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Homework answers / question archive / Continuity & Change in Organisations - MAN00007M-A Assignment 3000 words

Continuity & Change in Organisations - MAN00007M-A Assignment 3000 words


Continuity & Change in Organisations - MAN00007M-A

Assignment 3000 words. Allow you to relate a topic, to actual change processes over time.

It’s based on the MORGAN MOTOR COMPANY. 

They will ask some questions for to identify the major changes in the company and how the company managed over the past 30 years.  

This is a long history and it will take yp the present day, in this case study it takes up to 2009 and the last 10 years, we need to research ourself they will tell some resources. 

Need to look at videos, articles and fill the gap and create a part four. 

Taking up to 2009 is the third part?

The part four is creating by ourself and assess the change management literature and say looking at Morgan as a quite a unique example. 

‘How far does it conform to what change management theories tell you and how far does it challenge them?

You are going to look again at the future challenges that might face Morgan.

It was a family controlled company until two years ago. The last motor manufacturer in England to be family owned, the family still owns a very large part of the shares. But the major investor is an Italian company who also own Aston Martin.’

ASSESS : ‘What that company might need to continue to change’

We are not saying you to analyze it’s strategy and make strategic recommendations.

We are saying ‘What kind of change management skills will they need to have in the future and how should they develop them to relate both to challenges that you can see and also to challenges that you can’t see.’


An Assessment where you relate the concepts from the module to an example of organisa8on change in a single company over 8me.

Subject content

  • Defining change
  • The context of change
  • Theories of change and transforma8on; and their cri8que. 
  • Evolu8onary/ins8tu8onal theory - explora8on, selec8on, adapta8on
  • Implemen8ng change
  • Power and Resistance
  • Damage, repair and recovery

Academic and graduate skills

Successful comple8on of the module will demonstrate that students are able to:

  • Develop crea8ve, deeper and more challenging ways of understanding organisa8onal change, based on contemporary theory and organisa8on cases
  • appreciate the advantages and limita8ons of par8cular theories and organisa8onal prac8ces
  • Demonstrate sensi8vity to the complexity of social, poli8cal, ethical, economic and philosophical issues that shape managers’ desire for change
  • Evaluate cri8cally different approaches to organisa8onal change and appraise future direc8ons.


Core Texts (essen:al reading):

START HERE: Linstead, S. and Pullen, A. (2009) Managing Change in Management and

Organiza.on: A Text Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. This substan:al chapter   available on Yorkshare covers all the main theories we will encounter, offers a cri8cal perspec8ve, and adds considera8on of gender and cross-cultural change. Contains the Morgan 3 part case study.

USED EACH WEEK: Hughes, M. (2010) Managing Change: A London: CIPD. Required. Covers the main basic theory and its applica8ons.

USED IN SEVERAL WEEKS: Baxter, L. F. and MacLeod, A.M. (2008) Managing Performance Improvement, New York, Routledge. Recommended. Gives many in-depth examples and some innova8ve theory discussion.

NEW PUBLICATION THAT WE MAY ADOPT: Sveningsson,S and Sorgade, N. (2020) Managing Change in Organiza.ons London: Sage.

Suppor:ng texts: 

Buchanan, D. and Badham, R. (2008) Power. Poli.cs and Organiza.onal Change 2nd ed London:

Sage  Great insights into the use of power.

Burnes, B (2014) Managing Change (3rd ed) Harlow: FT. Very popular, less cri8cal.

Cameron, E. and Green, M. (2015) Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools and Techniques of Organiza.onal Change London: Kogan Page. A consultant’s toolkit.

Collins, D. (1998) Organiza.onal Change: A Sociological Approach London: Routledge. Dated now, but very sound presenta8on of a cri8cxal sociological perspec8ve.

Cummings, T. and Worley, C. (2014) Organiza.on Development and Change (10th ed) New York:

Cengage. Up to date presenta8on of the classic US approaches.

Dawson, P. and Andriopoulos, C. (2016) Managing Change, Crea.vity and Innova.on 3rd ed London: Sage. Very popular process-based view, plenty of examples and structured ques8ons.

Doppelt, B. (2010) Leading Change Toward Sustainability 2nd ed Sheffield: Greenleaf.

Hayes, J. (2010) The Theory and Prac.ce of Change Management 3rd ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan

Jabri, Muayyad (2012) Managing Organiza.onal Change: Process, Social Construc.on and

Dialogue London: Palgrave

Koger, J. P. (2012) Leading Change Cambridge MA: Harvard Business Review Press.

Palmer. I., Dunford, R. and Akin, G. (2006) Managing Organiza.onal Change: A Mul.ple

Perspec.ves Approach New York: McGraw-Hill

Paton, R. and McCalman J. (2008) Change Management: A Guide to Efffec8ve Implementa8on 3rd ed. London: Sage

Smith, A. C. T. and Graetz, F. M. (2012) Philosophies of Organiza.onal Change London: Edward Elgar

Watzlawick, P, Weakland, J.H. and Fisch, R. (1974) Change: Principles of Problem Formula.on and

Problem Resolu.on New York: W. W. Norton

Whiteley, A. (1995) Managing Change: A Core Values Approach Melbourne Vic: Macmillan 

Important Reference Books and Useful Encyclopaedia Entries

Berger, L.A. and Sikora M. J (1993) The Change Management Handbook: a Road Map to Corporate Transforma.on New York: McGraw-Hill

Dawson, PM. (2007). 'Change management'. in G Ritzer (ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Sociology. Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA, pp. 427-431.

Dawson, PM. (2001). 'Organiza8onal Change'. in NJ Smelser, J Wright & PB Baltes (eds), Interna.onal Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 10921-10923.

Hassard, J. Boje, D. and Burnes, B. (2011) The Routledge Companion to Organiza.onal Change London: Routledge

Journal Ar:cles on each topic will be posted on the VLE beside the Lecture as PDFs.

Henry Stewart Talks:

The University subscribes to the Henry Stewart Talks Business and Management Collec.on. You may find the 31 lecture Series on Change Management par8cularly useful – the speakers are a mix of academics (some very senior and from leading global schools) and prac88oners/consltants, which will give you new perspec8ves to consider. You can pick and choose the lectures you find useful, but I will indicate some of them as we go along.

Series link:


Log-in via Shibboleth using your University ID and password.


Hughes (2010) has a student resource site: hgp://

Many organisa8ons adver8se that they have undertaken change projects, eg the NHS hgp://

Contemporary events open link to ‘change’ in some form or another hgp:// Or  hgp://  

Or a ‘quality’ newspaper such as the hgp:// or the hgp://


Keep a note of organisa8ons you are interested in and track the history, company informa8on, outside commentators, personal contacts views of what is going on with any changes. This will help provide useful background understanding – the sort that can help in job interviews! 

Also follow Morgan sources online, in the media etc for your assessment.

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