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Homework answers / question archive / Abandoned: Circuit City Week 1: Please watch the following video concerning the failure of Circuit City and respond (200 words or more to include citations and references) to the questions below

Abandoned: Circuit City Week 1: Please watch the following video concerning the failure of Circuit City and respond (200 words or more to include citations and references) to the questions below


Abandoned: Circuit City

Week 1:

Please watch the following video concerning the failure of Circuit City and respond (200 words or more to include citations and references) to the questions below.

Bright Sun Films. (2016, September 30). Abandoned - Circuit City [Video file]. Retrieved from

  1. Was the failure of the company attributable to organizational resistance to change – or to poor decisions made on the part of top leadership?
  2. Did the management of the company fail to recognize significant changes occurring within the external environment of the retail industry and fail to adapt to them?
  3. Were internal issues responsible for the company’s ills?
  4. What, in your opinion, were the top three reasons that the company failed, and how might these failures have been avoided?

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