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Homework answers / question archive / Saudi Electronic University MIS 201 Chapter Number: 8 Question Type: True/False 1)Web

Saudi Electronic University MIS 201 Chapter Number: 8 Question Type: True/False 1)Web


Saudi Electronic University

MIS 201

Chapter Number: 8

Question Type: True/False

1)Web. 2.0 is a loose collection of information technologies and applications.




  1. Web 2.0 sites are primarily online places to visit.




  1. A tag is the way a developer describes a piece of information.




  1. Geo-tagging refers to tagging information on tour sites.




  1. A wiki is a collection of blogs.




  1. Companies monitor blogs for mention of their products.




  1. One can trust the content of blogs.




  1. Web 2.0 media sites allow people to share digital media.




  1. You must be a Web site developer in order to create a mashup.




  1. Buying a book online at Amazon is an example of social commerce.




  1. When using social commerce, the user has to leave the social network page in order to purchase a product.




  1. Businesses do not use social commerce for new products.




  1. Generating revenue from social networking sites is easy to do.




  1. Word of mouth marketing can be achieved using social shopping.




  1. Craigslist is an example of a shopping community.




  1. Viral marketing is an example of social advertising
  2. Social ads are placed in paid-for media space on social networking Web sites.




  1. Social apps are online apps that promote social interaction
  2. Ads cannot appear as YouTube videos.




  1. Communication marketing is using social media sites to get feedback.





  1. Social networks are helping marketing professionals understand who their customers are.




  1. People making online posts know that they are providing market research data.




  1. Social computing increases the need for customer service.




  1. Social computing empowers customers to act.




  1. Human Resources departments only use social computing for external tasks.




  1. More and more organizations are using social media for training sessions.




  1. Recruiters only use social computing to find people who are unemployed.




  1. Social computing sites are not utilized by passive job seekers.




  1. Crowdsourcing involves outsourcing a job to a defined group of people.




  1. When crowdsourcing companies always know the makeup of the crowd in advance.



Question Type: Multiple Choices



2)            With Web 1.0 sites, users             , whereas with Web 2.0 sites, users



a)            Use HTML, use CCS

b)            Passively receive information, participate with the site.

c)            Use wired connections, use wireless connections.

d)            Have to know the address of the site, can use search engines to find a site


e)            Did not have to login to find information, have to login in to find information.




3)            You sign up for an RSS feed from Which of the following would you expect to happen?


a)            When you sign up, you will need to download print templates.

b)            You won’t be able to search RSS content.

c)            You will be able to choose only one topic area.

d)            You will be notified of updates in the content areas you selected.

e)            You will get content sent to you via e-mail.




4)            Which of the following is not an example of Web 2.0 applications?


a)            Blogs

b)            Wikis

c)            Net casting

d)            Crowdsourcing e) AJAX




5)            Many companies are using          to capture updated product features and specifications.


a)            Blogs

b)            Net casts

c)            RSS feeds

d)            Tags e) Wikis




6)            Which of the following statements concerning blogging is false?


a)            Anyone can blog.

b)            A reader can believe all of the details in a blog.

c)            A company can maintain an internal blog site.

d)            Blogging can be used in marketing.

e)            Tweets are replacing blogging.




7)            You just started to work on a project with three other people. You realize that everyone has their own notes, which makes it hard for you to keep track of what has been done and what still needs to be done. Which of the following applications would you suggest the team use?


a)            Blogs

b)            Net casts

c)            RSS feeds

d)            Tags e) Wikis




8)            The comments of consumers in the blogosphere concerning a company’s products are called



a)            Free advertising

b)            Consumer-generated media.

c)            Consumer-generated PR

d)            Rumors

e)            Reliable feedback

9)            The reliability of the content in Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, is questionable because


a)            All of the administrators are volunteers.

b)            No author has to identify himself or herself.

c)            The content is updated all the time.

d)            It is difficult to test the authenticity of the content due to the fact that anyone can contribute content.

e)            All of the above are reasons why the content is questionable.




10)          A Web site that combines content from other Web sites to form new content is called a(n)



a)            Social network

b)            Aggregator

c)            Blog

d)            E-commerce site e) Mashup




11)          Which of the following is not a social networking site?



a)            Facebook

b)            YouTube

c)            Flickr

d)            Wikipedia

e)            LinkedIn

12)          LinkedIn is a       social networking site that makes money from advertising and services.


a)            Training

b)            College

c)            Business-oriented

d)            Video-upload

e)            Blogging

13)          Which type of social network allows users to edit and contribute content posted to a particular site?

a.            Wiki

b.            Blog

c.             RSS

d.            Mashup


14)          A business that wants to create a forum allowing employees to interact with coworkers would benefit from utilizing .

