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Homework answers / question archive / Louisiana State University - HIST 2055 Chapter 2 Britain and Its Colonies TRUE/FALSE 1)William Laud ruled Britain as “lord protector” through most of the 1650s

Louisiana State University - HIST 2055 Chapter 2 Britain and Its Colonies TRUE/FALSE 1)William Laud ruled Britain as “lord protector” through most of the 1650s


Louisiana State University - HIST 2055

Chapter 2 Britain and Its Colonies


1)William Laud ruled Britain as “lord protector” through most of the 1650s.




  1. As a result of the “Glorious Revolution,” England abolished the monarchy and became a republic.





  1. The Virginia Company of Plymouth brought the Puritans to Massachusetts Bay.




  1. The first blacks in British America were brought to Virginia.




  1. An Indian attack in 1622 killed about one fourth of Virginia’s settlers.




  1. By the mid-1670s, many of Virginia’s free white adult males owned no land.




  1. Nathaniel Bacon was a former indentured servant who led a Virginia rebellion.




  1. Due to its harsh winters, New England’s death rate was higher than that of Maryland or Virginia.





  1. After being banished from Massachusetts, Roger Williams founded Rhode Island.




  1. Many of Anne Hutchinson’s problems with the Puritan leaders were based on her objection to their treatment of women.




  1. The Indian wars of the mid-1670s cost proportionately more casualties than any other American war.




  1. The “Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina” established a formal nobility and provided for religious toleration.




  1. New Amsterdam was the most ethnically diverse of the American colonies.





  1. Peter Stuyvesant was the defiant governor of Rhode Island.




  1. Delaware was originally part of Pennsylvania.






  1. Which is true of English society by the early 1600s?
    1. The right to trial by jury had yet to be established.
    2. There was a growing population of beggars and vagabonds.
    3. There were no limits on the power of the monarch.
    4. Titled nobles dominated the House of Commons.
    5. There were no significant class distinctions.



  1. James I:
    1. was the first of the Stuart monarchs
    2. openly favored the Puritans
    3. recognized the supreme authority of Parliament
    4. conquered Scotland
    5. was wise and open-minded



  1. Charles I:
    1. was the father of James I
    2. was the son of James II
    3. sympathized with the Puritans more than any other seventeenth-century British monarch
    4. was executed as a result of the English Civil War
    5. founded “Great Britain” when he came from Scotland to assume the throne



  1. The Glorious Revolution of 1688:


    1. increased the power of Parliament
    2. resulted in the execution of Charles I
    3. ended with the death of Oliver Cromwell
    4. temporarily abolished the monarchy
    5. delayed the American Revolution




  1. The stockholders who invested in the Virginia Company were motivated primarily by:
    1. religion
    2. a spirit of adventure
    3. curiosity about the New World
    4. personal loyalty to James I
    5. financial profit



  1. For the English preparing to colonize America, one model of settlement was provided by their coun- try’s prior experience in:
    1. Africa
    2. Scotland
    3. Iceland
    4. Ireland
    5. the Canary Islands




  1. The British colonies differed from the Spanish in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
    1. they experienced less centralized control
    2. they were developed with private investment funds rather than royal money
    3. they were able to establish settlements which still exist today
    4. they were in a more compact geographical area
    5. they encountered no Indian empires like the Aztecs or Incas




  1. One of the important factors aiding the survival of the early Jamestown settlers was:
    1. the large sums of money that were used to bring additional supplies to them regularly
    2. their willingness to work hard and sacrifice for the good of the whole colony
    3. the assistance they received from the Indians
    4. the lack of the diseases and hardships that afflicted other colonies
    5. the democratic government established by the Virginia Company



  1. As Jamestown’s leader, Captain John Smith:
    1. made the colony a democracy
    2. tried to wipe out Powhatan’s Confederacy
    3. made the colonists work in order to eat
    4. argued that the colony should be abandoned


    1. discovered deposits of gold and silver



  1. One outstanding characteristic of Jamestown in its initial years was:
    1. the high percentage of slaves in its population
    2. complete freedom of religion
    3. the influence of women in its government
    4. the absence of effective leaders
    5. the high mortality rate among its settlers



  1. In the winter of 1610, starving Jamestown settlers:
    1. overthrew John Smith
    2. ate horses, dogs, rats, boots, and mice
    3. went back to England
    4. first started growing tobacco
    5. went to live with the Indians



  1. The Jamestown colony finally attained a measure of prosperity from:
    1. land sales
    2. trade with Indians
    3. gold discoveries
    4. tobacco
    5. trade with Spanish Florida



  1. Pocahontas:
    1. married John Smith
    2. showed the English how to grow corn
    3. is a fictional character
    4. led an attack against the English
    5. died in England



