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Homework answers / question archive / Make a discussion in which you describe the benefits and costs of acting both ethically and unethically in business
Make a discussion in which you describe the benefits and costs of acting both ethically and unethically in business. Include specific examples to illustrate your points. Incorporate references to sources that support/provide evidence for what you write. Use APA formatting for citations and references.
Discussion Requirements and Grading Rubric In your posts, you must: • Incorporate evidence from the course materials or other sources that support your arguments/positions. • Demonstrate detailed understanding of course concepts • Responses must build upon or clarify posts of classmates (agreement posts are not allowed and detract from your grade) • Express arguments/positions/ideas clearly with connection to the discussion topic • Respond to any questions posed to your posts (eg. if a classmate asks you a question, you have responded). • Be respectful • Be organized in your thoughts and ideas • Be free of writing errors (spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc.) • Use APA citations for materials that support any arguments/positions/ideas and list references Discussion Grading Rubric The rubric below will be used to grade discussions. Criteria Frequency, Timeliness, and Length of Posts Weight 20.00% Writing quality and APA formatting Weight 15.00% Critical Thinking Weight 40.00% Levels of Achievement Adequate Thorough Professional Participation Participation Participation 80 % 90 % 100 % Initial post made, but Initial post and Initial post and missing one of both responses responses are 50 % responses, OR all completed, but at 0% completed on Missing initial post, posts are late OR least one post was Nothing time. Initial post is but 1-2 responses initial post not of late. Initial post is submitted of required length. are posted. required length OR of required length. Initial post and initial post and Initial post and responses are on responses are not on responses are on different days. different days. different days. 80 % 100 % 50 % 90 % 0% Several writing errors No writing errors. Numerous writing Few writing errors. Nothing cited AND/OR sources All sources cited errors OR sources Sources cited in(and citations cited in-text and in-text and not cited in-text text and included in required for the included in reference included in and/or not included reference format discussion topic) format, but not in reference format in References list per APA. proper APA format per APA. 90 % 100 % 50 % 80 % Posts and Post and Posts and Posts and responses responses responses responses do not 0% do not incorporate incorporate course incorporate incorporate course Nothing course materials materials and course materials materials AND/OR submitted AND/OR lack reflect some critical and reflect critical show a serious lack sufficient critical thinking and depth, thinking and of critical thinking thinking and depth. but could be depth expected at and depth. improved. the graduate level. Does Not Meet Participated Requirements Minimally Levels of Achievement Does Not Meet Participated Adequate Thorough Professional Criteria Requirements Minimally Participation Participation Participation 80 % 50 % 90 % Responses to 100 % Responses to peers Responses to peers classmates are Responses to Engagement 0 % are lacking in are thoughtful and lacking in classmates are in Discussion No responses to thoughtfulness and are worded in a thoughfulness and thoughtful, deep, Weight classmates depth and are not way that adds to depth, but are and worded in a 25.00% submitted worded in a way the discussion. worded in a way that way that adds to that adds to the Responses could be adds to the the discussion. discussion. deeper.
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