a.            RSS

b.            Mashups

c.             Enterprise Social Networks

d.            Microblogs


15)          Building relationships, anticipating needs, and providing special deals for the community’s members is a function of which category of Web 2.0 applications?


a)            Social networking

b)            Aggregators

c)            Blogs

d)            Crowdsourcing e) Social commerce





16)          Which of the following is an advantage of social commerce over traditional e-commerce?


a)            Loyalty

b)            The ability to predict buying habits based on real-time data

c)            Processing speed

d)            Crowdsourcing

e)            Reduced expenses

17)          Which of the following is a true statement about the impact of social computing on a business?

a)            There is a high cost to using viral marketing

b)            It is difficult to gain information about customers

c)            A small minority of individuals contribute the majority of feedback and can provide skewed data

d)            Social computing does not allow for rapid feedback from customers.




18)          Which of the following is not an example of social commerce?

a.            Wendy offers gift cards to online users for funniest response to various challenges.

b.            Pepsi Co. sends live notifications to customers when they are close to a store that sells their products.

c.             Disney allows people to book tickets on Facebook without leaving the site.

d.            Best Buy has a Web site which can be used to purchase products for pick up in a store.

e.            Zappo’s uses Twitter to send customers coupons when they mention a Zappo’s product.




19)          Which of the following is a risk of social computing?

a.            The content posted will not be found with a search engine.

b.            Employees will be willing to participate.

c.             Employees will maintain company privacy.

d.            Ignoring negative posts is easy to do.

e.            Consumer-generated content is not edited or filtered

20)          Which of the following is true about social commerce?

a.            Social commerce only benefits customers.

b.            Social commerce only benefits businesses.

c.             Businesses can easily learn about customers’ experiences.

d.            Social commerce is only concerned with the selling process.

e.            New products are never tested via social commerce.





21)          Which of the following is not an example of social shopping?

a.            Group shopping

b.            Going to to buy a book

c.             Shopping communities and clubs

d.            Social marketplaces

e.            Peer-to-peer shopping models

22)          Group on is an example of          

a.            Shopping communities and clubs

b.            Social marketplace

c.             Group shopping

d.            Peer-to-peer shopping

e.            Collaborative consumption

23)          Ratings, reviews, and recommendations

a.            Are always provided by businesses on their Web site.

b.            Are posted by experts.

c.             Are posted without compensation.

d.            Are aspects of social shopping?

e.            Are not beneficial to the business

24)          Social marketplaces act as online              that harness the power of social networks for introducing, buying, and selling products and services.

a.            intermediaries

b.            shopping carts

c.             communities

d.            collaborative consumption

e.            mashup

25)          Which of the following is a type of collaborative consumption?

a.            Buying a new book from Amazon

b.            Craigslist

c.             Renting a car from Hertz or Avis

d.            Buying a e-textbook from your bookstore




26)          Which of the following social shopping methods contributes to environmental sustainability?

a.            Group shopping

b.            Peer-to-peer shopping

c.             Shopping clubs

d.            Social marketplaces


27)          Which of the following tools are not used by marketing professionals to compile market research?

a.            Blogs

b.            Wikis

c.             Online forums

d.            Social networking sites

e.            RSS

28)          The monitoring, collection, and analysis of socially generated data is called

a.            Social networking

b.            Social commerce

c.             Social intelligence

d.            Social advertising

e.            Social capital

29)          All of the following are used to provide online market research except

a.            Reviews

b.            Recommendations

c.             Voting

d.            Emails

e.            Blogs

30)          Which of the following is false about social advertising?

a.            Social network sites have turned to advertising as a way to make revenue.

b.            Viral marketing is effective with social netwoirking

c.             Social advertising removes peer pressure from the buying decision.

d.            Social advertisements are placed in paid-for media space by companies.

e.            Social apps support social interactions and are managed by a company to promote its brand.




31)          Using social computing tools to do market research

a.            Is only done by consumers

b.            Is only done by businesses

c.             Is expensive

d.            Can foster closer customer relationships

e.            Uses only data provided to the business.




32)          Conversational marketing can take place in which of the following forums?

a.            Blogs

b.            Wikis

c.             Online forums

d.            Social networking sites

e.            All of the above


33)          The monitoring, collection, and analysis of socially generated data, and the resultant strategic decisions

are combined in a process known as       .

a.            social commerce

b.            social intelligence

c.             social capital

d.            social networking


34)          Which of the following is true about the impact of social computing on customer service?

a.            It’s harder for customers to be heard by a company.

b.            Businesses can take their time responding to social media posts.

c.             Customers themselves can be used to reduce problems.

d.            Businesses will only get negative comments on social media posts.




35)          Social computing has allowed customers

a.            To be advocates and influencers.

b.            To continue to have to be passive with their interactions with companies

c.             To be forced to interact more often with customer service.

d.            To be restricted to only posting positive feedback about products..




