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Homework answers / question archive / New PerspectivesPowerPoint 2016 | Module 1: SAM Project 1a Copper Harbor Land Trust FORMATTING A POWERPOINT PRESENTATION GETTING STARTED ? Open the fleNP_PPT16_1a_FirstLastName_1
New PerspectivesPowerPoint 2016 | Module 1: SAM Project 1a
Copper Harbor Land Trust
? Open the fleNP_PPT16_1a_FirstLastName_1.pptx, available ±or download±rom the SAM website.
?Save the fle asNP_PPT16_1a_FirstLastName_2.pptxby changing the “1” toa “2”.oI± you do not see the.pptxfle extension in the Save As dialog box, do nottype it. The program will add the fle extension ±or you automatically.
?To complete this Project, you will also need to download and save the ±ollowingsupport fles ±rom the SAM website:oSupport_NP_PPT16_1a_Harbor.jpgoSupport_NP_PPT16_1a_Stream.jpg
?With the fleNP_PPT16_1a_FirstLastName_2.pptxstill open, ensure thatyour frst and last name is displayed in the presenter notes on Slide 1.oI± the presenter notes do not display your name, delete the fle anddownload a new copy ±rom the SAM website.
1.You are developing a presentation ±or people interested in the Copper HarborLand Trust, which works to preserve land in northern Michigan. Start on Slide 1by typingCopper Harbor Land Trustas the slide title.
2.With Slide 1 (“Copper Harbor Land Trust”) still displaying, typePreservingnatural resourcesas the subtitle.
3.Add a new Slide 2 using theTitle and Contentlayout. TypeWelcome toCopper Harboras the slide title.
4.On Slide 2 (“Welcome to Copper Harbor”), in the content placeholder, insert thepicture ±rom the fleSupport_NP_PPT16_1a_Harbor.jpg,available ±ordownload ±rom the SAM website, to illustrate the harbor.
5.On Slide 3 (“Copper Harbor Watershed”), without using a content placeholder,insert the picture ±rom the fleSupport_NP_PPT16_1a_Stream.jpg,available±or download ±rom the SAM website, to illustrate the watershed.
6.With Slide 3 still displaying, format the picture you just inserted as follows:
a.Resize the picture to a height of6.0".
b.Crop the picture to anOvalshape from the Basic Shapes section of theCrop to Shape gallery.
c.Position the picture as shown in Figure 1 below, using a Smart Guide toalign the left edge of the picture with the left edge of the title.
Figure 1: Position of the Stream Picture
7 On Slide 4 (“What We Protect”), add a bulleted list as follows:
a.Change the layout toTwo Contentto balance the slide design.
b.In the new content placeholder on the right, type the following text as abulleted list:WaterwaysForestsHistoric sites
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