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Homework answers / question archive / American Military University SOCI423 Quiz 2 Question1)Compared to conditions in 1900, by the late 1920s A

American Military University SOCI423 Quiz 2 Question1)Compared to conditions in 1900, by the late 1920s A


American Military University

SOCI423 Quiz 2

Question1)Compared to conditions in 1900, by the late 1920s

A.considerably more medical schools existed.

B.women and blacks found it easier to obtain medical training. C.immigrants and poor whites found it easier to obtain medical training.

D. the quality of medical training had improved considerably.

E.medical training had become less expensive.


Question 2

Currently, some chiropractors believe that A.immunizations are unnecessary.

  1. they should serve as primary care providers.
  2. spinal manipulation can cure most health problems.
  3. all the above
  4. none of the above


Question 3

Which of the following is true?

  1. Lay midwives typically work at local clinics.
  2. With low-risk populations, home birth conducted by experienced lay midwives is as safe as doctor- attended hospital births.
  3. Babies delivered by lay midwives are significantly more likely to die than babies delivered by obstetricians.
  4. Lay midwifery is illegal in all 50 states.
  5. Lay midwifery is legal in all 50 states.




Question 4


The process through which medical students learn the skills, knowledge, and values of medicine as an occupation is referred to as

  1. normative errors.
  2. medical norms.
  3. medical dominance. D.professional dominance.
  4. professional socialization.


Question 5

The history of osteopathy suggests how difficult it is to

  1. move from being a marginal occupation to being a limited occupation.
  2. maintain an independent and unique identity while becoming a parallel profession.
  3. improve the educational standards of a field.
  4. gain legal recognition when a field has many female practitioners.
  5. gain legal recognition when a field lacks a scientific basis.


Question 6

Which of the following meets the sociological definition of a profession?

A. advanced practice nursing B.chiropractic

C.midwifery D.acupuncture E.none of the above



Question 7

To gain professional status, osteopaths A.fought against licensure.

  1. increased educational requirements for becoming an osteopath.
  2. pushed for the legitimacy of spinal manipulation and refused to use drug treatments.


  1. fought against merger with allopathic medicine.
  2. sued the AMA for job discrimination.



Question 8

Parents’ decisions against vaccinating their children

  1. have led to outbreaks of measles in the United States.
  2. reflect solid scientific evidence regarding the dangers of vaccination.
  3. are illegal across the United States.
  4. are often supported by acupuncturists.
  5. none of the above


Question 9

The federal government developed a vested interest in restraining health care costs following the implementation of



C. Medicaid and Medicare. D.horizontal integration. E.vertical integration.



Question 10

When doctors first began medicalizing pregnancy, many women welcomed the change because it

  1. offered guilt-free access to painkillers.
  2. was less expensive than midwifery care.
  3. was scientifically demonstrated to be safer than midwifery care.
  4. was less expensive than osteopathic care.
  5. allowed their husbands to participate in the process.



Question 11


Another term for “regular doctors” is

  1. allopaths. B.homeopaths. C.chiropractors. D.botanic healers. E.bonesetters.


Question 12

Compared to modern direct-entry midwives, physicians more often Correct A.use unnecessary and potentially dangerous drugs and surgeries

  1. restrain from using drugs in the delivery process.
  2. support the demedicalization of birth.
  3. offer home birth services.
  4. earn modest incomes.


Question 13

Which of the following is true?

A.Acupuncturists believe that illness can be cured by blocking chi. B.No scientific evidence supports the use of acupuncture.

C. In most states, licensure laws forbid doctors from using acupuncture unless they have trained specifically in that field.

Correct D.Doctors have worked to strip acupuncture of its grounding in traditional Chinese medical philosophy.

E.Acupuncturists work primarily with wealthy clients.






Question 14

Sociologists consider nurses semi-professionals, rather than professionals, because


  1. nurses have considerable autonomy, status, and training, but remain subordinate to doctors.
  2. most nurses have not attended college.
  3. the ethic of caring has kept nurses from pushing for professional status.
  4. women with high social status no longer typically enter nursing.
  5. nursing lacks a code of ethics.


Question 15

The ways in which medical residents talk about patients sometimes suggest that residents A.view patients as enemies.

  1. depersonalize their patients.
  2. believe patients’ feelings are not important to their treatment.
  3. all of the above

E.a and b only

Question 16

In the early twentieth century, those nurses who fought to raise the status of nursing were hampered by A.the ethic of caring and duty.

  1. women’s lack of political power.
  2. ideas about women’s proper role and character.
  3. all of the above

E.a and b only

Question 17  Since the 1960s,

  1. the percentage of health care institutions owned by investor-owned corporations has increased.
  2. corporations increasingly have purchased only one kind of health care institution (such as only nursing homes or only hospitals).
  3. the ratio of doctors per capita has decreased.
  4. the proportion of doctors in private practice has grown.


  1. doctors’ ability to fight government regulation has grown.


Question 18

Which of the following have the highest status?

A. advanced practice nurses B.registered nurses C.licensed practical nurses

D.diploma nurses

E.nurses with bachelor’s degrees


Question 19

During most of the nineteenth century, allopathic doctors typically A.were highly respected by the general public.

  1. based their treatment on scientific data.
  2. were far better trained than their competitors.
  3. received their education in Europe.
  4. received less than one year of training.


Question 20

RBRVS (resource-based relative value scale) was adopted to increase A.the incomes of medical specialists.

  1. the incomes of doctors in primary practice.
  2. the cost of Medicaid and Medicare.
  3. the cost of drugs.
  4. hospital profits.


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