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Homework answers / question archive / York University - KINE 4020 Chapter 10 Nutrients for Energy Metabolism MULTIPLE CHOICE 1)How does one measure the quantity of a vitamin in a food? By millilitres By grams By millimoles By micrograms or milligrams     What is a precursor? a conditionally essential vitamin a sign or symptom of a vitamin deficiency disorder a substance that is used to synthesize another compound a substance that is recycled through the liver and intestines     Which of the following describes the bioavailability of a vitamin in food? the total amount available from plant and animal food the amount absorbed and subsequently used by the body the amount that escapes destruction from food processing the number of different chemical forms of the same vitamin     Which one of the following general characteristics best describes the water-soluble vitamins? They must be consumed daily

York University - KINE 4020 Chapter 10 Nutrients for Energy Metabolism MULTIPLE CHOICE 1)How does one measure the quantity of a vitamin in a food? By millilitres By grams By millimoles By micrograms or milligrams     What is a precursor? a conditionally essential vitamin a sign or symptom of a vitamin deficiency disorder a substance that is used to synthesize another compound a substance that is recycled through the liver and intestines     Which of the following describes the bioavailability of a vitamin in food? the total amount available from plant and animal food the amount absorbed and subsequently used by the body the amount that escapes destruction from food processing the number of different chemical forms of the same vitamin     Which one of the following general characteristics best describes the water-soluble vitamins? They must be consumed daily

Health Science

York University - KINE 4020

Chapter 10 Nutrients for Energy Metabolism


1)How does one measure the quantity of a vitamin in a food?

    1. By millilitres
    2. By grams
    3. By millimoles
    4. By micrograms or milligrams



  1. What is a precursor?
    1. a conditionally essential vitamin
    2. a sign or symptom of a vitamin deficiency disorder
    3. a substance that is used to synthesize another compound
    4. a substance that is recycled through the liver and intestines



  1. Which of the following describes the bioavailability of a vitamin in food?
    1. the total amount available from plant and animal food
    2. the amount absorbed and subsequently used by the body
    3. the amount that escapes destruction from food processing
    4. the number of different chemical forms of the same vitamin



  1. Which one of the following general characteristics best describes the water-soluble vitamins?
    1. They must be consumed daily.
    2. Toxic levels in the body are common.
    3. They are inorgani
    4. They are structurally linked together.



  1. Which of the following is a water-soluble vitamin?
    1. pantothenic acid
    2. citric acid
    3. tannic acid
    4. carbonic acid



  1. When the water-soluble vitamins are absorbed, to which location in the body do they directly move to- ward?
    1. the blood
    2. the lymph nodes
    3. the liver


    1. the small intestine



  1. Suzanne has a bowl of iron-enriched cereal for breakfast. Which of the following beverages will help her to best absorb the iron from the cereal?
    1. milk
    2. orange juice
    3. tea
    4. prune juice



  1. Which of the following is the primary excretory route for the water-soluble vitamins?
    1. bile
    2. kidney
    3. intestine
    4. perspiration



  1. When thiamin is consumed in excess of needs, the body treats the excess in which of the following ways?
    1. stored in the adipose tissue
    2. excretes primarily in the urine
    3. excretes primarily in the feces
    4. stores in liver, bone, and adipose tissue



  1. Which is a chief function of the B vitamins?
    1. antioxidation
    2. anticoagulation
    3. antibody stabilization
    4. coenzyme participation



  1. Which of the following explains why B vitamin deficiencies lead to lack of energy?
    1. B vitamins are a source of kilocalories.
    2. Absorption of carbohydrates and fats is decreased.
    3. Oxygen for energy metabolism cannot be transported to the cells.
    4. Coenzymes needed for energy metabolism are produced in insufficient amounts.



