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Homework answers / question archive / The chosen research methodology is qualitative research, as this study is based on the development of theoretical theories with a foundation of empirical data

The chosen research methodology is qualitative research, as this study is based on the development of theoretical theories with a foundation of empirical data


The chosen research methodology is qualitative research, as this study is based on the development of theoretical theories with a foundation of empirical data. Therefore, this qualitative study will identify isolated interdependencies or theoretical fragments, which can be further differentiated or validated (Jackson et al., 2007). It will examine Installation Program Managers' (IPM) and Program Managers' (PM) perspectives on the matrix organization and the used performance management processes and how these affect project objectives. The phenomenon has to be first understood in-depth to be able to explore potential solutions. Therefore, this research is exploratory (Yin, 2018). As a theory, the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) will be utilized, as it is focused on organizational behavior as well as the organizational development process. The mindset of AI is to foster change management constructed through social construct and organizational transformation. AI efforts are seen in the organization's optimistic assumptions, allowing for organizational improvement of effectiveness (Cooperrider et al., 2008). The main concepts' implicit connections are how the type of leadership affects project/task execution, and the organizational size / AOR managers of the NBK FFR organization have. It is clear that there is a connection, but the depth of the association is uncertain nor genuinely understood. Therefore, assumptions have to be made; questions have to be researched and answered before the concepts' implicit connections can be modeled. The three main concepts, their construct, variables/indicators, how these will be measured, the source of the data, and the analysis level. The concept of leadership in the matrix organization is composed of PM and IPM and has two different constructs. The first construct is simultaneously the associated variable or indicator, decision authority. With all the levels given, decision authority lines in a matrix organization can be blurry and have to be evaluated (Azevedo, 2018). The AOR of the individual positions must be measured by identifying decision authority levels in strategic, tactical, and operational levels. The source will be organizational records indicating what position should function at what level. The level of analysis is determined as organizational. The second construct of the concept of leadership is leadership style. Here again, the construct and the associated variable or indicator are identical. The leadership styles of the different levels of leaders play an essential role. To determine them, they can be measured using a leadership quiz' based on Kurt Lewin's Leadership style framework, such as mindtool's "What's your leadership style?" indicator (Mindtools, n.d.). Mindtools determines the leadership style depending on the number associated with the answers given by the individual. The outcome of the measurements will be gathered from surveys conducted with the leadership and serve as the data source. The level of analysis is determined as an individual. The concept of organizational size and AOR has the construct of operations. The variables and indicators are determined by the operation's size, such as the number of staff members and customers served. These will be measured by calculating the metrics indicating the number of staff and customers served. The source will be organizational records provided by the organization. The level of analysis is determined as organizational. The concept execution has two core constructs, execution of daily tasks and execution of projects. Both of these have the same variables and indicators, time allocated. The means of measurements, however, will vary. The daily task's execution measures disruptions managers experience during a typical workday while completing specific administrative tasks. The second measurement is the same for executing projects variable, the time needed versus time allocated for tasks. All level of analysis' is determined as individual and the source will be a mixture of observation and participant query. Discussions have been conducted with the Commanding Officer of NBK, Department Heads, and IPM's for brainstorming sessions on potential research methods. Furthermore, dialogues during the discussion sections within the DBA program helped determine the research methods further. Engagements with DBA Alumni and Ph.D. Alumni's helped to validate the chosen research method.

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