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Homework answers / question archive / Southern Connecticut State University CHE 121 Chapter 8 Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood QUESTION 1) According to Erikson, a child who feels comfortable trying new things, without excessive guilt or fear, is said to have acquired the virtue of   will

Southern Connecticut State University CHE 121 Chapter 8 Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood QUESTION 1) According to Erikson, a child who feels comfortable trying new things, without excessive guilt or fear, is said to have acquired the virtue of   will


Southern Connecticut State University

CHE 121

Chapter 8 Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood


According to Erikson, a child who feels comfortable trying new things, without excessive guilt or fear, is said to have acquired the virtue of


will. hope. trust. purpose.



According to Erikson, the conflict between young children’s urge to pursue goals and their moral judgments about those urges is


initiative versus guilt.

autonomy versus shame and doubt. industry versus inferiority.

identity versus role confusion.



According to Erikson, which of the following is the central issue of early childhood?


Trust versus mistrust

Autonomy versus shame and doubt Initiative versus guilt

Identity versus role confusion


According to Kohlberg, children learn their gender through


identification with the same-sex parent.

imitation of adult models, reinforcement for acceptable behaviors, and punishment for socially inappropriate behaviors.

their own active mental classification and organization of behavior to be consistent with that cognitive image.

maturation and hormonal changes due to puberty.



According to Sandra Bem’s gender-schema theory, how do children adopt gender-appropriate behavior?


Through identification with their same-sex parent after resolution of sexual conflict As a result of imitation and reinforcement

As a by-product of achieving gender constancy

By following society’s behaviors that are matched to their gender



According to research on children’s understanding of emotions, when 4-year-olds do something that has been forbidden by their parents, they feel shame


whether or not their parents see them perform the forbidden act. only if their parents see them perform the forbidden act.

only if their parents punish them for performing the forbidden act. never, even if their parents saw them perform the forbidden act.



According to research on gender differences, differences in activity levels between boys and girls begins


prior to birth. at age 2.

between ages 3 and 5.

There are no observed differences in activity levels between boys and girls.


According to research, the most influential individual in a child’s life in terms of influencing gender-typing is


the father. the mother. a sister.

a brother.



According to social cognitive theory,


parents are the only source of reinforcement of children’s behavior. parents and peers in combination influence socialization.

children only learn socialization after they begin school.

socialization is a complex system involving parents, peers, and other agents.



According to the evolutionary theory of gender differences, men and women have       

adaptations designed to be sensitive to environmental input.


physical cognitive emotional spiritual



According to the text, which of the following is a reason for the difficulty that 3-year-olds have in understanding their own emotions?


They do not recognize that they can experience different emotions at the same time. They only experience strong emotions when others around them show emotions.

They don’t realize that anyone besides them actually has emotions.

They do not understand that emotions depend on innate, temperamental factors.



According to the text, which of the following statements regarding solitary play is TRUE?


Children in the 1920s exhibited more solitary play than children do today. Solitary play seems associated with independence and maturity.

Children who engage in solitary play are at high risk for social problems.

Children who engage in solitary play are less mature than children who engage only in social play.


According to traditional social learning theory, children acquire gender roles by observing models. Children then


pick models that are powerful and nurturing. always pick the same-sex parent.

avoid patterning themselves after peers. focus only on indirect teaching by parents.



According to your text, if young Quinn sees his mother smiling, he is most likely to believe


she lost the ten pounds she was trying to lose. she is glad he is doing well in school.

she got the new purse she wanted. she likes his new haircut.



According to your text, which technique is most effective to discipline a child?


Corporal punishment Inductive reasoning Power assertion Withdrawal of love



Factors that have consistently been related to prosocial behavior include


gender of the child. parents’ income. age of the child.

social status of the family.



Fears develop during early childhood because young children


are developing inner conflicts and anxieties. have trouble separating reality from fantasy.

are learning that there are many things to be afraid of. All of these


Fears in early childhood are


abnormal and indicate child abuse. more common in boys than girls. likely to eventually disappear.

symptoms of a deeper psychological problem.



Feeling both angry and relieved at the same time is an example of


conflicting emotions. confusing cognitions. unregulated emotions. self-esteem.



Freud referred to the adoption of the characteristics, values, and behaviors of the parent of the same sex as


gender identity. gender-typing. identification. androgyny.



Gender differences are believed to be influenced by


hormones. parents. the media. All of these



Gender refers to



what it means to be male or female. identification with parents.

friendship patterns between males and females.


Gender stereotypes are


preconceived generalizations about male and female behavior often a result of gender conservation and identity.

based on myths about sex differences.

valuable methods of maintaining social stability.



Generalizing from the text, an important characteristic of young children who are popular with their peers is their


tendency to stay on the sidelines and watch other children socialize. ability to control the expression of anger.

possession of more toys and other material goods than less popular children. tendency to report the misdeeds of others to an adult.



In socializing children, parents generally


treat boys and girls about the same until age 2 or 3.

give girls more latitude than boys with regard to gender roles. show less tolerance for “tomboys” than for “sissies.”

have little influence on gender-role development.


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