  1. Which of the following describes the basic function of a coenzyme?
    1. assist in the synthesis of an enzyme by attaching to RNA
    2. assist in uptake of an enzyme by attaching to cell membranes
    3. allow a chemical reaction to take place by attaching to an enzyme
    4. allow for transport of an enzyme through the circulation by attaching to the enzyme




  1. Which of the following functions has a requirement for thiamin?
    1. blood coagulation
    2. formation of red blood cells
    3. energy release from energy-yielding nutrients
    4. formation of epithelial cell mucopolysaccharides



  1. Which of the following reactions is the primary chemical reaction in which thiamin participates as a coenzyme?
    1. transfer of amine groups in the synthesis of amino acids
    2. transfer of hydrogen atoms in the synthesis of erythrocytes
    3. addition of methyl groups to compounds involved in energy metabolism
    4. removal of one-carbon units from compounds involved in energy metabolism



  1. Which of the following is the coenzyme form of thiamine?
    1. thiamin phosphate
    2. thiamin pyrophosphate
    3. thiamin adenine dinucleotide
    4. thiamin flavin mononucleotide



  1. Beriberi results from a deficiency of which one of the following vitamins?
    1. niacin
    2. thiamin
    3. vitamin C
    4. vitamin B12



  1. Which of the following diets is most likely to lead to beriberi?
    1. high intake of white rice
    2. low intake of whole grains
    3. high intakes of unrefined rice
    4. low intake of enriched grains



  1. The Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome may be treated with supplements of which one of the following vitamins?
    1. folacin
    2. thiamin
    3. vitamin C
    4. vitamin B12



  1. Dry beriberi affects which one of the body's systems?
    1. the endocrine system


    1. the reproductive system
    2. the circulatory system
    3. the nervous system



  1. Approximately what percentage of alcoholics exhibit thiamin deficiency?
    1. 20 percent
    2. 40 percent
    3. 60 percent
    4. 80 percent



  1. Which of the following cooking methods is best for a food that contains thiamin?
    1. baking
    2. broiling
    3. microwaving
    4. roasting



  1. Which of the following foods provides the most thiamin per serving size?
    1. ham
    2. squash
    3. whole milk
    4. whole-grain breads



  1. Nicky has been disoriented, has experienced short-term memory loss, and she walks with a staggering gait. Which of the following conditions has Nicky experienced?
    1. beriberi
    2. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
    3. pellagra
    4. thiamin flush



  1. Which of the following symptoms indicates a thiamin deficiency?
    1. anorexia
    2. enlarged heart
    3. bulimia
    4. depression



  1. Which of the following animals contains the highest concentration of thiamin in muscle tissue?
    1. pig
    2. fish
    3. steer
    4. chicken



  1. Which of the following foods is the richest food source of thiamin?


  1. lettuce
  2. soy burger
  3. cow milk
  4. refined rice


  1. Riboflavin in its coenzyme form functions in the transfer of which of the following?
    1. methyl groups
    2. 1-carbon units
    3. 2-carbon units
    4. hydrogen atoms



  1. Which of the following vitamins is involved substantially in energy transformation reactions?
    1. biotin
    2. cobalamin
    3. riboflavin
    4. pyridoxine



  1. Which of the following signs can be indicative of a dietary deficiency of riboflavin?
    1. dehydration
    2. diarrhea
    3. keratomalacia
    4. inflamed mouth membranes



  1. Which of the following food groups ordinarily contains the highest amount of riboflavin when ex- pressed per kcalorie?
    1. dairy
    2. meats
    3. fruits
    4. vegetables



  1. Which of the following phrases best describes the term, ariboflavonosis?
    1. vitamin B2 deficiency disease
    2. food sources devoid of vitamin B2
    3. ultraviolet destruction of vitamin B2
    4. excessive heat destruction of vitamin B2



  1. The signs and symptoms of riboflavin deficiency are known collectively as which of the following?
    1. cheilosis
    2. antiflavonosis
    3. ariboflavinosis
    4. flavin adenine dinucleosis



  1. Riboflavin needs are more difficult to meet when the diet is low in which of the following?
    1. meats
    2. grains
    3. vegetables
    4. dairy foods



  1. Riboflavin is most easily destroyed when exposed to which of the following?
    1. heat
    2. acid
    3. alkali
    4. ultraviolet light



  1. Which of the following containers is best for protecting the riboflavin content of milk?
    1. transparent plastic
    2. cardboard
    3. transparent glass
    4. translucent plastic



  1. The coenzyme FAD is formed from which of the following vitamins?
    1. niacin
    2. choline
    3. thiamin
    4. riboflavin



  1. Which of the following commonly eaten foods makes the greatest contribution to riboflavin intake?
    1. milk
    2. potatoes
    3. orange juice
    4. peanut butter



