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Homework answers / question archive / How did the crime/trial reflect the notion of what was criminal in that period and what does it tell you about the culture at that time in US history? You will want to give a brief overview of the trial or crime (depending on your focus), but most of your paper will be analysis and contextualization of the primary source in the secondary sources

How did the crime/trial reflect the notion of what was criminal in that period and what does it tell you about the culture at that time in US history? You will want to give a brief overview of the trial or crime (depending on your focus), but most of your paper will be analysis and contextualization of the primary source in the secondary sources


How did the crime/trial reflect the notion of what was criminal in that period and what does it tell you about the culture at that time in US history? You will want to give a brief overview of the trial or crime (depending on your focus), but most of your paper will be analysis and contextualization of the primary source in the secondary sources. This is a 1500-word-maximum research paper. This paper is analytical, not descriptive. Therefore, do not give a lengthy account of the crime or the trial, rather address this main question.

In thinking about the main question, bear in mind these smaller questions: How did this crime connect to larger society and other events at that time? Was this an isolated incident or connected to much larger events? What sectors of society did it involve? How was the crime either exemplar or peculiar to the changes in understandings of what was criminal and what was legal at the time?

You must have a thesis statement in your introduction paragraph (a single sentence that sums up the main argument/point of your paper and provides an answer to your main research question. Do NOT rephrase the question; rather give the answer!) Each paragraph must start with an analytic topic sentence that connects back to and supports your thesis. See the grading rubric for a more thorough understanding of how the paper will be graded.

FORMATTING: It MUST be an MS Word file (.doc or .docx) 1 Inch Margins all-around. 12 Pt Times New Roman font. Double-spaced. Regular indentations on each paragraph. Include page numbers. (maximum 1500 words, excluding footnotes, your name and title, etc, this word limit is strictly enforced).

CITATIONS: Citation format for this paper is Chicago Style. You must cite ALL information that you take from them, not just quotations. See the Citations help sheet on Blackboard in the Week 10 section.

Briani Adams April 19, 2021 HIS 320 Annotated Bibliography Information, Markets, and Corruption: Transcontinental Railroads in the Gilded Age White, R. (2003). Information, Markets, and Corruption: Transcontinental Railroads in the Gilded Age. The Journal of American History, 90(1), 19-43. doi:10.2307/3659790 Richard White is a Stanford University historian. Professor White is one of the nation’s leading scholars in three related fields: the American West, Native American History, and environmental history. In his journal, White focuses on the corruption during the Gilded Age with the building of the transcontinental railroads during this period. Whites discusses how corruption is a species of fraud that violates public trust or private trust. This journal illuminates my topic because it mainly focuses on corruption of those who own big companies and are in positions of power. I can use this journal to further strengthen my argument of how dishonesty during the Gilded Age was much of a recurrent thing which was so that those in power could make more money. Social Darwinism And The Businessman Wyllie, I. (1959). Social Darwinism and the Businessman. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 103(5), 629-635. Retrieved April 21, 2021, from Irvin G. Wyllie is the associate professor of history, University of Wisconsin is the author of this journal article. This journal article Wyllie discusses the philosopher Charles Dwarwin and the impact of his theory of social darwinism in the world during the Gilded Age. While also explaining how entrepreneurs during the gilded age not only practiced social Dwarnists but philosophical social darwinists as well. I can use this journal to further my argument because business owners believed in the theory “survival of the fittest” which promoted greed because of the idea of doing whatever it takes to gain success financially no matter what needed to be done to achieve that goal. Constitutional Politics in the Gilded Age Benedict, M. (2010). Constitutional Politics in the Gilded Age. The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 9(1), 7-35. Retrieved April 22, 2021, from Michael Les Benedict is a American historian at Ohio State University. In this journal article, Benedict discusses the impact the gilded age had on people from the wealthy to the working class. Also, this journal discussed the patent division from both the democratic and replublican party and how those divides were visible in public policy. Constitutional discourse ran up from ordinary people to interest groups to public policy makers and down from policymakers seeking support based on fidelity to constitutional fidelity. This journal illuminates my topic because I can use how the gilded age affected public policy which were influenced by regular people( progressives) that were eager to make chane during this time period where everyone seemed to value materialistic things and were corrupt. Briani Adams April 5th 2021 HIS 320/ Trial Summary The People, vs Jacob J. Kaiser September 23, 1893 Arson, In The Third Degree The trial that I picked took place during the Gilded Age which was from 1879-1899. This Gilded Age portrayed a society that was infatuated with money and driven by the allure of material gain. This age painted an unfavorable image of a cheap, shallow age and a generation very much obsessed with wealth that deeper and more meaningful pursuits were pushed to the side. The most impressive aspect of American society during this time was the economy. Businesses boomed and industrialism transformed the landscaped. The crime on file is arson, in the third degree. The defendant Jacob J. Kaiser was indicted on June 9th 1893 and tried in the court of General Sessions of the Peace, City and County of New York on September 23, 1893. Jacob J. Kaiser was found guilty and sentenced to imprisonment by judge James Fitzgerald. Kaiser was prosecuted by Vernon M Davis. Jacob J. Kaiser, 30, a clothing manufacturer. On the evening of April 22, 1893 a fire at 438 Broadway broke out. There were 30 people killed in that fire. The defendant Jacob J. Kaiser was previously connected to similar outbreaks of fire in New York before this incident. The argument of the prosecution is that Jacob J Kaiser started the fire in his establishment in order to receive the money from the insurance company for his property. The prosecution argues that Kaiser took out insurance policies prior to this incident because he was prepared to make more money from the damages of the fire in his establishments. In doing so Kaiser would get insurance money to possibly pay off loans or mortgages. This conversation about insurance policy is between a witness and the defendant Jacob J, Kaiser “ In April, the defendant had told him that he had a friend who was an insurance agent and who had procured his insurance at 2% ; he told the defendant that was all he paid, and he said to the defendant, “we only got 1,000”. The defendant said, “Well that's all I have got, just enough to cover my stock” (The People vs Jacob J. Kaiser, 29). In the next quote the defendant is being questioned by the assistant foreman “.. Does your aunt keep a restaurant,” and he said “No she lives private.” And I said “ Well I said a moment ago, you told me that you went to a restaurant..” (The People vs Jacob J. Kaiser, 34). This quote shows how the assistant foreman is catching on to the changes in the defendant's alibi because he keeps switching his story about where he was at the time of the fire. This just makes the defendant appear even more guilty. The argument of the defense is that the fire could not have been started by Jacob J. Kaiser because the fire began in the Napler brothers section of the building which they owned. In cross examination .. “the witness testified that to the best of his ability and ..belief the fire originated in Napier”s Bros. premises.” ( The People vs. Jacob J. Kaiser, 45). Aslo, “ What fire was in the premises of the defendant was the result of the fire in Napier Bros.” ( The People vs Jacob J. Kaiser, 45). As following this evidence the defense argues that Kaiser had absolutely nothing to do with the fire that occurred, basically it had to be a wrongdoing by the Napier Bros. The three main themes that are addressed in this trial are Greed, dishonesty, and Selfishness. I would say all these themes are present within ths trial because the act of this crime is very much so about personal gain at the cost of others. This crime of arson was committed in order to receive money in the end.

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