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Homework answers / question archive / University of Ontario Institute of Technology BIOL 3650U Nutrition Science and Applications, Canadian Edition Test Bank Chapter 8: The Water-Soluble Vitamins MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1)Which statement concerning vitamins is INCORRECT? Vitamins are organic compounds

University of Ontario Institute of Technology BIOL 3650U Nutrition Science and Applications, Canadian Edition Test Bank Chapter 8: The Water-Soluble Vitamins MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1)Which statement concerning vitamins is INCORRECT? Vitamins are organic compounds


University of Ontario Institute of Technology

BIOL 3650U

Nutrition Science and Applications, Canadian Edition Test Bank

Chapter 8: The Water-Soluble Vitamins


1)Which statement concerning vitamins is INCORRECT?

  1. Vitamins are organic compounds.
  2. If a vitamin is not provided by the diet, the body will synthesize it.
  3. Vitamins are essential.
  4. Vitamins are essential for growth, reproduction and health.





  1. Which statement is NOT true?
  1. Vitamins provide energy.
  2. Vitamin deficiencies are rare in Canada.
  3. Vitamins are necessary in many biochemical reactions in the body.
  4. It generally takes longer to develop a deficiency of a fat-soluble vitamin than a deficiency of a water soluble vitamin.





  1. Vitamins may be lost when food is processed. When these vitamins are added back to the processed food at the same or higher level, the food is said to be
  1. enhanced.
  2. fortified.
  3. enriched.
  4. supplemented.





  1. The process of adding nutrients to foods is called
  1. enrichment.
  2. fortification.
  3. milling.
  4. supplementation.






  1. Which of the following statements about fortification of foods in Canada is NOT true?
  1. Fortification of foods is always regulated by Health Canada.
  2. Fortification of foods can be an arbitrary act of the food manufacturer.
  3. Fortification of foods can lead to nutrient imbalances and toxicities.
  4. Fortification of juice can help provide adequate calcium for Canadians who don't consume enough.





  1. When the vitamins lost in grain processing are restored, which is a nutrient typically NOT added back?
  1. iron
  2. thiamin
  3. pantothenic acid
  4. riboflavin





  1. Which of the following terms is used to describe how much of a vitamin is absorbed and used by the body?
  1. absorption
  2. assimilation
  3. bioavailability
  4. functionality




  1. The                           is the site of most vitamin absorption into the body.
  1. mouth
  2. stomach
  3. small intestine
  4. large intestine





  1. Many B vitamins are essential for the metabolism of energy yielding nutrients. They perform this function by binding to and promoting the activity of enzymes. When B vitamins perform in this way, they are           .
  1. provitamins
  2. transport proteins
  3. coenzymes
  4. hormones





  1. Beriberi is a disease caused by lack of                                           in the diet.
  1. riboflavin
  2. thiamin
  3. vitamin C
  4. niacin





  1. Which of the following does NOT affect the thiamin availability in food?
  1. presence of other vitamins
  2. certain enzymes found in raw fish
  3. compounds found in blueberries, tea and coffee
  4. heat, as generated in cooking






  1. Which is a good source of thiamin?
  1. sunflower seeds
  2. pork
  3. whole grains
  4. All answer choices are correct.





  1. A primary function of thiamin in the body is to
  1. clot blood.
  2. regulate cell differentiation.
  3. increase uptake of iron by hemoglobin.
  4. facilitate production of energy from glucose.





  1. Which group of people is most at risk for developing a thiamin deficiency?
  1. cigarette smokers
  2. endurance athletes
  3. older adults
  4. chronic alcoholics





  1. The symptoms of thiamin deficiency best explained by its role in glucose metabolism are
  1. depression and weakness.
  2. paralysis.
  3. hunger.
  4. atherosclerosis.





  1. A person consuming a diet deficient in dairy products but adequate in other areas would have the most difficulty obtaining sufficient amounts of which vitamin?
  1. niacin
  2. riboflavin
  3. iron
  4. vitamin C





  1. Riboflavin is most easily destroyed when exposed to
  1. light.
  2. vitamin C.
  3. oxygen.
  4. acid.





  1. Riboflavin forms active coenzymes that do all the following EXCEPT
  1. help produce energy from carbohydrate, protein and fat.
  2. function as electron carriers.
  3. function in the citric acid cycle.
  4. send messages between nerve cells.





