe high dosages of pharmaceuticals.
    3. recommend that he avoid germs.
    4. recommend vitamins and rest.
    5. recommend more baths.
  6. Dr. House is a medical doctor in the United States. He is giving a seminar on health­related behaviors both to doctors from other countries and ordinary American citizens. Which group is most likely to agree with Dr. House?
    1. the doctors from other countries
    2. the ordinary American citizens
    3. Neither will agree with him.
    4. Both groups will equally agree with him.
    5. The answer cannot be determined from the given information.
  7. Your friend is experiencing stomachaches and goes to see a doctor. The doctor tells your friend that the problem is the result of forces being out of balance in his body, and gives him a remedy that is designed to bring those forces back into balance. What type of doctor is she most likely to be?
    1. sub­Saharan African
    2. tribal
    3. American
    4. French
    5. Chinese


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