36)          One of the problems that HR departments have with using social computing to recruit is


a)            all candidates seek them out

b)            they only receive qualified applications

c)            They receive many more applications than they can process.


d)            social sites each have their own special niche

e)            they cannot be used for internal tasks.




37)          HR departments use social computing applications to assist them in which of the following activities:

a.            Recruiting

b.            Training

c.             Regrouping teams

d.            Managing downsizing

e.            All of the above


38)          Which of the following is not an example of crowdsourcing?


a)            Posting a task that needs to be completed with a price for completion

b)            Posting personal pictures that can be licensed by interested parties c) Posting a call for out-pf-date textbooks

d)            Asking for feedback on products and make the feedback publically available

e)            Asking for new product ideas and reward those used

39)          Crowdsourcing


a)            Is only used to research new product ideas.

b)            is expensive

c)            Does not pay contributors

d)            Places a “call” to a defined group of people.

e)            Presumes that a large number of enthusiasts can outperform a small group of experienced professionals.




40)          Refer to Opening Case – Tiger Tans and Gifts: Which of the following is true about Lisa’s use of Facebook to grow her business?


a)            Lisa had to build her own Web site

b)            Lisa does not do online selling via Facebook.

c)            Lisa only posts on her page when she has a new product.

d)            Lisa is using crowdsourcing to get new product designs.




41)          Refer to IT’s About Business 8.1 – Pinterest: Pinterest is:


a)            allows users to explore through information shared by friends.

b)            in direction competition with Facebook. c) a shareable online bulletin board.

d) is making money.




42)          Refer to IT’s About Business 8.3 – Buying a Vehicle Takes Work: integrates different types of data from different sources and presents it to customers. Which of the following is false about its Web 2.0 efforts?


a)   earns revenue from online classified ads.

b)            Users need to join in order to obtain pricing quotes from dealerships.

c)            Their site offers user-generated content from customers.

d)            The company has mobile apps.

e)   uses Facebook and Twitter to increase its visibility.




43)          Refer to IT’s About Business 8.4 – So You Want to Find a Job: Which of the following is a benefit of searching for a job online?


a)            It’s easy to find potential positions online.

b)            Software filters are as effective as human reviews.

c)            There are only a few hundred resumes for each posted position

d)            There are only a few sites to review.

e)            Social networking can help personalize the search.

44)          Refer to IT’s About Business 8.5 – Scientific Discoveries: InnoCentive organizes online contests (challenges which are aimed at solving a business or scientific problem) with prize money. This is an example of:

a)            Blogging

b)            Crowdsourcing

c)            Social advertising

d)            Social intelligence

e)            Social networking.




45)          Refer to Closing Case #1 – Facebook Commerce: Which of the following is true about Facebook commerce?


a) Shoppers can make purchases without leaving Facebook.. b Only traditional retailers can have Facebook stores.


c)            Facebook credits can only be purchased through Facebook.

d)            Facebook charges businesses to set up a storefront.




46)          Refer to Closing Case #2 – Social Computing at Starbucks: Which of the following is not an example of how Starbucks is using social computing?


a).Starbuck’s private site has blogs written by staff members.

b) When on Facebook, users can load money onto Starbuck’s payment cards. c) Starbucks has not yet begun to use YouTube to increase its online presence.

d)            Starbucks uses LinkedIn to advertise for open positions.

e)            Starbucks announces new campaigns on Twitter.





Question Type: Multiple Choices


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47)          Carter is a member of a team of five students working on a research project that comprises 25% of his overall grade. Each student is writing a separate section of the paper and will need to edit the work of the other students. The team is trying to decide how they can most effectively work together to complete the final paper. Which of the following would work the best for this team?


a)            A blog

b)            A discussion board

c)            A private social networking site

d)            A Skype video chat e) A wiki




48)          Sean ran a very successful 5K race to support the local food bank. They had 210 runners and raised over $5,000. He wants to continue to raise awareness of the local food bank’s activities. Which of the following would be the best use of his time?


a)            Start blogging about how the food bank helps people living in the community.

b)            Use the business page in Facebook that he built for the race and allow people to donate from that page.

c)            Start putting pictures of the food bank on photo sharing sites and tag with “Food bank”

d)            Build a Web page with all of the details of the food bank.




49)          Greg still follows his high school’s lacrosse team. He set up a meeting with the coach to ask how he could help with recruiting. Which of the following actions would make the most sense for recruiting from the coach’s point of view?


a)            Build a wiki with other alums of their seasons.

b)            Build a fan page in Facebook to alert alums to upcoming games.

c)            Go to games and tweet about the action.

d)            Blog about the games and include his own insights about his experience.

e)            Post photos of this year’s games on a photo sharing site and tag them with the name of the high school.




