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Homework answers / question archive / Describe two potential risks of Juan and Elena Hernandez's disciplinary style on the psychological development of their children

Describe two potential risks of Juan and Elena Hernandez's disciplinary style on the psychological development of their children


Describe two potential risks of Juan and Elena Hernandez's disciplinary style on the psychological development of their children.

Identify one theoretical perspective (e.g., Piaget or Erikson) that can be used to explain the children's developmental stage. How does this theory apply to the Hernandez children and to the potential impact of the parents' disciplinary style?1 4 67% + Hernandez Family Juan Hernandez (27) and Elena Hernandez (25) are a married Latino couple who were referred to the New York City Administration for Children Services (ACS) for abuse allegations. They have an 8-year-old son, Juan Jr., and a 6-year-old son, Alberto. They were married 7 years ago, soon after Juan Jr. was born. Juan and Elena were both born in Puerto Rico and raised in Queens, New York. They rent a two-bedroom apartment in an apartment complex where they have lived for 7 years. Elena works as babysitter for a family that lives nearby, and Juan works at the airport in the baggage department. Overall, their physical health is good, although Elena was diagnosed with diabetes this past year and Juan has some lower back issues from loading and unloading bags. They both drink socially with friends and family. Juan goes out with friends on the weekends sometimes to "blow off steam," having six to eight beers, and Elena drinks sparingly, only one or two drinks a month. Both deny any current drug use. While they do not attend church regularly, both identify as being Catholic and observe all religious holidays. Juan was arrested 4 years ago for drug possession and was sentenced to 6 months in jail. Elena has no criminal history. They have a large support network of friends and family who live nearby, and both Elena's and Juan's parents live within blocks of their apartment and visit frequently. Juan and Elena both enjoy playing cards with family and friends on the weekends and taking the boys out to the park and beach near their home. ACS was contacted by the social worker from Juan Jr.'s school after he described a punishment his parents used when he talked back to them. Juan Jr. told the social worker that his parents made him kneel for hours while holding two large books (one in each hand) and that this was a punishment used on multiple occasions. The ACS worker deemed this a credible concern and made a visit to the home. During the visit, the parents admitted to using this particular form of punishment with their children when they misbehaved. In turn, the social worker from ACS mandated the family to attend weekly family sessions and complete a parenting group at their local community mental health agency. In her report sent to the mental health agency, the ACS social worker indicated that the form of punishment the parents used was deemed abusive and that the parents needed to learn new and appropriate parenting skills. She also suggested they receive education about child development because she believed they had unrealistic expectations of how children at that developmental stage should behave. This was a particular concern with Juan Sr., who repeatedly stated that if the boys listened, stayed quiet, and followed all of their rules, they would not be punished. There was a sense from the ACS worker that Juan Sr. treated his sons, especially Juan Jr., as adults and not as children. This was exhibited, she believed, by a clear lack of patience and understanding on his part when the boys did not follow all of his directions perfectly, or when they played in the home. She mandated family sessions along with the parenting classes to address these issues.