  1. Milk and milk products provide liberal amounts of which of the following vitamins?
    1. folate
    2. biotin
    3. riboflavin
    4. pantothenic acid



  1. Characteristic cracking and redness at the corners of the mouth is produced by a deficiency of which of the following vitamins?
    1. biotin
    2. niacin
    3. riboflavin
    4. ascorbic acid




  1. Which of the following fruits or vegetables is the richest source of riboflavin?
    1. broccoli
    2. carrots
    3. apples
    4. blueberries



  1. Which of the following is the major form of niacin in the blood?
    1. nicotene
    2. nicotinic acid
    3. niacin phosphate
    4. nicotinamide



  1. Which of the following properties is shared by niacin and riboflavin coenzymes?
    1. unstable to irradiation
    2. unstable to metal cooking utensils
    3. acceptance and transfer of hydrogen atoms
    4. acceptance and transfer of carboxyl groups



  1. Which of the following amino acids can the body use to synthesize niacin when the diet contains an adequate amount of protein?
    1. lysine
    2. valine
    3. tryptophan
    4. phenylalanine



  1. Which of the following nutrients functions to prevent the appearance of a bilateral, symmetrical dermatitis, primarily on areas exposed to the sun?
    1. niacin
    2. choline
    3. inositol
    4. riboflavin



  1. The vitamin deficiency disease pellagra means which of the following?
    1. “rough skin”
    2. “paralyzed limbs”
    3. “demented behaviour”
    4. “flattened erythrocytes”



  1. A low-protein diet in which corn is a principal food has been found to cause a deficiency of which of the following vitamins?
    1. niacin


    1. thiamin
    2. vitamin C
    3. vitamin B12



  1. What vitamin deficiency disease appeared in people who had subsisted on a diet high in corn and low in protein?
    1. scurvy
    2. pellagra
    3. wet beriberi
    4. pernicious anemia



  1. Which of the following is among the common signs of pellagra?
    1. dehydration
    2. dementia
    3. dysphagia
    4. desiccation



  1. A general niacin deficiency is known to be manifested in abnormalities of which one of the following organs/systems?
    1. endocrine system
    2. skeletal system
    3. nervous system
    4. cardiovascular system



  1. Tryptophan can be used in the body to synthesize which of the following nutrients?
    1. FAD
    2. biotin
    3. niacin
    4. inositol



  1. While researching your southern family history, you find that your grandmother had a sister who died fairly young. The symptoms leading up to her death included diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia. Be- cause the family led a poor, corn-farming existence, you suspect this relative died of which of the fol- lowing diseases?
    1. scurvy
    2. cancer
    3. pellagra
    4. beriberi



  1. Which of the following substances is found in corn and contributes to the development of pellagra?


    1. avidin
    2. leucine
    3. phytate
    4. phenylalanine



  1. Which of the following terms identifies the characteristic tingling sensations and reddening of the skin after ingesting a pharmacologic dose of nicotinic acid?
    1. niacin flush
    2. NAD dermatitis
    3. niacin erythrema
    4. bilateral niacin inflammation



  1. Which of the following overt side effect(s) is likely to appear after a person ingests a high quantity of nicotinic acid?
    1. constipation
    2. mental confusion
    3. painful, tingling, itching sensation
    4. hair loss, bloating, and photophobia



  1. When taken in large doses, which of the following vitamins is associated with liver injury and peptic ulcers?
    1. niacin
    2. thiamin
    3. vitamin B6
    4. vitamin B12



  1. Large doses of nicotinic acid are known to result in which of the following?
    1. decreased LDL cholesterol
    2. decreased HDL cholesterol
    3. lowered adiponectin
    4. disappearance of learning disorders in children



  1. At one point in time, researchers believed that pellagra was caused by which one of the following?
    1. exposure to the sun
    2. an infection
    3. dehydration
    4. fatigue



  1. Your friend Jane just returned from the doctor who diagnosed her with a specific vitamin B toxicity. However, she doesn’t recall the name of the vitamin. Which of the following is the only possible cul- prit associated with toxicity symptoms?


a.    niacin

b. biotin

c.     riboflavin

d. vitamin B12



  1. What is the approximate niacin RDA for adults?
    1. 10 niacin equivalents
    2. 35 niacin equivalents
    3. 20 niacin equivalents
    4. 30 niacin equivalents



