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Homework answers / question archive / cct425 Purpose This assignment is intended to help you learn to create databases in Ninox

cct425 Purpose This assignment is intended to help you learn to create databases in Ninox


cct425 Purpose This assignment is intended to help you learn to create databases in Ninox. Overview Watch the following tutorials on YouTube. These videos are approximately 1 hour each: Building My First Table in NinoxLinks to an external site. Linking Master & Parent TablesLinks to an external site. Action Items Access Ninox from the link sent to you by your instructor. Create a new database called LASTNAME_InProgress. This will be the file you create your database in. DO NOT access anyone else’s database and DO NOT name it anything other than LASTNAME_InProgress. Create 5 tables in Ninox – Employees, Sales, Sales Item, Coupon, and Inventory, using the provided data. Do not “hide” any tables and keep Global Search on for tables that may need to be searched. Your database should show the relationships between the tables when you have created the inner and outer joins. Add a choice field with color coding, a number field with a character limit, a mandatory field, mask unneeded fields in a set of linked tables, and add a total. Give an example of implementation of the entity integrity rule and the referential integrity rule and the primary keys that could be used for each table and at least two foreign keys. (Remember, Ninox creates its own keys so you are giving examples of what you WOULD USE from the given tables.) To mark your database ready for review by your instructor, change InProgress to Complete. (Example: LASTNAME_Complete) Deliverables: The database file created in Ninox covering Action Items 1-5 above, marked Complete A screenshot of the completed Data Model from Ninox with labeled relationships (i.e. one to many, many to many, zero to many) in a Word document Labeled screenshots of the items in Action Item 5 in the same Word document Responses to Action Item 6 in the same Word document By the due date indicated, upload your work.

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