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Homework answers / question archive / A Black perspective for social work practice ensures that students graduate from the program with the ability to critically analyze the social injustices due to race/ethnicity and experienced by specific populations, such as women, LBGTQIA, the poor, the elderly, and the disabled

A Black perspective for social work practice ensures that students graduate from the program with the ability to critically analyze the social injustices due to race/ethnicity and experienced by specific populations, such as women, LBGTQIA, the poor, the elderly, and the disabled


A Black perspective for social work practice ensures that students graduate from the program with the ability to critically analyze the social injustices due to race/ethnicity and experienced by specific populations, such as women, LBGTQIA, the poor, the elderly, and the disabled. By gaining an understanding of the unique and similar ways various groups are constrained by racism, discrimination, and prejudice, students are better able to mobilize diverse groups to work together to overcome common problems and concerns. A Black perspective for social work practice illustrates the essence of Dr. King’s message, “[i]njustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

The chart below illustrates some of the ways the program connects course content to a Black perspective for social work practice.

Content Area

Selected Applications of a Black Perspective for Social Work Practice to Course Content

Social Welfare Policy (

Discriminatory response of U.S. welfare state to the needs of diverse populations). Social Security retirement program and unemployment insurance did not cover many of DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY MSW the jobs held by women and persons of color (Abramovitz, 2005).

Human Behavior & the Social Environment

(Impact of structural problems on diverse groups and populations) Poverty rates continue to be highest among families headed by single women, especially if they are Black or Hispanic (Current Population Reports, September 2018, https://www. 263html.). Poverty is a risk factor for dropping out of school, teen pregnancy, child neglect, HIV/AIDS, chronic unemployment, mental health disorders

. Research

Violation of Research Ethics Against Human Subjects • Tuskegee Syphilis Study (1932-1972). • Children with mental disabilities deliberately infected with hepatitis to observe the progression of the disease (1956-1980). • Hundreds of Guatemalans were intentionally infected with Syphilis. The U.S. apologizes in 2010. • Henrietta Lacks had her cells taken without her knowledge in 1951 - an account that represents a collision between ethics, race, and medicine

. Practice Courses

A Black Perspective for Social Work Practice In 2001, NASW releases Cultural Competence Standards for Social Work Practice after acknowledging that cultural bias affects everyone. Standards aim to improve practice with diverse communities and clients by providing guidelines for examining personal attitudes and experiences with people of different genders, social classes, religious and spiritual beliefs, sexual orientations, ages, mental and physical abilities. Native American children are overrepresented in foster care, the highest percentage of persons unemployed in 2008 were Native American and 27% of this population, compared to 13% of the total population, are poor. Yet, since the 1970s Native American students account for less than 1% of MSW students.



?            Assignment 7.1

Carefully read the instructions for this assignment. 



Assignment #2 & #3: Paper and Presentation: The Black


(Competency 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, & 9; Dimensions: knowledge, values, skills, cognitive and affective

reaction) Due Weeks 7 and 8?        


This paper and presentation is an integrative and culminating assignment. Select a contemporary social issue (e.g. school vouchers, capital punishment, domestic violence, racial profiling, addictions, mental health or physical health issues, etc.). Describe the history, the demographics, and any salient factors in regards to the issue. Discuss social work practice from a generalist perspective (multi-levels of intervention: micro, mezzo, macro, and ecological perspective) inclusive of social work values, ethics, and roles in relationship to the selected issue. Integrate empowerment, strengths perspective, but most importantly incorporate the Black Perspective into the paper. When you are planning your intervention, look to Chapters 13-15 for guidance, with regard to evaluation. This is a detailed discussion and should not be taken lightly. Therefore, the student is urged to begin research, conceptualization and development early in the semester. The instructor is available to assist you on an individual level. The level of completeness and detail will be essential to the grading of this assignment, along with the utilization and synthesis of current literature, the correct bibliographic sources and style, and the presentation itself. Be specific with your use of references. If books are used, identify the exact page(s) of reference. Literature should be current, relevant with a greater reliance on social work articles.


Items to be grades

Possible points


?    Selection of topic.



?          Historical perspective demographics and prevalence









 Submission Requirements

You will have two submission attempts for this assignment. All assignments must be submitted through Safe Assign.  




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