  1. Which of the following foods would be the best source of niacin equivalents?
    1. milk
    2. broccoli
    3. chicken
    4. strawberries



  1. Bob is a competitive body builder. His trainer suggested that he consume 4 egg white omelets per day, but he remembers a warning about a possible vitamin deficiency from consuming too many egg whites. What advice would you provide to Bob?
    1. He should not be concerned as long as he consumes both the yolk and whites of the eggs.
    2. He should not follow the diet, since the avidin in the egg whites could bind to niacin and prevent its absorption.
    3. He should not follow the diet, since the avidin in the egg whites could bind to biotin and prevent its absorption.
    4. He should not be concerned, because, when the eggs are cooked, the avidin protein is de- natured, and thus does not pose a problem for deficiency disease.



  1. Symptoms of biotin deficiency include an inability to walk and which one of the following problems?
    1. hyperglycemia
    2. numbness
    3. leg cramps
    4. diarrhea



  1. Which of the following compounds that serve as coenzymes in metabolism is considered a vitamin for human beings?
    1. biotin
    2. inositol
    3. lipoic acid
    4. orotic acid



  1. Which of the following foods contains a protein that decreases bioavailability of biotin?
    1. aged wine
    2. aged cheese


    1. raw egg whites
    2. raw cauliflower



  1. A protein that binds with biotin (thus inhibiting absorption) is found in which of the following foods?
    1. aged cheese
    2. raw egg whites
    3. whole wheat bread
    4. unhomogenized milk



  1. Which of the following vitamins is synthesized by intestinal bacteria?
    1. folate
    2. biotin
    3. cyanocobalamin
    4. pantothenic acid



  1. Biotin can be synthesized by which of the following body components?
    1. the blood
    2. the skin
    3. the liver
    4. intestinal bacteria



  1. What is the adult Adequate Intake for biotin?
    1. 3 µg
    2. 30 µg
    3. 13 µg
    4. 33 µg



  1. Which of the following vitamins forms a part of coenzyme A?
    1. biotin
    2. folate
    3. riboflavin
    4. pantothenic acid



  1. Which of the following amounts is the AI for pantothenic acid for adults?
    1. 1 mg
    2. 3 mg
    3. 5 mg
    4. 8 mg



  1. Which of the following vitamins is known to sustain substantial losses during processing of food?
    1. biotin
    2. niacin


    1. vitamin B12
    2. pantothenic acid



  1. Forms of vitamin B6 include which one of the following?
    1. pyridoxal
    2. pyridoxine acid
    3. pyrimidine
    4. pyridoxamine pyruvate



  1. Which of the following vitamins is stored primarily in muscle tissue?
    1. biotin
    2. folate
    3. vitamin B6
    4. pantothenic acid



  1. The chief symptoms of early vitamin B6 deficiency include which of the following?
    1. confusion and depression
    2. muscle cramps and stiffness
    3. profound fatigue and anemia
    4. hyperactivity and shortness of breath



  1. Which of the following vitamins is involved intensively in amino acid metabolism?
    1. biotin
    2. vitamin A
    3. vitamin B6
    4. riboflavin



  1. Which of the following is a function of vitamin B6 in nutrition?
    1. It participates in gluconeogenesis.
    2. It helps to covert tryptophan to niacin.
    3. It helps to make white blood cells.
    4. It helps to make blood clot



  1. Which of the following beverages contributes to the destruction and loss of vitamin B6 from the body?
    1. tea and coffee
    2. soy milk
    3. fruit juice
    4. alcohol



  1. What is the Tolerable Upper Intake Level for vitamin B6?
    1. 100 mg


b. 500 mg

c.     1000 mg

d. 10,000 mg



  1. A common drug for the treatment of tuberculosis is known to markedly interfere in the metabolism of which of the following vitamins?
    1. B6
    2. B12
    3. C
    4. D



  1. Irreversible nerve damage has been reported in people taking large doses of which of the following B vitamins?
    1. vitamin B1
    2. vitamin B2
    3. vitamin B6
    4. vitamin B12



  1. Which of the following statements reflects our knowledge of water-soluble vitamin toxicity?
    1. Toxicity symptoms for vitamin B6 can be severe and irreversible.
    2. Toxicity symptoms for vitamin C include constipation and hyperactivity.
    3. Toxicities of the B vitamins occur almost as often from foods as from supplements.
    4. Toxicity of niacin has been reported in body builders taking large amounts of amino acid supplements.



