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Homework answers / question archive / RUBRIC – INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEW PAPER 1
1. First, please read the section in the Syllabus concerning this project.
2. There is no particular stylebook required for this paper. Of course, always use good grammar, spell correctly and, if you do cite a source outside of the interview, please indicate in an intelligible cite (again, no particular stylebook need be followed) to the reader, so he is able to locate the source you cite.
3. Usually, the most common question students have about the project is: What kind of Format do you want? Let’s try to make this simple. There will be basically only two ways to write the paper:
· The first way to format the paper would be to just write a seamless narrative with an Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. That is, after the interview, assimilate and digest all your notes, the questions you asked, and answers you received into a story.
· The second way to format the paper is where the student sets-out questions asked, or, some other logical organizing category. With this second kind of formatting, there is still an Introduction, Body, and a Conclusion, as with the first type of format.
Remember: the whole point of this project is to finally to make this valuable information your own. That is, we don’t want a transcript. The reader wants to see if you have digested and assimilated the answers from the interview thoroughly enough so that you can paraphrase – put into your own words – what the interview told you. Quotations that really stand out, sure, why not; but, predominately, show the reader that you have run all this wisdom you have gained through your own head.
Another important point about this second format where the questions are set-out explicitly and then the answer, paraphrased: if you do it this way, for each question/answer set-out, before you move on to the next, it is critical that you give some analysis/commentary/meditation, etc., on what you learned from that particular answer. For example, can you show the reader that you are making a logical connection between what was answered and something else that was said by the interviewee elsewhere in the interview; or, is there some connection between the answer and what you’ve learned in any of your classes taken at Chico State; or, what about any connection with your life experience? If nothing else, perhaps the answer that the interviewee gave was not quite correct, and why not!? This would certainly show the reader you are not just taking face value what was said to you, but that you are doing research on the information provided and comparing/contrasting it with what you’ve learned in class and life, or, your own view of the matter.
4. Think hard about who you would like to interview. Family and friends sometimes can help with introductions. If not, no sweat – start making the contact yourself. Be persistent, kind and polite. Part of this assignment is trying to learn how to get to people who have the wisdom to share with you and the authority to make decisions. Don’t take it personally if you are not able to get ‘Fish A’ on the hook…people are busy. Note, however, even if you wind-up interviewing ‘Fish B’ for the class, maybe ‘Fish A’ will go for an interview next year! In other words, you won’t be able to use the interview for this class, but so what? Next year when you finally do the interview you will have made the contact and learned all that great stuff. All this is to say: you can (and really should) use this informational interview tool throughout your career.
5. Note, that some students may already have a career in mind; others not. I know I didn’t know. Either way, informational interviews are very helpful (for example, just learning that you definitely do NOT want to go into a particular field will have saved you a lot of time, money, and struggle).
6. Please hand-in to the instructor some beginning legal (approximately 10 questions) and some beginning business questions (approximately 10 questions) that you think will be relevant and engaging for the interviewee. And, on the same page, please let the instructor know who you are going to interview. IT TAKES TIME TO SECURE A GOOD INTERVIEW, PLEASE GET STARTED RIGHT AWAY.
7. Between now and the time of your interview, the key is to REFINE, REFINE, REFINE your questions!! The instructor is here to help if you seek him out in office hours. The essence of this project, though, is the gradual development in the student’s own mind of the formulating question, as he/she tries to make conscious to himself/herself: ‘What exactly do I want to learn here? And, why? Accordingly with my own aspirations in life, how can this person (the interviewee) help me to understand what I want or need to know? And, as to the questions I pose to the interviewee: Are they relevant to her/her job description? Will they likely know how to answer the question? Does it have anything to do with what they do for a living, or where their interests lie?’
8. RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH THE INTERVIEWEE AND HIS/HER ORGANIZATION. This is vitally important: You cannot possibly know how to construct relevant and engaging questions for the interviewee, if you do not know a great deal about them and their organizations!
9. And, after the interview, during the time you are digesting all the valuable information you obtained by way of the interview….RESEARCH, RESEARCH, AND RESEARCH some more, the answers given you, before you finally write-up your paper.
10. There will be a lot more questions. Come and see me. That is why I’m here.