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Homework answers / question archive / ASSIGNMENT BRIEFING SHEET (v2) CRKC7013 – Public Health Management Policy   For this coursework, you will need to produce a survey of public healthcare policies in the country of your residence or another country of your choice

ASSIGNMENT BRIEFING SHEET (v2) CRKC7013 – Public Health Management Policy   For this coursework, you will need to produce a survey of public healthcare policies in the country of your residence or another country of your choice



CRKC7013 – Public Health Management Policy


For this coursework, you will need to produce a survey of public healthcare policies in the country of your residence or another country of your choice. The suggested title for the essay should be:


Review of Government’s Engagement in the

Private Health Sector in [Country of Your Choice]


Although the report should focus on one specific country, you may make comparisons with other countries so as to derive a critical analysis. Statistics or other forms of concrete evidence should be presented to support the statements made in your discussions and analysis. The report should follow the normal academic requirements for ethics, plagiarism, and referencing.


The report will need to examine the subject area of government’s engagement in private healthcare sector, according to the principles covered within the units. There is a practical element within the task where you need to devise solutions for certain problems. The research aims are as follows.



Research Aims:


  1. Review the government’s participation in the private healthcare sector within the country, such as any policies to encourage the growth of private healthcare, offering government sponsorship, implementing Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model, etc.
    • Practical Element: Collect evidence to evaluate the major achievements of the government in promoting or incorporating private healthcare services, and investigate future challenges for the country in this area. You may compare the government’s achievements with other countries.
  2. Examine the various levels of responsibility and ethical issues where there is a certain level of collaboration between public and private healthcare sources.
    • Practical Element: Present a relevant case study that demonstrates the government’s efforts in any collaborative efforts with private healthcare sector, and identify issues that may arise (or have arisen) in terms of ethics and responsibilities.



Data Collection:


You are encouraged to use secondary data for this research available via existing publications such as academic articles, books, research reports, publications by government and/or health authorities, statistical databases, and any relevant health-related sources pertaining to the subject. Using these sources will be sufficient to allow you to conduct a comprehensive investigation on the subject.


As part of the above, you may present any information or data in tables and use any supporting illustrations – these will not contribute to the overall word count.


It is vital that you reference all sources used in the report using the Harvard format.


We would suggest you avoid collecting primary data that involves human participants as this will require you to apply for ethical approval and is an inherently time-consuming process. Collecting primary data is not a requirement of this module.



Assessed Learning Outcomes:


The module learning outcomes (LOs) are listed below, which is fully assessed by this assignment.


  1. Demonstrate a critical awareness and reflect on the purpose of healthcare, in promoting an overall structure and service to combat disease, prolong life and reduce inequalities in healthcare provision
  2. Understand critically, and apply, the aspects of health economics, management and the essential elements of change management in healthcare management using a systematic and evidence-based approach, with particular reference to organisations with which you are concerned
  3. Understand the international management implications of health policy and reflect on the practical constraints of application of policy, in relation to national policies and to international developments.
  4. Develop and apply a critical understanding of the requirement for and use of ethics in healthcare provision, in national and international contexts


The given research aims are design to assess the LOs of the module as follows.







Aim 1





Aim 2







Formative Assessment:


As the formative component of this assessment, you will need to submit an initial research proposal which should cover the following:


  • Specify the country of your choice and give brief justifications.
  • Outline the main topics that you will investigate for each task.
  • Explain your research plan, including expected research methods, sources of information, schedule, etc.


The research proposal represents a formative assessment. No marks will be allocated to this part of the assessment, but you will receive individual feedback which you can take on board towards the production of the final report.




Research Proposal: The recommended length is 500 words to detail the areas specified above.


Final Report: A limit of 3,500 words, excluding tables, illustrations, appendices, and references. You are permitted to exceed this limit by the normal 10% margin.




Research Proposal: No marks will be allocated to the assessment of the research proposal. Students will receive individual written feedback.


Final Report: All students will receive individual written feedback for the assignment, as well as marks awarded based on the criteria specified below.





General understanding of the subject, and the appropriate coverage of relevant topics



Level of critical analysis and evaluation of suitable topics



Ability to evidence independent and directed research, and use of suitable data (such as published works, statistics, and other relevant data) to support discussions



The quality of the writing, such as the use of proper academic language, consistent format and layout, and accurate referencing mechanics using the Harvard format










The grading criteria can be viewed at the next page.












Grading Criteria:




(70% and above)


(60% - 69%)


(50% - 59%)



Significant Fail


Comprehension (20 marks)


Excellent, comprehensive knowledge base. Ability to discriminate and justify key issues and relate them to the wider context. Arguments are confidently expressed to develop compelling conclusions.

Substantial knowledge base. Ability to discriminate key issues and establish links to the wider context. Arguments are confidently expressed. Conclusions are firmly articulated and arise directly from the premised arguments.

Sound knowledge base. Ability to discriminate key issues. Arguments are confidently expressed through clear, logical lines of thought. Conclusions are firmly articulated, relevant and arise directly from the premised arguments.

Some defended knowledge of current, relevant issues. Limited development of arguments where lines of thought are discernible. Limited conclusions arising from premises.


Little argument. Lines of thought are poorly expressed and often demonstrate confused thinking. Conclusions are missing, or not related to discussion. Student has failed to meet the majority of the LOs of the assessment.


(30 marks)

Rigorous critical analysis of the interface between theory and practice, clearly elaborated to evaluate theoretical adequacy and synthesise the development of professional practice. Excellent use of frameworks for evaluation.

Excellent critical analysis/evaluation of the relationship between theory and practice. Substantial use of multiple theoretical frameworks to evaluate professional practice with wide ranging synthesis to show how each is informing the other. Clear, critical evaluation of their usefulness.

Good, critical analysis/evaluation of the relationship between theory and practice. Some use of multiple theoretical frameworks to evaluate professional practice. Demonstrable synthesis to show how each is informing the other. Some evaluation of their usefulness.

Some articulation of the relationship between and critical analysis/evaluation of the significance of relevant theory to specific professional practice with some awareness of how each may be informed by the other.


Some use of relevant theory but lack of awareness of relationship to practice. Little integration of the articulation between theory and practice.

Student has failed to meet the majority of the LOs of the assessment.



(30 marks)

Excellent, wide range of key and peripheral primary and secondary sources, demonstrating critical evaluation and synthesis within the professional context.

Substantial selection of key primary and secondary literature sources demonstrating analysis and critical evaluation of a wide range of relevant issues for the professional context.

Good selection of key primary literature sources with critical evaluation of significant issues for the professional context. Some limited analysis of related, secondary material.


Range and choice of evidence / literature marginally inadequate. Some recognition and critical analysis of issues of significance for the professional context.


Narrow selection of evidence/literature. Academic dishonesty such as plagiarizing texts. Student has failed to meet the majority of the LOs of the assessment.




(20 marks)

Excellent, coherent organisation and structure which enhances comprehension. Excellent presentation of all material. Referencing is accurate to a high degree.


Organisation is comprehensive and structure coherent. Well presented, with considerable attention to detail which facilitates effortless comprehension. Supporting material is well presented and ordered with accurate referencing.

Organisation and structure is coherent. Well presented, facilitating comprehension. Supporting material is well presented and ordered. Accurate referencing.

Organisation and structure does not adequately support the work. Presentation includes supporting material but is somewhat disorganised in places. Most referencing is sound and appropriate but limited in scope.

Poorly organised, incoherent structure. Poor presentation and referencing. Little appropriate supporting material given. Practice of unreferenced texts should be deemed a significant fail.




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