  1. The man who became head of the Virginia Company of London in 1618 and instituted a series of re- forms to save the colony was:
    1. John Rolfe
    2. Sir Edwin Sandys
    3. John Smith
    4. Peter Stuyvesant
    5. Sir Thomas Gates



  1. The headright system adopted for the Virginia colony consisted of:
    1. giving fifty acres of land to anyone who would transport himself to the colony and fifty more for any servants he might bring
    2. “selling” wives to single male settlers


    1. auctioning black slaves to settlers
    2. giving free land to all servants who came to the colony
    3. giving free land in return for five years of military service



  1. In 1624, a British court dissolved the struggling Virginia Company, and Virginia:
    1. was merged with New England
    2. no longer existed
    3. became a royal colony
    4. lost all its funding
    5. was given to the king’s brother, the Duke of York



  1. In Virginia by the mid-1600s:
    1. small farmers dominated the government
    2. tobacco prices were falling
    3. the Virginia Company still operated the colony
    4. John Smith was governor
    5. Roger Williams established a community for those experiencing religious persecution



  1. Bacon’s Rebellion mainly involved a dispute between Nathaniel Bacon and Governor Berkeley over:
    1. whether Virginia should be a democracy
    2. restrictions on tobacco production
    3. slave prices
    4. whether aristocrats or common men should run the colony
    5. how to respond to Indian attacks on the frontier



  1. Bacon’s Rebellion:
    1. brought indentured servants and small farmers together against the colony’s rich planters and political leaders
    2. had the support of nearby Indian tribes
    3. resulted from changes in the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina that discriminated against Puritans
    4. led to the burning of Charleston
    5. sought to make Virginia independent of England



  1. Maryland was established in 1634 as a refuge for:
    1. debtors
    2. Puritans
    3. ex-convicts
    4. Anglicans
    5. English Catholics



  1. Maryland was much like Virginia in that it:
    1. banned Catholics
    2. was owned by a joint-stock company
    3. promoted religious freedom
    4. was politically dominated by small farmers
    5. had a tobacco-based economy



  1. The early settlers of New England differed from those of the Chesapeake in being primarily:
    1. English
    2. Protestant
    3. white
    4. middle-class
    5. male



  1. The English Puritans:
    1. converted James I to their perspective
    2. rejected the doctrines of Martin Luther
    3. opposed Catholic elements in the Church of England
    4. believed in religious freedom
    5. believed people could be saved by their own actions, not just by God’s grace



  1. All of the following are true of the Pilgrims EXCEPT that they:
    1. established the Plymouth colony
    2. based their initial colonial government on the Mayflower Compact
    3. were Separatists who had abandoned the Church of England
    4. originally fled to Holland
    5. were a sect of radical Catholics



  1. The leader of the Pilgrims who established the Plymouth colony was:
    1. John Winthrop
    2. William Bradford
    3. Roger Williams
    4. Lord Baltimore
    5. John Calvin



  1. The Mayflower Compact:
    1. completely separated civil and church governments
    2. was developed by settlers in Massachusetts Bay
    3. provided the original government for the Plymouth colony
    4. called for total religious toleration
    5. originated in the House of Commons



  1. New England’s Congregationalist churches were:
    1. open to everyone
    2. self-governing
    3. tolerant of other religions
    4. morally opposed to slavery
    5. financially supported by the King



  1. When Massachusetts leader John Winthrop spoke of “a city upon a hill” he was referring to that colony’s desire to:
    1. be financially successful
    2. become independent of England
    3. serve as a model Christian community
    4. establish an ideal government
    5. convert the Indians to Christianity



  1. After 1644, the right to vote in Massachusetts Bay was restricted to those who:
    1. owned 100 acres of land
    2. had come in the first voyage from Britain
    3. were literate and had good moral character
    4. had been listed as freemen in the original charter
    5. were members of a Puritan church



  1. Roger Williams founded Rhode Island after he:
    1. devoted himself to converting the Indians
    2. decided he was no longer a Christian
    3. had been banished from Massachusetts for his religious opinions
    4. led a rebellion against the government of Massachusetts
    5. discovered it had the best farmland in New England



  1. Roger Williams’s mistrust of the purity of others eventually led him to the belief that:
    1. all churches were equally valid
    2. there should be complete separation of church and state
    3. the government must direct actions of the church to assure its purity
    4. only those people who believed exactly as he did could be saved
    5. everyone has an equal chance for salvation



  1. Anne Hutchinson was kicked out of Massachusetts for:
    1. challenging the authority of local ministers
    2. championing equal rights for women
    3. insufficient knowledge of the Bible
    4. believing good works would earn a place in heaven
    5. refusing to uphold the Sabbath



