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Homework answers / question archive / Australian Catholic University BIOL122 – Human Biological Science 2   Assignment 2 - Vodcast (oral presentation) Student Information Overview of assignment 2   Due date:                                         Allocated workshop class day, week 10 by 11

Australian Catholic University BIOL122 – Human Biological Science 2   Assignment 2 - Vodcast (oral presentation) Student Information Overview of assignment 2   Due date:                                         Allocated workshop class day, week 10 by 11

Project Management

Australian Catholic University

BIOL122 – Human Biological Science 2


Assignment 2 - Vodcast (oral presentation)

Student Information

Overview of assignment 2


Due date:                                         Allocated workshop class day, week 10 by 11.55 pm. For example if your allocated workshop class is on a Wednesday, then you submit your Vodcast on Wednesday to the appropriate submission box on LEO by 11.55 pm.

Weighting:                                       30%

Length and/or format:                  5 minutes

Purpose:                                          You will have the opportunity to describe the pathophysiology and pharmacological management for a ‘person/client’ who has either type II diabetes or asthma by making a Vodcast - these conditions have been identified as National Health Priority Areas according to the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare. This assignment will also help you to demonstrate effective communication in oral and written English language and visual media. More detailed information can be found in the appendix.

Learning outcomes assessed:     1 and 3

How to submit:                               Online through LEO

Return of assignment:                  Marks to be released via LEO within 3 weeks of the assessment

Assessment criteria:                     Marking scheme (at the end of this document)




Detailed description:

  • This assessment task requires you to make a 5 minute Vodcast presentation (a video with audio, written text and pictures/diagrams) about type II diabetes mellitus or asthma.
  • Your Vodcast has to be about a specific ‘person/client’ who has either type II diabetes or asthma. If you are repeating BIOL122 your vodcast will need to be on the topic you did not cover previously (eg. If you did asthma previously you should now do type 2 diabetes mellitus; if you have done both topics already please contact your LIC)
  • You will need to create your own ‘person/client’ according to the following criteria*.


Person/client’ criteria

For example

For example

Fill in for your ‘person/client’

What is their name?

Phillip Nguyen

Julie McRoberts


What is their gender?




What is their age?

15 years old

68 years old


What condition do they have? (either type II diabetes mellitus or asthma)


Type II diabetes mellitus


Are they a within a healthy weight range?




Do they exercise?

Phillip wishes he could play more sport

Walks with a friend every morning


What is their occupation?


Retired teacher – cares for two grandchildren under 5 years of age three times a week.


What is their living status?

Phillip lives with his parents and two younger sisters

Julie has an adult family and lives on her own since her husband died 3 years ago


What is their family medical history?

Nothing relevant

Julie’s Father died of complications related to diabetes mellitus


Are they pregnant?




Are they a smoker?

Has tried smoking a few times



What is their alcohol intake?


Enjoys a glass of wine at social occasions


What medications have they been prescribed?#




*The examples listed in the table above are suggestions; you need to create your own ‘person/client’.

# Commonly used drugs for asthma include salbutamol and inhaled corticosteroids. These medications can also be used in pregnancy; the inhaled corticosteroid budesonide is considered to be the safest (Category A).

A commonly used drug for type II diabetes mellitus is metformin. Insulin is used to maintain normal blood glucose levels for diabetic women in pregnancy.

  • You will then be required to answer a series of specific questions that relate directly to your ‘person/client’ and the condition she or he has. All of your answers must be specific for this person; marks will not be given where your presentation does not relate to the person you have ‘created’.
  • The specific questions are listed below,
  • You will need to research your topic; please ensure that you keep a record of any references that you have used.
  • You will be required to write an annotated bibliography as part of this assignment. An annotated bibliography provides information regarding how you used the research to support your assignment.

For example: You may have used the following journal article:

1. Pilcher, J. and Beasley, R. (2015) Acute use of oxygen therapy. Australian Prescriber 38:98-100.

I used this article to examine the use of oxygen therapy for asthmatics. It is a reliable source as it is peer reviewed.


  • Your annotated bibliography should contain 6 to 10 citations.
  • To create your assignment:
  1. Use a smartphone or tablet and make your Vodcast: wmv, mp4, iMovie or MOV files can then be uploaded to LEO.
  2. Use a web cam and make your Vodcast with the free internet platform Screencast-o-matic: this produces an mp4 file which can be uploaded to LEO.

