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Homework answers / question archive / When H 2(g) reacts with C 2H 4(g) to form c 2~(g) , 137 kJ of energy are evolved for each mole of H2(g) that rea cts

When H 2(g) reacts with C 2H 4(g) to form c 2~(g) , 137 kJ of energy are evolved for each mole of H2(g) that rea cts

Electrical Engineering

When H 2(g) reacts with C 2H 4(g) to form c 2~(g) , 137 kJ of energy are evolved for each mole of H2(g) that rea cts . Write a balanced thermochemical equation for the reaction with an energy term in kJ as part of the equation, Note that the answer box for the energy term is case sensitive. Use the SMALLEST INTEGER coefficients possible and put the energy term (including the units) in the last box on the appropriate side of the equation. I a box is not needed, leave it blank. Submit Answer Retry Entire Group 9 more group attempts remaining when CH (g) reacts with o 2(g) to form CO 2(g) and H 2O(g) , 802 kJ of energy are evolved for each mole of CH4(g) that reacts. 4 Write a balanced thermochemical equation for the reaction with an energy term in kJ as patt of the equation. Note that the answer box for the energy term is case sensitive. · Use the Sl\!IALLEST INTEGER coefficients possible and put the energy term (including the units) in the last box on the appropriate side of the equation. If a box is not needed, leave it blank. Submit Answer < Retry Entire Group 9 more group attempts remaining When CO(g) reacts with HzO(I) to form CO 2(g) and H 2(g) , 2.80 kJ of energy are absorbed for each mole of CO(g) that reacts .. Write a balanced thermochemical equation for the reaction with an energy term in kJ as part of the equation, Note that the answer box for the energy term is cast sensitive. ' Use the SMALLEST INTEGER coefficients possible and pnt the energy term in the last box on the appropriate side of the equation. If a box is not needed, leave it blank. Submit Answer Retry Entire Group 9 more group attempts remaining The following iliermocbemica1 equation is for the reaction of ammonium nitrate(s) to form dinitrogen monoxide(g) and water(g). How many grams ofNH4NO 3(s) would have to react to produce 7.50 .kJ of energy? L -_ _ _ _ /grams Submit Answer Retry Entire Group 9 more group attempts remaining U U I l lUL The following thermochemical equation is for the reaction of iron(III) oxide(s) with hydrogen(g) to form Fe 3o 4 and water(g). 3Fe2o 3(s) + H 2(g)~2Fe304(s) + H 20(g) aH = -6.00 kJ When 42.0 grams of iron(III) oxide(s) react with excess hydrogen(g), /,__ _ _ __,/ kJ of energy are ===~v:..J/. L / ..: Hint: An amount of energy is expressed as a positive number. The sign of ~H in the thennochemica.l equation indicates whether the energy is absorbed or evolved Submit Answer < Retry Entire Group 9 more group attempts remaining The following thennochemical equation is for the reaction of carbon monoxide(g) with water(l) to form carbon dioxide(g) and hydrogen(g). CO(g) + H20(l)~ C02(g) + H2(g) 11H = 2.80 kJ When 5.88 grams of carbon monoxide(g) react with excess water(l), \' --_ __ __JIkJ of energy L,I====-v:..JI• Hint: An amount of energy is expressed as a positive number. TI1e sign of LiH in the them1ochemical equation indicates whether the energy is absorbed or evolved. Submit Answer Retry Entire Group 9 more group attempts remaining Which of the following gas samples would have the largest volume, if all samples are at the same temperature and pressure? 0 7 x 1023 molecules ofH2 0 20.0 grams of Ar 0 3.01 moles CO2 0 they would all have the same volume Submit Answer Retry Entire Group 9 more group attempts remaining Use the References to access important values if needed for this question. Which of the following gas samples would have the largest volume, if all samples aJe at the same temperature and pressure? 0 41.76 grams of Kr 0 0.498 moles CO2 0 3x1023 molecules ofl-(2 0 they would all have the same volume Submit Answer Retry Entire Group 9 more group attempts remaining I I I I I< I I I Use the References to access important values if needed for this question. Which of the following gas samples would have the largest volume, if all samples are at the same temperature and pressure? 