  1. In which of the following ways does alcohol intake have a major effect on vitamin B6 metabolism?
    1. Alcohol reduces acetaldehyde formation.
    2. Alcohol increases fecal excretion of the vitamin.
    3. Alcohol dislodges the PLP coenzyme from its enzyme.
    4. Alcohol interferes with synthesis of the PLP coenzyme.



  1. What is the adult RDA for vitamin B6?
    1. 1.3 mg
    2. 5.5 mg
    3. 15 mg
    4. 22 mg



  1. On a per-kcalorie basis, which of the following foods is richest in vitamin B6?
    1. meats
    2. fruits
    3. legumes
    4. vegetables




  1. Which of the following is an essential nutrient for human beings?
    1. folate
    2. inositol
    3. methoxatin
    4. lipoic acid



  1. Pteroylglutamic acid is known as which of the following?
    1. folate
    2. choline
    3. inositol
    4. pyridoxamine



  1. Which of the following is a property of folate in nutrition?
    1. It is needed for proper functioning of vitamin B2.
    2. It functions primarily in the transfer of amino groups.
    3. It requires vitamin B12 for coenzyme of folate to function properly.
    4. It requires enzymes in the blood to enhance its absorption from most foods.



  1. Which of the following characteristics is shared by vitamin B12 and folate?
    1. required for nucleic acid synthesis
    2. require intrinsic factors for their release from food proteins
    3. found in significant amounts in green leafy vegetables
    4. considered problem nutrients for strict vegetarians



  1. Which of the following vitamins undergoes significant enterohepatic circulation?
    1. folate
    2. niacin
    3. thiamin
    4. pyridoxine



  1. Which of the following vitamins is usually found in a form that is bound to one or more glutamic acid molecules in food?
    1. folate
    2. thiamin
    3. vitamin B6
    4. ascorbic acid



  1. A person with a disorder that limits absorption of bile is at increased risk for deficiency of which of the following nutrients?
    1. folate
    2. niacin


    1. riboflavin
    2. ascorbic acid



  1. What is the most likely explanation for the impaired functioning of the GI tract resulting from folate deficiency?
    1. Since folate is required for bile synthesis, folate deficiency results in insufficient bile pro- duction, thereby promoting fat malabsorption and diarrhe
    2. Since folate functions, in large part, in the process of cell renewal, a deficiency slows mu- cosal cell replacement, thereby resulting in decreased GI functioning.
    3. The anemia of folate deficiency results in decreased oxygen supply to body tissues, with the intestines being particularly affected because of their high metabolic activity.
    4. Since folate functions, in part, in the synthesis of pancreatic digestive enzymes, a defi- ciency leads to decreased enzymatic capacity in the intestines, thereby resulting in malab- sorption.



  1. In general, research has demonstrated that foods that contain folate probably reduce the risk of which one of the following cancers?
    1. skin cancer
    2. liver cancer
    3. lung cancer
    4. pancreatic cancer



  1. Approximately what percentage of dietary folate is bioavailable?
    1. 10 percent
    2. 25 percent
    3. 50 percent
    4. 80 percent



  1. The percent bioavailability of a folate supplement taken on an empty stomach is which of the follow- ing?
    1. 5 percent
    2. 25 percent
    3. 50 percent
    4. 100 percent



  1. How many dietary folate equivalents are provided by 100 µg of a folate supplement?
    1. 50
    2. 70

c.     133

d.   170



  1. What fraction of women capable of becoming pregnant ingest the RDA for folate?
    1. ¼

b. 1/3


c.     ½

d.   2/3



  1. Research has shown that the risk for neural tube defects is lowered by taking supplements of which of the following vitamins?
    1. niacin
    2. folate
    3. vitamin C
    4. vitamin B12



  1. Which of the following is a type of neural tube defect?
    1. scurvy
    2. beriberi
    3. pellagra
    4. spina bifida



  1. Along with anemia, which of the following symptoms is indicative of folate deficiency?
    1. hypoglycemia
    2. fainting spells
    3. pancreatitis
    4. glossitis





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