  1. Use a computer and make your Vodcast with Powerpoint using the audio function: this produces a file that can be submitted to LEO.
  • No other media sources may be used to create your Vodcast.
  • Staff assessing Vodcasts will stop listening at the 5 minute mark; please ensure that you keep to time.
  • The following is a link to the University’s online subscription library that teaches the latest software tools and skills if you need additional help in this area.


  • Your Vodcast should not exceed 50 MB.  You will not be able to upload your Vodcast file to LEO if it is more than 50 MB.
  • The Vodcast needs to be your own original work; you cannot include YouTube clips or other videos as part of your Vodcast.
  • If you do not have access to a media source to make your Vodcast please contact the LIC.
  • Please be mindful that it can sometimes take 5-10 minutes to download and submit your Vodcast file to LEO; please do not leave submission until the last minute.
  • Instructions regarding how to submit your Vodcast are available on LEO.
  • It is your responsibility to check that your Vodcast has been submitted successfully. To do this you will need to go to a different computer, log onto LEO and open your Vodcast to check that you can see the visual material and hear the audio content. 
  • If you choose to create your Vodcast with Powerpoint using the audio function the following video from explains how to embed audio onto a PowerPoint file.

Please access this link as it is possible for the audio recording to be saved to your hard drive rather than your Vodcast file.


Check-list for this assignment

? I have chosen a condition (either type II diabetes mellitus or asthma).

? If I am a repeating student I have chosen the condition I did not previously do.

? I have created a ‘person/client’ based on the criteria listed in the table.

? I have researched the condition that my ‘person/client’ has been diagnosed with.

? I have answered the specific questions that were made available on LEO and all my answers are related to my particular person/client.

? I have used the answers to these specific questions in making my Vodcast.

? I have used an annotated bibliography at the end of my presentation.

? My Vodcast does not exceed 50 MB.

? My Vodcast does not contain any other YouTube clips or videos.

? My Vodcast is within the required 5 minute duration.

? I have checked my submitted Vodcast file using a different computer; the visual material is working and I can hear the audio content.

? I have read the marking scheme outlined in the vodcast information on LEO (also listed at the end of this document)



STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS: Asthma Vodcast questions


You will have the opportunity to describe the pathophysiology and pharmacological management for a person/client with asthma. We would like you to show your understanding by making explicit the links between pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and pharmacological management of your person/client’s disease. Your answers to these questions will be used to grade the ‘coverage of subject matter’ and ‘accuracy of information’ sections of your Vodcast assignment (see marking rubric provided at the end of this document). At the beginning of your Vodcast you need to set the scene within the first minute – tell us about your person/client (refer to the Unit Outline for the details required). Then proceed to answer the following questions.


You must answer the 4 questions below:


Question 1.

Two major pathological changes that occur in the lungs during an asthma attack are:

  • Bronchial smooth muscle contraction
  • Inflammation of the bronchi

Explain how these pathological changes arise in your person/client (ie. the pathophysiology).


Question 2.

The clinical manifestations of asthma include:





Airway oedema


Increased respiratory rate


Increased heart rate

Tight chest




Choose ONE clinical manifestion from GROUP A and ONE clinical manifestation from GROUP B and relate them to the underlying pathophysiology for your person.


Question 3.

The following drugs are used in the management of asthma.

  • Salbutamol
  • Inhaled corticosteroid


Choose ONE that is appropriate for your person/client. Discuss why it can be used by your person/client by referring to its mechanism of action.



Question 4. Answer both parts (a) and (b)

(a) Exercise can often improve asthma symptoms. Explain whether this could this be the case in your person/client.


(b) Explain whether exposure to cigarette smoking (active or passive) could be a trigger or exacerbate asthma symptoms for your person/client



STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS: Type 2 diabetes mellitus Vodcast questions


You will have the opportunity to describe the pathophysiology and pharmacological management for a person/client with type 2 diabetes mellitus. We would like you to show your understanding by making explicit the links between pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and pharmacological management of your person/client’s disease. Your answers to these questions will be used to grade the ‘coverage of subject matter’ and ‘accuracy of information’ sections of your Vodcast assignment (see marking rubric provided at the end of this document). At the beginning of your Vodcast you need to set the scene within the first minute – tell us about your person/client (refer to the Unit Outline for the details required). Then proceed to answer the following questions.


