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CH110/120 Assignment #6 Q & A
Due Date: November 16, 2020, 11:59 pm in the folder on Gradescope that corresponds to your version of the assignment
CH110/120 Assignment #6 Q & A
Due Date: November 16, 2020, 11:59 pm in the folder on Gradescope that corresponds to your version of the assignment
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CH110/120 Assignment #6 Q & A
Due Date: November 16, 2020, 11:59 pm in the folder on Gradescope that corresponds to your version of the assignment. Please see below for the late policy.
Value: 10% of your final grade
Question 1 on version B, C, E, F, H, I, K, and L does not contain hydrogen. This was a typo that has been corrected to oxygen, and updated assignments have been sent by email.
Question 2 on version H should read “from n = 4 to n =1” (not, “from 5 = 4 to n =1”!) An updated assignment has been sent by email.
- For Q3, where it says the species being radically stable, is that a typo? I was looking through the course materials and as well as the next question, and the information I found says otherwise.
- for question b), did you want an explanation or just emitted or absorbed?
- For question 3c. It asks to determine the ionization energy but specifies starting from the ground-state electron configuration. Is this component of the question referring to the ground-state electron configuration of the atom itself or the ground state of the cation?
- The question asks for "the partial pressures of each gas at the end of the reaction", however isn't there only one product?
- How exactly are we supposed to draw the molecular geometry for question 4?
- For question 1, is both X and Y (reactants) has total 10.0 L volume, or just only X volume?
- I have a question about the first question in assignment 6. I am wondering if the partial pressure for one of the reactant gases is allowed to be greater than the partial pressure of the product?
- Can you extend the due date to November 16th 11:59pm?
- When determining hybridization do we have to consider lone pairs that aren’t drawn on or do we just consider the bonds shown?
- I have a quick question in regards to the first question of this assignment. It's mentioned that 271 K is introduced to the flask containing X. Is this considered to be the final temperature of the gas mixture? Or can we consider this to be temperature added on to the 22 degree celsius X gas?
- What are the partial pressures of each gas at the end of the reaction, once the temperature has returned to 22.0 °C?
11. I'm stuck on question 2 part b. I don't ever remember actually determining the ionization energies, they were always given to us. Is there a lesson or equation you could point me to?
- I have a question regarding question 4. You state that as part of our answer we must "Sketch, label and populate (with the central atom valence electrons) the hybridized orbitals (and any remaining unhybridized orbitals) following the examples done in class on Nov. 2 and 4, and from your lecture slides on Section 10_6-7 Valence Bond Theory". Are we required to draw the molecular and atomic orbitals or create a hybridization scheme?
- I was wondering how many significant figures we should be using for Q2) as there aren't any numbers given in the question.
- When determining hybridization do we have to consider lone pairs that aren’t drawn on or do we just consider the bonds shown?
- For assignment 6 questions 2.a) does the cation have any significance in the question?
- In question 1, I was wondering if the reaction flask is a pneumatic trough because in the lecture video for 5.6 and 5.7, you call a pneumatic trough a reaction flask.
- Can I copy the solving strategies from textbook or inclass problems.
- I just had a quick question about question 2, part c. It says to right the ith ionization. Does that mean the ith ionization from the element? Or the ith ionization starting at the cation?
- For question 3b on assignment 6, would you like us to have explanations for our answers, or simply just write the answer and nothing else.
- I am finishing up question 2d on version c of the assignment. When referring to the the textbook they use a value of 2.18x10^-18. Do we use this same value or use the value we calculated for ephoton.
- I was just wondering if you wanted us to show work for question 2d. When I try to calculate it myself I get a completely different answer than the value I get if I just search it up. I know I am probably doing the wrong calculation, but I am not sure why I would need to show work if it is something that I can easily google the value of.
- I was just wondering if i can get a little extension on the due date for assignment #6 because I have a biology midterm and [other work] that are both due on Monday
- Just a question regarding question 3b) for the sentence explanation what are you looking for, what is the explanation about?
- I am just confused as the question stated that for "each response should be justified with a short, labeled calculation and a one sentence explanation". Is this just for q3 a) and b) that it applies to, or is it also needed when inputting the chart
- I had a question regarding Q4 on the assignment. I looked at page 405 and was a little confused as to how I should be drawing the hybridization. When drawing it should refer to table 10.3 or example 10.6.
- for question 1, assignment 6, and part b shouldn't there be a volume given to go with the temperature?
- For question one it says to assume the reaction goes to completion did you want us to prove that it does my solving the LR and ER or just simply use that information and trust that it goes to completion?
- For question 4 of the assignment does C, N, O and S correspond with their elements on the periodic table?
- Like, I just don’t get question 1. What am I supposed to do?
- I am doing assignment 6 and I had a question about question 1. It says that Gas X happened at 22degrees Celsius and when Gas Y was added, a temperature of 271K was introduced. Does this mean that the reaction happened at 271K?