  1. Puritans viewed the Indian belief in nature filled with spirits as:
    1. reasonable
    2. compatible with the Bible
    3. Satanic
    4. harmless
    5. exciting



  1. For the Pequots, the result of the 1637 war they fought with New England settlers was:
    1. retention of most of their traditional lands
    2. a religious crisis
    3. slaughter and enslavement
    4. revenge for the previous cruelties of the English
    5. leadership of all other Indians in the region



  1. The major cause of King Philip’s War was:
    1. Indian resentment over forced conversions to Christianity
    2. King Philip’s desire for territorial expansion
    3. Indian anger over their destruction from European diseases
    4. Indian feelings of racial superiority over the English
    5. the need of Indian warriors to prove themselves in battle



  1. King Philip’s War:
    1. was named for the French king who ordered the Indians to leave his New World colonies
    2. led to the virtual destruction of the Pequots
    3. led to the formation of the Iroquois League
    4. was the first in a series of wars between the French and the English
    5. devastated the Native American culture in New England



  1. During Oliver Cromwell’s rule, defeated English Royalists would most likely seek refuge in:
    1. New Hampshire
    2. Virginia
    3. Connecticut
    4. New Jersey
    5. Massachusetts



  1. The colonies established after the Restoration were all:
    1. corporate colonies
    2. royal colonies
    3. proprietary colonies
    4. Christian commonwealths
    5. west of the Appalachians



  1. A large number of South Carolina’s original settlers were British planters from:
    1. Barbados
    2. Maryland
    3. Jamaica
    4. Georgia
    5. North Carolina



  1. English merchants in the Carolinas by the early 1700s established a thriving trade with Southern Indi- ans for:
    1. beaver pelts
    2. fish
    3. indigo
    4. corn
    5. deerskins



  1. In the Southeast, the profitability of Indian captives prompted a frenzy of:
    1. slaving activity
    2. head-hunting
    3. raiding Indian villages to capture children
    4. dishonest treaty making
    5. missionary activity



  1. The log cabin:
    1. was the essential form of housing for the early settlers in all colonies
    2. originated in the Carolinas
    3. was the contribution of Scandinavian settlers in New Sweden
    4. was first used by the Pilgrims in Plymouth colony
    5. was the chief form of housing for Eastern Woodlands Indians



  1. The major reason Charles II decided to wrest New Netherland from the Dutch was the threat of that colony’s:
    1. commercial success
    2. ethnic diversity
    3. religious freedom
    4. form of government
    5. manufacturing sector



  1. The first Jews in the colonies:
    1. were wealthy
    2. soon became very numerous
    3. arrived in New Netherland
    4. found quick acceptance from Christians


    1. migrated to Massachusetts



  1. The various Iroquois tribes warred against tribes such as the Hurons and Eries to:
    1. secure control of the beaver trade
    2. impress the English and the Dutch
    3. impose their culture on their traditional enemies
    4. replace their population lost to disease
    5. improve their fighting skills



  1. The Iroquois:
    1. was a group of five Indian tribes that united to fight the Dutch settlers who invaded their homeland
    2. controlled much of eastern North America during the second half of the seventeenth cen- tury
    3. were known for their pacifism, even in the face of almost certain destruction
    4. developed a written language and a constitutional government
    5. consistently supported the French over the English



  1. All of the following are true of the English Quakers EXCEPT that they:
    1. were pacifists
    2. refused to take oaths
    3. suffered great persecution
    4. followed charismatic preachers
    5. counted William Penn among their number



  1. The colony of Pennsylvania
    1. was based upon lands seized from the Indians
    2. was open to all religious believers
    3. was populated solely by the English
    4. was governed by Quaker ministers
    5. was considered part of New England



  1. Which of the following is true of Georgia?
    1. It was the last of the English colonies to be established.
    2. It was to serve as a military buffer against Spanish Florida.
    3. Its first permanent settlement was Savannah.
    4. It succeeded in keeping out slavery.
    5. James Oglethorpe led the initial settlers.


  1. By the early eighteenth century, the English colonies in North America:
    1. extended beyond the Appalachians
    2. had eliminated their French and Spanish rivals


    1. were the most populous and prosperous on the continent
    2. were on the verge of independence from England
    3. remained tiny outposts of civilization





1 Match each item with the description below.

    1. Carolina
    2. Georgia
    3. Maryland
    4. Massachusetts Bay
    5. New Jersey
    6. New Netherland
    7. Pennsylvania
    8. Plymouth
    9. Rhode Island
    10. Virginia
  1. William Bradford
  2. Cecilius Calvert
  3. eight “lords proprietors”
  4. George Carteret
  5. Peter Minuit
  6. James Oglethorpe
  7. William Penn
  8. John Smith
  9. Roger Williams
  10. John Winthrop



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