0 s x 1023 molecules of0 2 0 20.2 grams of Ne 0 3.01 moles CO2 0 they would all have the same volume Submit Answer Retry Entire Group 9 more group attempts remaining Use the References to access important values if needed for this question. A 0.160 mol sample of carbon dioxide gas has a volume of 995 milliliters at a pressure of 4.92 atm. The temperature of the C~2 gas sample on the Celsius scale is 0 \ \ c. Submit Answer Retrv Entire Group 9 more group attempts remaining' Use the References lo access important values if needed for this question. A sample of neon gas collected at a pressure of0.876 atm and a temperature of 21 °C is found to occupy a volume of22.5 liters. How many moles of Ne gas are in the sample? mo! . I Submit Answer I Retry Entire Group 9 more group attempts remaining' ) Use the References to access important values if needed for this question. A sample of carbon dioxide gas, CO2, has a density of L / _ _ __ ...J/ g/L at a pressure of 1.34 atm and a temperature of 59°C.. Submit Answer Retry Entire Group 9 more group attempts remain ing' Use the References lo access important values if needed for this question. A 2.21 gram sample of an unknown gas is found to occupy a volume of 1.40 Lat a pressure of 0. 726 atm and a temperature of 52°C. The molar mass of the unknown gas is \ Submit Answer \ g/mol. Retry Entire Group 9 more group attempts remaining A sample of an unknown gas is found to have a density of 1.2 7 g/L at a pressure of 0.605 atm and a temperan,re of 4 7°C. The molecular weight of the unknown gas is g/mo l. . __ _ __J Submit Answer Retry Entire Group 9 more group attempts remaining U se the References to access important values if needed for this question. STP ( standard temperature and pre ssure) ts u sed as a re fe re n ce point for the molar , ·o lurnc of an ideal ga s . In the U SA, mo~l chemists, most gcne,al chemtStry te: . Ret,y Entire Group 9 m ore group attempts rem ai nin g I I I I I I STP (standard temperature and pressure) is used as a reference point for the molar volume of an ideal gas. In the USA, most chemists, most general chemistry texts, and OWL use STP = 0° C , 1 atm , where the molar volume = 22.4 L/mol. If the reference pressure is chosen to be 1 bar, the molar volume is 22 .7 L /mol. Do not confuse the two. A sample of xenon gas ha s a voh1me of 9.04 L at 53°C and 0.597 atm. What would be tile volume of this gas sample at STP? ~ - - - ~ L Submit Answer Retry Entire Group 9 more group attempts rema ining ) STP (standard temperature and pressure) is used as a reference point for the molar volume of an ideal gas . In the U SA, most chemists, most general chemistry texts, and OWL use STP 0°C, 1 atm , where the molar volume= 22.4 L/mol. If the reference pressure is chosen to be 1 bar, the molar volume is 22.7 L/mol. Do not confuse the two. A sample: of xenon gas has a volume of 6.52 L at STP. What would be the volume of this gas sample at 49°C and 554 mmHg? (1 atm Submit An swer Retry Entire Grou p 9 more group attempts rem aining = 760 mmHg) ~ - - - ~ L = STP (standard temperature and pressure) is used as a reference point for the m olar volume of an ideal gas. In the USA, most chemists, most general chemistry texts, and O\VL use STP 0°C, 1 atm , where the molar volume = 22.4 L/ m ol. If the reference pressure is chosen to be 1 bar , the mol ar volum e is 22.7 L/ mol. Do not confuse the two. = It is calculated that an experiment will yield 9.65 L of carbon dioxide gas at STP. If the actual temperature is 47° C and the acnrnl pressure is 603 mmHg, what volume of ca rbon dioxide would result? (1 atm 760 mmHg) L = Submit Answer > I Retry Entire Group / 9 fflore group attempts re maining Cb 9 9 6> cJ) The illustration on the left represents a mixture ofN2 ( blue ) and H 2 ( light blue ) molecules reacting to form form --.. NH3 . 0

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