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Principles of Management – MGT 301 Chapter 2 Quiz 1)


Principles of Management – MGT 301

Chapter 2 Quiz

1).Abraham Maslow proposed the ____.

A.worker empowerment theory

B.self-managed teams

C.Hawthorne effect

D.hierarchy of human needs

E.hierarchy of production



2. Behavioral science relies on scientific research for developing theories about human behavior that can be ____.

A helpful when looking at competitive products

B used to establish MBO goals

C used in behavioral science research

D used to provide sales tools

E used to provide practical tools for managers



3. Gary Hamel suggests we need to look at management as a process and then make improvements and innovation ____.

A only if it saves money

B only if it results in synergy

C ongoing and systematic

D occasionally

E intuitively


4. A large production company has been utilizing the Hawthorne effect in its 12 international factories, and it has seen great success from implementing the Hawthorne principles that propose that ____.

A increasing diversity results in increases in worker productivity

B cutting costs through outsourcing harms employee morale and productivity

C giving more attention to employees increases worker productivity, if they think managers care about them

D giving less attention to employees increases worker productivity

E increasing synergy increases worker productivity


5. Thomas has been studying Hugo Munsterberg's suggestions, and like Munsterberg, Thomas believes that psychologists can contribute to industry by _____.

A developing strategies to influence employees to follow their interests

B encouraging employees to develop new products

C devising management strategies to influence employees to follow management's interests

D helping companies increase efficiency and productivity

E helping organizations increase diversity


6. Olivia, the general manager of a bowling center, believes in her workers and that they are responsible and capable employees, so that they can be trusted when given responsibility. Olivia is an example of a(n) ___ manager.

A Theory Z

B Theory X

C hierarchy

D accountable

E Theory Y


7. When Cheyanne, the manager, was discussing a difficult competitive problem with the owner, she asked, "What management approach do you think will work best in this situation?" Asking this question to determine a solution is utilizing ____.

A the contingency viewpoint

B scientific management

C the synergy method

D the devil's advocate method

E the diversity viewpoint


8. That organizations should be operated as "communities," with managers and subordinates working together in harmony, is one of the proposals of ____.

A Frank Gilbreth

B Mary Parker Follett

C  Adam Smith

D Hugo Munsterberg

E Max Weber


9. Hugo Munsterberg was known as ____.

A the father of MBO

B the originator of sociology

C the father of scientific management

D the father of industrial psychology

E a pioneer of scientific management



10. Mary Parker Follett anticipated some of today's concepts, such as _____.

A synergy and MBO

B self-managed teams and worker empowerment

C management-lead teams and diversity

D worker empowerment and scientific management

E quality assurance and transformation processes







11. When faced with a business problem, Sally, a young grocery store owner, discusses business problems with Don, the assistant manager and an employee for over 30 years. Sally believes Don "has seen it all" and knows there are few really new ideas; plus the business has done many simple things, such as offering friendly service, to have a competitive edge. This is an example of _____ management.

A contingency

B bottom-up

C behavioral

D family-style

E evidence-based



12. Maslow's hierarchy of human needs included ______.

A financial, love, friends, self-actualization

B food and shelter, companionship, ego, self-actualization

C physiological, financial, love, esteem, self-actualization

D physiological, financial, love, empowerment

E physiological, safety, love, esteem, self-actualization


13. When a manager assesses a particular situation and decides what to do according to the individual and environmental situation, the manager is utilizing the ____ viewpoint.

A scientific

B systems

C flexibility

D behavioral

E contingency



14. The beliefs that there are few really new ideas and that true is better than new are two of the foundational principles of ___.


B evidence-based management

C behavioral management

D scientific management

E the quality-management viewpoint



15. Greg, the IT manager, feels that his employees lack the motivation to consistently meet department goals; therefore, the approach Greg and his supervisors need to take to better understand human actions to motivate their employees toward achievement is the ____ viewpoint.

A classical

B behavioral

C synergy

D attitude

E scientific



16. George, who owns a small grocery store, has a reputation in the community as a tough manager. Many customers have heard George yell at his employees because he feels that workers today are lazy, lack ambition, and hate to work. George is a(n) ____ manager.

A accountable

B Theory X

C hierarchy

D Theory Z

E Theory Y



17. The example in the textbook of Paul English of altering an existing open-office seating arrangement by using new employees to change existing seating patterns is an example of ____.

A the office politics approach

B a Theory X method

C behavioral science research

D the hostility effect

E synergy research



18. The behavioral viewpoint developed over the following phases: _____.

A early behaviorism, human relations movement, behavioral science

B operations management, human relations movement, MBO phase

C early behaviorism, industrial, human relations movement

D early behaviorism, human relations movement, scientific management

E early behaviorism, human relations movement, administrative phase


19. The field of behavioral science includes _____.

A psychiatry, technology, environmental science, forensic science

B psychology, sociology, forensic science, economics

C psychology, forensic science, sociology, anthropology, economics

D chemistry, biology, earth science, management

E psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics


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