You must answer the 4 questions below:


Question 1.

The following physiological processes are important for blood glucose control:

  • Insulin synthesis and release
  • Insulin binding to target tissues

Explain how they are different in your person/client in comparison to a healthy non-diabetic person.


Question 2.

The following are some consequences of long-term poorly controlled hyperglycaemia:

  • Retinopathy
  • Angina pectoris

Explain why they may occur in your person/client.


Question 3.

The following drugs are used in the management of type II diabetes mellitus.

  • Metformin
  • Insulin

Choose ONE that is appropriate for your person/client. Discuss why it can be used by your person/client by referring to its mechanism of action.


Question 4. Answer both parts (a) and (b)

(a) Insulin resistance can occur in a person with increased abdominal adiposity. Explain the pathophysiological basis for this.


(b) Explain why HbA1c is used a measure of long-term control of blood glucose levels and how this measure will be useful in the management of your person’s/client’s disease.


Vodcast marking rubric


85-100% (21.5-25)

75-84 (19-21)

65-74 (16.5-18.5)

50-64 (12.5-16)

0 – 49 (0-12)


Coverage of subject matter (25%)

Very extensive coverage of the material required, with all content covered. Some unexpected aspects that are relevant and integrated well into the subject as a whole

Main areas of the subject matter covered, but perhaps with some minor omissions; generally  excellent overall coverage of the subject matter

Main areas of the subject matter covered, but with some omissions; generally a good overall coverage of the subject matter

Coverage of most of the main areas, but with some major omissions; generally a sound overall outline of the subject matte

Serious errors or omissions that makes the material of substandard quality. Significant areas not covered, or significant amounts of irrelevant material brought in


Accuracy of information (25%)

Flawless accuracy without any errors or misunderstandings; lucid and well-explained. Layout and organisation of material is excellent

Level of accuracy very high, but perhaps with some areas that have slight misunderstandings, but not significant. Minor errors of presentation or layout, but none that impact upon the meaning of the material

Accurate, but with some lapses of accuracy, perhaps in the more complex areas of the subject. These would normally require some revision. Some errors of formatting or structure, but nothing too significant to cause concern

Generally accurate, but with some significant errors of fact, or misinterpretations of core concepts. Material requires significant revision. Material has several formatting or composition errors that betray a lack of rigour in compiling the material

Many errors of key facts or concepts. Material requires extensive revision. Many formatting or editing errors


Clarity of material (25%)

Erudite, clear and explains complicated material in eloquent terms for target audience to understand easily; excellent timing; sequenced in a logical, story-like manner that enhances the vodcast

Some areas where ambiguity may be creeping in, but generally very clear and easy/straightforward to understand; very good timing; mostly sequenced in a logical, story-like manner that enhances the presentation

Easy to engage with but does have some aspects that are confusing or not well-explained, which could lead to confusion over the more difficult areas; good timing; mostly sequenced in a logical, story-like manner that enhances the presentation

Generally clear and understandable, but tends to over-complicate material and make it hard to understand. Perhaps key aspects are missing or give an erroneous impression/confused understanding; reasonable timing; some material logically sequenced

Material is confused or ambiguous, with the user being led towards misunderstandings or incorrect facts as a result; poor timing; little/no material logically sequenced


Degree of challenge, referencing and client background (25%)

The vodcast is ambitious and innovative, and represents a significant investment of time and thought; background to your patient is exceptionally well explained; bibliography was fully annotated and all sources credible

The vodcast has been a challenge to produce, and has some excellent ideas or novel aspects to it; the background to your patient is very well explained; bibliography was annotated and sources credible

The vodcast was clearly not straightforward and a significant amount of effort has gone into its production, but there is limited innovation involved; the background to your patient is well explained; bibliography was annotated

The vodcast is good, but has not taken an undue amount of effort or organisation, planning or innovative thought to produce; the background to your patient has some relevant detail; bibliography was mainly a citation list

The vodcast does not appear to have had much effort placed into its production; there is little or no background to your patient; poor, if any, bibliography





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