50)          Gerry has a dog-walking business, and he wants to help his walkers plan their route. Which of the following should he use?


a)            Social networking

b)            Aggregators

c)            Blogs

d)            Crowdsourcing


e)            Mashup

51)          Sean is organizing a 5K race to support the local food bank. The event takes place in three months. Which of the following would be the best strategy to attract runners?


a)            Set up a Twitter account, and tweet some details about the event every couple of hours.

b)            Start blogging about all the organizing that is going on.

c)            Start a business page in Facebook, and let his friends know about it.

d)            Start putting pictures of the food bank on photo sharing sites and tag with “5K”

e)            Build a Web page with all of the details.




52)          Sarah recently purchased a decorative pin from a web site. The pin arrived slightly damaged and since the packaging itself was not damaged; Sarah assumed it was shipped damaged and called to complain. The person who answered the phone was very rude and unwilling to believe Sarah or to give her a refund. Sarah decided to use social computing to broadcast her complaint. Which of the following would be the most effective?


a)            Twitter

b)            Facebook

c)            Blogging

d)            the company’s web site

e)            a wiki

53)          Amy spent hours looking at ratings, reviews, and recommendations before she bought her new mattress. After the first night, she realized it was definitely not the right mattress for her and she called the store to return it. Why didn’t the ratings, reviews, and recommendations help Amy in this purchase?


a)            People really didn’t post their honest opinions

b)            Most of the reviews were paid-for reviews.

c)            Not everyone has the same expectations from a mattress.

d)            The data was out of date.




54)          Nathan has a spare bedroom in his apartment in Boston. He would like to rent it out as a “bed and breakfast” but isn’t sure how to go about it. Which of the following would be the most successful?


a)            Post something on Craigslist


b)            Tweet what he has available every Monday.

c)            Post something on his Facebook page. d) Join a bed and breakfast site




55)          Puja loves to sew and makes beautiful scarves from designer fabric end bolts. She needs to start advertising but doesn’t want to spend a lot of money since her profit margins are slim. She has set up a Web site (simple but with no online purchasing) and a Facebook store. She also has her own Facebook page. Which social computing tool would be the most helpful in acquiring new followers/customers?


a)            Post pictures in Flickr and tag them

b)            Post a YouTube video of different ways to tie the scarves

c)            Create a contest for her Facebook followers.

d)            Tweet daily to current users

56)          Dan is in the middle of his senior year job search. He is really interested in one particular company but wants to do some research on the company – research well beyond what the company says on their own Web site. Which of the following would best help him find out what other people are saying about the company?


a)            Search Twitter using the company’s name

b)            Click “like” on their Facebook page

c)            Do a Google search on the company

d)            Look for employees on LinkedIn and ask them their opinion

57)          Puja loves to sew and makes beautiful scarves from designer fabric end bolts. She finally has a Web site that supports online purchases. She wants to expand the use of the Web site to improve customer loyalty. Which idea is likely to have the highest success?


a)            Post a YouTube video of different ways to tie the scarves

b)            Write and post a blog

c)            Set up a customer club with members receiving newsletters and discount coupons.

d)            Post pictures of her scarves on her site

58)          Hunter’s sales of custom water bottles has been declining and she isn’t sure why. She hasn’t been paying much attention to her online presence and thought that would be a great place to start. Which of the following might give her the most insight into what consumers think about her product?



a) See how many Likes she has on her Facebook page b) Search Twitter posts

c)            Review the reviews that are on her Web page.

d)            Review how many views her YouTube advertisement video has had

59)          Dan is in the middle of his senior year job search. He has a LinkedIn account which he has updated. What other social computing activities should he do to best improve his chances of finding his dream job?


a)            Post a video of himself on YouTube

b)            Start tweeting about his job search experiences

c)            Starting blogging about his job search experiences d) Access a job aggregator site.




60)          Vivian works in the Human Resource department of a mid-size organization. She recently posted a position with What can she expect from having posted this position?


a)            Emails from CareerBuilder asking her to post with them.

b)            Resumes from only qualified candidates

c)            A high volume of resumes from qualified and less-qualified candidates

d)            “Jobsites” sent by people in her LinkedIn friends

61)          Puja knows that she really needs to improve her Web site and decides to look into “crowdsourcing” the work. Which of the following should not concern her?


a)            How expensive is it to post the “call”?.

b)            How many of those responding are experts?

c)            Will their work violate intellectual property laws?

d)            How much time will it take to evaluate all the proposals?




62)          Puja decides it’s time to have her business look more professional with a logo. How might she use social computing to support her efforts to develop a professional logo?


a)            Ask her personal friends on Facebook for ideas.

b)            Ask the people who have liked her business on Facebook for ideas.

c)            Crowd source the design

d)            Post something on Tweeter looking for help




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