  1. Symptoms of ariboflavinosis do not include
  1. inflammation of the eyes and mouth.
  2. scaly, greasy skin eruptions.


  1. brittle hair.
  2. confusion.





  1. Riboflavin supplementation
  1. is necessary for maximum energy production.
  2. can help the 50% of the American public that does not get enough riboflavin from dietary sources.
  3. is banned in performance sports.
  4. does not provide an energy boost.





  1. Which disease is caused by a niacin deficiency?
  1. ariboflavinosis
  2. beriberi
  3. pellagra
  4. scurvy





  1. Which is the TRUE statement about niacin?
  1. It can be synthesized in the body from the amino acid, tryptophan.
  2. Eggs are a good source of preformed niacin.
  3. Heat and light easily destroy it.
  4. Corn has a protective effect against niacin deficiencies.





  1. Pellagra occurs when                             is the staple grain in the diet and the diet does not provide adequate variety.
  1. corn
  2. wheat
  3. rice
  4. barley





  1. A common adverse effect of niacin toxicity includes
  1. dermatitis.
  2. flushing of the skin.
  3. dementia.
  4. hives.





  1. Niacin supplements
  1. are used in Canada since niacin deficiency is a public health concern.
  2. provide an essential energy boost.
  3. decrease LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol.
  4. are associated with an increase in heart attacks.





  1. Which statement about niacin is true?
  1. Niacin is active in the removal of bile from the body.
  2. Niacin is important in the production of energy from energy yielding nutrients.
  3. The damage caused by a niacin deficiency affects few parts of the body.
  4. Niacin is needed to synthesize tryptophan.





  1. Biotin is tightly bound by avidin, which prevents absorption of the vitamin. Avidin is commonly found in
  1. egg whites.
  2. kidney beans.
  3. peanuts.
  4. spinach.





  1. Which is the FALSE statement regarding biotin?
  1. Biotin functions in the metabolism of amino acids.
  2. An RDA for biotin has not been be determined.
  3. Biotin is produced by human enzymes in the small intestine.
  4. People on tube feedings may become deficient.





  1. Which statement is NOT true regarding pantothenic acid?
  1. Pantothenic acid toxicity is common.
  2. Pantothenic acid is found in many foods.
  3. The AI for pantothenic acid is 5 mg per day.
  4. Pantothenic acid deficiency has been associated with chronic alcoholism.





  1. Pantothenic acid is abundant in
  1. meat.


  1. eggs.
  2. whole grains.
  3. All answer choices are correct.





  1. Pantothenic acid is part of the molecule
  1. Coenzyme A.
  2. Flavinadenine dinucleotide.
  3. Nicotinadenine dinucleotide.
  4. Adenosine triphosphate.





  1. Another name for vitamin B6 is
  1. pantothenic acid.
  2. pyridoxine.
  3. pyruvate.
  4. biotin.





  1. Vitamin B6 does not perform which of the following roles?
  1. It is vital in the formation of non-essential amino acids.
  2. It is required for the synthesis of hemoglobin.
  3. It is necessary in collagen formation.
  4. It supports the immune system since it is necessary for the formation of white blood cells.




  1. The RDA for B6                                          as adults age.
  1. increases
  2. decreases
  3. stays the same
  4. increases for males, decreases for females





  1. The symptoms of B6 deficiency do not include
  1. depression.
  2. numbness in the extremities.
  3. anemia with large, deeply coloured red blood cells.
  4. headaches.





  1. The amount of B6 available for functioning in the body has been shown to be influenced by all of the following EXCEPT
  1. amount of fat in the diet.
  2. oral contraceptives.
  3. exposure of the food to heat and light.
  4. alcohol ingestion.





  1. An elevation in homocysteine has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In clinical studies, which vitamins have been shown to decrease levels of homocysteine in the blood?
  1. vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin C
  2. riboflavin, vitamin A, and folate
  3. vitamin B6, folate, and vitamin B12
  4. pantothenic acid, riboflavin, and biotin






  1. Folate deficiency symptoms are less of a problem recently because
  1. grain products have been fortified with folate.
  2. more people are taking supplements.
  3. more people are drinking low-fat milk.
  4. green tea is more popular.





