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Homework answers / question archive / CJ101: INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE M3A1: Quiz Jake and Mary rent a house together

CJ101: INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE M3A1: Quiz Jake and Mary rent a house together



M3A1: Quiz

  1. Jake and Mary rent a house together. Officer Smith requests permission to search for drugs. Jake's consents to the search but Mary refuses, because she has illegal drugs hidden in the kitchen. Based on Jake's consent, Officer Smith searches the house over Mary's objection, and finds the drugs. Which of the following is legally correct in the ensuing trial?

    Group of answer choices

    The drugs can be used at Mary's trial because the police had Jake's consent to search the house.

    The drugs can be used at Mary's trial because the exclusionary rule does not apply in drug cases.

    The drugs cannot be used at Mary's trial because the police violated the plain-view doctrine.

    The drugs cannot be used at Mary's trial because she did not consent to the search.

  2. The only justification for an exigent circumstances search is the belief that there is an immediate threat that evidence will be removed or destroyed.

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  3. Which U.S. Supreme Court case forms the basis of the exclusionary rule?

    Group of answer choices

    Powell v. Alabama

    Weeks v. U.S.

    Chimel v. California

    Johnson v. Avery

  4. Which legal principle states that any evidence that is later developed as a result of an illegal search or seizure is excluded from trial?

    Group of answer choices

    The good-faith exception

    The compelling interest doctrine

    The plain view doctrine

    The fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine

  5. The Warren Court used the Fourteenth Amendment to require both state and federal criminal justice agencies to adhere to the Court's interpretation of the Constitution.

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  6. An anticipatory warrant requires probable cause.

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  7. The "Christian burial speech" led to the creation of which exception to the Miranda requirements?

    Group of answer choices

    Inevitable discovery

    Public safety



  8. When are the police allowed to conduct a search of someone who is NOT suspected of a crime?

    Group of answer choices

    Never; suspicionless searches are prohibited by the Fourth Amendment.

    If the police have reasonable grounds to believe that the individual being searched may have some knowledge of a crime.

    If the person being searched has a criminal record.

    If there is an overriding concern for public safety.

  9. If one resident consents to a warrantless search, the police may still conduct the search even if another resident refuses to consent.

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  10. Terry-type stops require reasonable suspicion.

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  11. During an interrogation, the police are permitted to use psychological manipulation in some limited circumstances.

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  12. A confession is a form of nontestimonial evidence.

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  13. Evidence that is relevant to a criminal investigation but that is NOT readily visible to the unaided eye is known as ________ evidence.

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  14. The current test for determining probable cause based on informant information is the two-pronged test.

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  15. An exigent circumstances search may be conducted in which of the following situations?

    Group of answer choices

    Incident to arrest

    When there is clear danger of the destruction of evidence

    When the evidence to be seized is in an area open to public inspection

    When the evidence to be seized will inevitably be discovered even without a search

  16. Police may set up information-seeking roadblocks even though they are stopping people without any reasonable suspicion.

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  17. Which Supreme Court case set the standard for a "stop and frisk"?

    Group of answer choices

    Brady v. U.S.

    Argersinger v. Hamlin

    Terry v. Ohio

    Miranda v. Arizona

  18. According to the Supreme Court, while the police are executing a valid search warrant, their authority to detain the occupants of the dwelling is ________.

    Group of answer choices

    limited to a pat down

    as broad as the warrant allows

    absolute and unqualified

    limited by the Sixth Amendment

  19. Which Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures?

    Group of answer choices

    The Fourth Amendment

    The Fifth Amendment

    The Sixth Amendment

    The Eighth Amendment

  20. ________ involves tactics used by police interviewers that fall short of physical abuse but still pressure suspects to divulge information.

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    Inherent coercion



  21. A police subculture includes ________.

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    giving priority to the official department code

    shared values, beliefs, and forms of behavior

    the development of a symbolic assailant

    a focus on police professionalism

  22. Law enforcement supervisors are ________.

    Group of answer choices

    immune from civil liability for the actions of their officers

    civilly responsible for the actions of their officers

    civilly liable only for their own actions

    protected from civil liability under the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics

  23. Local police departments are included in FBI-sponsored Joint Terrorism Task Forces.

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  24. Prior to the Supreme Court ruling in Tennessee v. Garner, the use of deadly force by the police was governed by the ________ rule.

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    fleeing felon

    objective reasonableness

    defense of life

    imminent danger

  25. How do new police officers enter the police subculture?

    Group of answer choices

    They apply for admission after graduating from the police academy.

    They are admitted into the subculture after completing their probationary period.

    They are socialized into the subculture.

    They join the subculture when they are first hired.

  26. Excessive use of force refers to the unacceptable use of force on a department-wide basis.

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  27. The special responsibility to adhere to moral duty and obligation that is inherent in police work is known as police ________.

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    working personality


  28. Police officers who violate set standards can be brought up on criminal charges.

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  29. Most police officers never fire their weapons in the line of duty.

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  30. Which of the following is an element of the federal deadly force policy?

    Group of answer choices

    Deadly force may be used to prevent the escape of any fleeing suspect.

    Federal agents are required to give a verbal warning before any use of deadly force.

    Federal agents are not permitted to fire warning shots.

    Federal agents may fire weapons to disable moving vehicles.

  31. Agencies such as CALEA provide ________ to police departments that meet specified minimum professional standards.

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    ethical training


    departmental review

  32. The "slippery slope" perspective suggests that accepting minor gratuities can lead to more serious violations of the law.

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  33. In general, the most common way for a police officer to die in the line of duty is as the result of ________.

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    a motor vehicle accident



    a duty-related illness

  34. The police subculture tends to be similar in police departments throughout the United States.

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  35. Programs such as the Collier County Spousal Academy are designed to help families of police officers cope with issues relating to ________.

    Group of answer choices

    police use of deadly force

    child abuse

    spousal abuse

    police officer stress

  36. The Supreme Court case of Tennessee v. Garner established the fleeing felon rule for the use of deadly force by the police.

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  37. Accepting a minor bribe is an example of meat eating.

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  38. Which of the following activities best fits the definition of police corruption?

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    An off-duty police officer steals a neighbor's lawn mower.

    A police officer knowingly participates in an illegal search.

    A police officer accepts money to ignore a traffic violation.

    A police officer uses drugs while off duty.

  39. Which of the following statements about women in policing is TRUE?

    Group of answer choices

    Women are employed in policing in numbers that approach their representation in the population.

    Female officers are more likely than male officers to be accused of using excessive force.

    Female officers are often underutilized.

    Few departments are aggressively recruiting women.

  40. Which of the following does the FBI consider an important strategy used to combat police corruption?

    Group of answer choices

    Increased ethics training of both new and experienced officers

    Unannounced inspections of patrol forces in their patrol locations by supervisory personnel

    Setting up a "silent witness" telephone hotline to facilitate receipt of reports about potentially corrupt activities

    Reduction or elimination of one-man patrols

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