E TRANSCRIPT - Hernandez Family .pdf 2 / 4 60% + N Intake Session During the intake session, when I met the family for the first time, both Juan and Elena were clearly angry that they had been referred to parenting classes and family sessions. They both felt they had done nothing wrong, and they stated that they were only punishing their children as they were punished as children in Puerto Rico. They said that their parents made them hold heavy books or bags of sand as they kneeled, and they both stressed that at times the consequences for not behaving had been much worse. Both Juan and Elena were "beaten" (their term) by their parents. Elena's parents used a switch, and Juan's parents used a belt. As a result, they feel they are actually quite lenient with their children, and they said they never hit them and they never would. Both stated that they love their children very much and struggle to give them a good life. They both stated that the boys are very active and don't always follow the rules, and the kneeling punishment is the only thing that works when they "don't want to listen." They both admitted that they made the boys hold two large books for up to 2 hours while kneeling when they did something wrong. They stated the boys are "hyperactive" and "need a lot of attention." They said they punish Juan Jr. more often because he is particularly defiant and does not listen and also because he is older and should know better. They see him as a role model for his younger brother and feel he should take that responsibility to heart. His misbehavior indicates to them that he is not taking that duty seriously and should therefore be punished, both to learn his lesson and to show his younger brother what could happen if he does not behave. During the intake session, Juan Sr. stated several times that he puts in overtime any time he can because money is "tight." He expressed great concern about having to attend the parenting classes and family sessions, as it would interfere with that overtime. Elena appeared anxious during the initial meeting and repeatedly asked if 2 they were going to lose the boys. I told her I could not assure her that they would not, but I could assist her and her husband through this process by making sure we had a plan that satisfied the ACS worker's requirements. I told them it would be up to them to complete those plans successfully. I offered my support through this process and conveyed empathy around their response to the situation. Classes and Family Sessions Treatment consisted of weekly parenting classes with the goal of teaching them effective and safe discipline skills (such as setting limits through the use of time-out and taking away privileges). Further, the classes emphasized the importance of recognizing age-appropriate behavior. We spent sessions reviewing child development techniques to help boost their children's self-esteem and sense of confidence. We also talked about managing one's frustration (such as when to take a break when angry) and helping their children to do the same. Family sessions were built around helping the family members express themselves in a 3 safe environment. The parents and the children were asked to talk about how they felt

3 4 63% + about each other and the reason they were mandated to treatment. They were asked to share how they felt while at home interacting with one another. I thought it was of particular importance to have them talk about their feelings related to the call to ACS, as I was unsure how Juan Sr. felt about Juan Jr.'s report to the social worker. It was necessary to assist them with processing this situation so that there were no residual negative feelings between father and son. I asked them to role-play-having each member act like another member of the household. This was very effective in helping Juan Sr. see how his boys view him and his behavior toward them when he comes home from work. As a result of this exercise, he verbalized his newfound clarity around how the boys have been seeing him as a very angry and negative father. I also used sessions to explore the parents' backgrounds. Using a genogram, we identified patterns among their family members that have continued through generations. These patterns included the use of discipline to maintain order in the home and the potentially unrealistic expectations the elders had for their children and grandchildren. Elena stated that she was treated like an adult and had the responsibilities of a person much older than herself while she was still very young. Juan Sr. said he felt responsible for bringing money into the home at an early age. He was forced by his parents to get working papers as soon as he turned 14. His paychecks were then taken by his parents each week and used to pay for groceries and other bills. He expressed anger at his parents for encouraging him to drop out of high school so that he could get more than one job to help out with the finances. Other sessions focused on the burden they felt related to their finances and how that burden might be felt by the boys, just as Juan Sr. might have felt growing up. In one session, Juan Jr. expressed his fears of being evicted and the lights being turned off, because his father often talked of not having money for bills. Both boys expressed sadness over the amount of time their father spent at work and stressed their desire to do more things with him at night and on the weekends. Juan Jr. discussed memories of his father's incarceration and the visits to the jail, where "it was cold" and "the men were scary." He said he sometimes feels his father could be taken away again at any moment. Both parents stated they did not realize the boys understood their anxieties around paying bills and felt sad that they worried about these issues. We also took a couple of sessions to address money management. We worked together to create a budget and identify unnecessary expenses that might be eliminated. It was clear that this was a family that loved each other very much. Juan Sr. and Elena were often affectionate with each other and their sons. Once the initial anger subsided, both Juan Sr. and Elena fully engaged in both the family sessions and the parenting classes. We assessed their progress monthly and highlighted that progress. I also was aware that it was important to learn about the Hernandez family history and culture in order to understand their perspective and emotions around the ACS referral. I asked them many questions about their beliefs, customs, and culture to learn about how they view parenthood, marriage roles, and children's behaviors. They were always open to

4 4 63% + O these questions and seemed pleased that I asked about these things rather than assumed I
knew the answers.

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