  1. Which food is the best source of folate?
  1. bananas
  2. bacon
  3. oranges
  4. eggs





  1. Increased amounts of which vitamin are recommended during pregnancy to reduce incidences of abnormalities in the brain or spinal cord of the developing baby?
  1. riboflavin
  2. biotin
  3. vitamin B12
  4. folic acid





  1. Folic acid supplements are most often recommended for
  1. post-menopausal women.
  2. women who are considering pregnancy.
  3. toddlers.
  4. the elderly.





  1. Low folate status increases the risk of
  1. cancer that affects epithelial tissue.
  2. heart disease.
  3. neural tube defects.
  4. All answer choices are correct.





  1. Which group is at risk for folate deficiency?
  1. premature infants
  2. elderly
  3. smokers
  4. All answer choices are correct.





  1. Folate's role in DNA synthesis makes it particularly important in
  1. lipid synthesis.
  2. rapidly dividing cells.
  3. nerve cells.
  4. old age.


Answer: b





  1. Folate deficiency causes all the following EXCEPT
  1. megaloblastic anemia.
  2. microcytic anemia.
  3. poor growth.
  4. diarrhea.





  1. High intake of folate is cause for which of the following concerns?
  1. High levels may increase the incidence of colon cancer.
  2. High levels may cause other vitamin deficiencies because folate competes for absorption sites.
  3. High levels may mask a B12 deficiency, giving rise to permanent nerve damage.
  4. High levels may cause acne.





  1. Meeting B12 needs from the diet is especially difficult for
  1. infants.
  2. pregnant women.
  3. people following strict vegan diets.
  4. athletes undergoing rigorous training.





  1. For which group is taking B12 supplements the least beneficial?
  1. people eating diets high in animal products
  2. older adults with significantly reduced stomach acid
  3. people who do not consume any animal products


  1. breast- fed infants whose mothers are vegans





  1. Absorption of B12 is dependent upon all of the following EXCEPT
  1. adequate stomach acid.
  2. R-proteins.
  3. intrinsic factor.
  4. amylase (pepsin is needed for B12 absorption).





  1. For which of the following is B12 essential?
  1. the division of red blood cells
  2. the synthesis of proteins
  3. the activation of niacin
  4. the maintenance of myelin and normal nerve transmission





  1. B12 deficiency caused by a deficiency of intrinsic factor results in
  1. beriberi.
  2. scurvy.
  3. pernicious anemia.
  4. pellagra.





  1. Which of the following statements about B12 deficiency is UNTRUE?
  1. It can take many years on a deficient diet for symptoms to appear.


  1. Symptoms include neurological problems.
  2. It can be deadly.
  3. Deficiency is common among young adults eating a mixed diet.





  1. Which is the best source of vitamin C?
  1. green pepper
  2. milk
  3. eggs
  4. beef





  1. Which group is LEAST at risk for developing vitamin C deficiency?
  1. adults who consume plenty of fruits and vegetables
  2. infants fed cow's milk
  3. alcoholics
  4. elderly people consuming nutrient poor diets





  1. Which of the following is NOT recognized as a major function of vitamin C in the body?
  1. formation of collagen
  2. facilitating release of energy from glucose
  3. protection against damage from free radicals
  4. helps in the absorption of iron





  1. Consumption of orange juice enhances the absorption of which mineral?
  1. calcium
  2. iron
  3. zinc
  4. fluoride





  1. Which lifestyle factor increases the requirement for vitamin C?
  1. drinking alcohol
  2. exercising frequently and intensely
  3. smoking cigarettes
  4. eating a diet high in fibre





  1. Vitamin C deficiency causes which of the following?
  1. bleeding gums
  2. easy bruising.
  3. depression.
  4. All answer choices are correct.





  1. Which is the FALSE statement regarding vitamin C?
  1. Vitamin C has been shown to decrease the duration and severity of the common cold.
  2. People who are prone to developing certain kinds of kidney stones should avoid Vitamin C supplementation.
  3. Studies have shown that vitamin C supplementation decreases the number of colds a person gets.
  4. Chewing vitamin C supplements can cause dental problems.






  1. Which statement about choline is correct?
  1. Choline has no important roles in the body.
  2. Choline is classified as a vitamin since it is necessary for the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
  3. Choline deficiency causes kidney problems.
  4. Choline is not classified as a vitamin





  1. Choline deficiency causes problems primarily in which organ?
  1. kidney
  2. stomach
  3. liver
  4. brain




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