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Homework answers / question archive / Write an article on new wars as a meaningful category for understanding international security Paper must be at least 2000 words

Write an article on new wars as a meaningful category for understanding international security Paper must be at least 2000 words


Write an article on new wars as a meaningful category for understanding international security Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Iraq was supposed to be a new kind of war for a new kind of generation. However, it is very similar to American action in the Philippines a hundred years ago. There is nothing new under the sun.

There are many striking similarities between the Philippine Insurrection and Operation Iraqi Freedom despite the fact that more than 100 years separate the two. In both cases, the government of the United States chose to send soldiers to a foreign country with a mixture of motives, some good, some less good. Upon arriving in the country and defeating a conventional force, the United States attempted to remove the vestiges of the old government and defeat a tenacious guerrilla movement that had moved into the countryside and was supported by a network of local politicians. While much blood was shed in the Philippine Insurrection, positive results were achieved and the Philippines became an independent democratic country that is seen to today to be more or less a success. This may bode well for Iraq, a country that has been through terrible times and now seems to be improving. This essay will look at how these two actions in the United States were very similar.

The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 created a new era of American foreign policy. Some critics might call this policy expansionist, and although that is certainly an important element of it, it was also motivated by a desire to spread principles of democracy and good governance. Many idealists of the period believed the principles at the heart of the U.S. Constitution were universal and should be shared with everyone. By the end of the 19th century, the Monroe Doctrine was to come into full effect in a war with the Spanish. Not only would the Americans take control of Spanish possessions in the Caribbean such as Cuba, Puerto Rica, and other islands, but as the war expanded so would the remit of the Monroe&nbsp.Doctrine.&nbsp.

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