Part a negotiation where one member benefits only if the other agrees to make a concession
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Part a negotiation where one member benefits only if the other agrees to make a concession.
In a negotation, where two people work together to seek a solution that will benefit both.
Exists because it takes two individuals, groups, organizations, or nations to negotiate.
Exists because an agreement can be reached only if the other disputant agrees.
Exists because negotiators depend on one another for information about a possible agreement.
Involves a choice between believing or not believing the other negotiator.To believe the other negotiator is to risk potential exploitation.
Involves the risk of either being exploited for disclosing too much too quickly or seriously damaging the negotiating relationship by refusing to disclose information (making it seem deceitful or distrusting).
A negotiator should return the same benefit or harm given to him or her by the other negotiator.
The benefits received or the costs assessed by the negotiators should be equal.
How to reach an agreement favorable to oneself but not so one-sided that the other negotiator refuses to agree.