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Diagnostic Evaluation Paper: Using your previously submitted outline as a guide, you will write a diagnostic evaluation report of the same fictional character from your outline (who must be from a well-known movie, book, or television program that has a diagnosis covered in the class)
Diagnostic Evaluation Paper: Using your previously submitted outline as a guide, you will write a diagnostic evaluation report of the same fictional character from your outline (who must be from a well-known movie, book, or television program that has a diagnosis covered in the class)
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Diagnostic Evaluation Paper: Using your previously submitted outline as a guide, you will write a diagnostic evaluation report of the same fictional character from your outline (who must be from a well-known movie, book, or television program that has a diagnosis covered in the class). IMAGINE THAT THE CHARACTER HAS LEFT THE MOVIE/BOOK/SHOW AND WALKED INTO YOUR CLINICAL OFFICE. HOW WOULD HE/SHE RESPOND TO YOUR QUESTIONS? Please write the final report in narrative format, using complete sentences, NOT bullet points. The outline is below; please label each section of the paper as the outline suggests and address all of the information in the outline. The paper must conform to APA standards in terms of citations, references, and formatting (though no abstract is needed). Papers should be 4-6 pages. It is up to you to choose a case with enough complexity to fulfill the length requirement. All citations must be fully referenced. Do not reference what you did not cite. Please refer to the current edition of the American Psychological Association Publication Manual for further information on APA citations.
- There is a lot of information on the internet to help you choose a case, for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_featuring_mental_disorders (Links to an external site.)
- Paper Submission Guidelines: Papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word or text entry format through Canvas. Papers that appear to be plagiarized may be submitted by instructor through Turnitin, which will assign a similarity score to the outline if the content is too similar to published documents or other student papers. You will lose 1 percentage point from your grade on the paper for every 1 percentage point beyond 10%. Papers with similarity scores that exceed 30% will not be awarded any points and a phone meeting with the instructor will be required. If your papers similarity score is beyond 20% you are advised to contact the instructor to discuss strategies to reduce this score in the future. Plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will result in at least an automatic “F” for the assignment (also see FSU regulations).
Diagnostic Evaluation Guidelines
- Please follow the outline format very closely on your final paper.
- Please use the major headings in your paper, and try to address all of the components for each section.
- If you do not have the information in question, you can state that you are not aware of the client’s current status regarding that area (though you should not have to write that very often).
- If the book, movie, or TV show does not provide you with much information about your character, it may be wise to select a character from another source that provides more detail.
- It is also permissible to take some creative license and fill in the blanks if you feel it will bring your character to life.
- For this reason, I ask that you only choose fictional (not real) characters. Please do not choose a book/show/movie that portrays the life of a real person, alive or deceased.
- While it is helpful to report some information about the client’s family and friends, please avoid the mistake of over-analyzing a family member. Keep the focus on the client.
- I DO NOT need a plot summary. Only share what is relevant to the client’s diagnosis and DO NOT start detailing what happened in the movie. I should feel like I am reading about a real person that you met, not about a movie or show.
- Please follow APA format. Cite sources. Provide a references page. Double space. Etc.
- I will be looking to see that you incorporated feedback from the outline on your final paper
Please use the following your outline to write your paper. Maintain the headings and order of information but change your bullet points into a narrative format.
Demographic Information:
- Age
- Sex
- Race/Ethnicity
- Culture
- Religion
- Marital/Relationship status
- Any other pertinent information, but keep this section somewhat short and to-the-point. You will elaborate later.
Current Problems/Presenting Problems:
- Provide a thorough account of the reason client came to see you and/or was brought to you by friends/family. Detail will help here (but do not do a plot summary).
- Problematic symptoms
- Frequency of symptoms (how often do they occur?)
- Duration of symptoms (how long have they been present?
- Severity of symptoms (how serious are they?)
- Symptom triggers (do certain events or situations seem to trigger the symptoms
Social and Occupational History:
- Information on family of origin including ethnic/cultural information – where did client grow up? Who did client live with? Were parents married/separated/estranged? Any siblings? Strong ties with Grandparents? Etc.
- General information on childhood
- Traumatic events
- History of abuse
- Notable events
- Occupational history
- Current employment
- Past employment
- Employment struggles/successes
- Educational history
- Highest level of education achieved
- Educational struggles/successes
- Current family constellation
- General information on spouse/partner (remember to focus on your client’s symptoms, you are only diagnosing one person; report whatever you think may be impacting your client)
- General information on children and close family members
- Is client satisfied with current family situation?
Psychiatric History
- Provide history of mental health diagnoses prior to when you met the client as well as any treatment received
- Include a family history of psychiatric conditions in this section (if no history state that there is no family history
Medical History
- Note all medical conditions the client has (these are conditions that are not psychiatric in nature, such as diabetes)
- Especially for conditions that might impact mental functioning, provide details about treatment, prognosis, etc. For example, is the client managing their diabetes well?
Diagnostic Summary
- First, summarize the information you obtained in your report in 1-2 paragraphs (hint: focus on what most directly connects to your diagnosis
- Explain each diagnosis you made and why
- Specifically list which criteria from the DSM the client meets
- Explain any other diagnoses you considered and explain why you ultimately ruled them out
- Provide a brief prognosis – is this treatable? Will the client have a good quality of life?
- Provide a brief treatment plan
- What type of therapy would be beneficial?
- Would you refer this client to a psychiatrist for medication?
- Does this client need to be hospitalized immediately?
Diagnostic Evaluation Rubric
Diagnostic Evaluation Rubric
Criteria |
Ratings |
Pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization of Write-Up
4.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
All information organized in logical sequence; follows acceptable format
3.0 pts
Meets Expectations
Information generally organized in logical sequence; follows acceptable format
2.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Errors in format; information intermittently organized
1.0 pts
Errors in format; information disorganized
0.0 pts
Missing/No attempt made
Paper is so underdeveloped that organization cannot be evaluated
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThoroughness and History
4.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Thoroughly documents all pertinent history components for type of note; includes critical as well as supportive information
3.0 pts
Meets Expectations
Documents most pertinent history components; includes critical information
2.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Fails to document most pertinent history components; Lacks some critical information or rambling in history
1.0 pts
Minimal history; critical information missing
0.0 pts
Paper did not cover history/background
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThoroughness of Presenting Problems
4.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Thoroughly documents all pertinent presenting problems/symptoms
3.0 pts
Meets Expectations
Documents most pertinent presenting problems/symptoms
2.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Documents some pertinent presenting problems/symptoms
1.0 pts
Cursory review of presenting problems/symptoms; misses several pertinent components
0.0 pts
Did not address presenting problems/symptoms
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiagnostic Reasoning
4.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Assessment consistent with prior documentation. Clear justification for diagnosis using DSM-5 criteria.
3.0 pts
Meets Expectations
Assessment consistent with prior documentation. Clear justification for diagnosis.
2.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Assessment mostly consistent with prior documentation. Fails to clearly justify diagnosis.
1.0 pts
Assessment not consistent with prior documentation. Fails to clearly justify diagnosis.
0.0 pts
Diagnostic section missing
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTreatment Plan
4.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Treatment plan and patient education addresses all issues raised by diagnoses; excellent insight into patient’s needs. Evidence based decisions.
3.0 pts
Meets Expectations
Treatment plan and patient education addresses most issues raised by diagnoses
2.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Treatment plan and patient education fail to address most issues raised by diagnoses
1.0 pts
Minimal treatment plan and/or patient education addressed
0.0 pts
No discussion of treatment plan
4.0 pts
Total Points: 20.0