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Homework answers / question archive / basically, read the PDF I have attached and try to find solutions to it with 1500 words

basically, read the PDF I have attached and try to find solutions to it with 1500 words


basically, read the PDF I have attached and try to find solutions to it with 1500 words. it has to be in email format as if you're writing it to someone else. please cite all sources.

Your solution should be something NEW to your local community, or a significant improvement on an attempt that failed in the past. Perhaps you have an idea for a program, technology, or app that doesn't yet exist. Or, maybe there is something out there in its infancy that you want to move forward.

There are many ways to approach the research, including looking at other communities that have viable solutions to the same problem. Maybe that solution would also work in your city, neighborhood, workplace, school, or home?

Important Considerations

  • Of all of the members in your local community, who is most able to incite change and bring your solution to life?
  • What genre is most appropriate for reaching this individual or group?
  • What does this audience need to know about the problem, before I present my solution?
  • How will you incorporate rhetorical appeals--ethos, pathos, logos--to convince your audience to accept your proposal?
  • How can you recognize and refute potential opposition?

Basic Requirements

  • 1,500 total words (NOT including Works Cited page or multimodal components)
  • A minimum of ten total citations from at least five credible sources (e.g. book, magazine, newspaper, online journal, film, speech, interview, etc.); be sure to include both scholarly and reliable, local source materials.
  • A minimum of three informative, multimodal components (i.e. charts, graphs, maps, etc.)
  • Consult AWR or Purdue OWL (Links to an external site.) for proper MLA formatting (in-text citations + Works Cited page).
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: You must earn at least a C on the proposal in order to pass ENG 102, regardless of other points earned.
Propose a Solution (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts

Well-developed introduction engages the reader, creates interest, and shows awareness for the rhetorical situation. Contains detailed background information on the local problem. Thesis clearly proposes a significant and compelling solution.


30 pts

Well-developed supporting evidence directly relates to the thesis, is concrete and detailed, and effectively incorporates rhetorical appeals. Body contains at least ten applicable, developed, and correctly cited pieces of research. Body includes the skillful recognition and refutation of 2+ counterarguments. Multimodal components are clear, engaging, and illustrative.


70 pts

CONCLUSIONConclusion effectively wraps up and includes a clear and compelling warrant that goes beyond restating the thesis.


30 pts

ORGANIZATION AND STYLEEffectively utilizes decorum appropriate to the rhetorical situation. Logical progression of ideas with a clear structure and transitions that enhance the thesis. Writing is smooth, skillful, and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure. Diction is consistent and language well-chosen and sophisticated.


30 pts

CONVENTIONSFew or no insignificant grammatical errors.


AUDIENCE AND GENREAddresses a specific, applicable real-world audience, using an appropriate genre. Chosen genre is formatted appropriately.


10 pts

WORKS CITEDProvides a properly formatted Works Cited page that includes at least five credible references.


10 pts

Total Points: 200

Rabah Sabah 123 House Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85045 (602)123-4567 20 April 2021 Doug Ducey Governor of Arizona 1700 West Washington Street Phoenix, AZ, 85007 Dear Governor Ducey, My name is Rabah Sabah and I am a college student at Glendale Community College (GCC). I live in Phoenix, Arizona which is one of the largest cities in the world. There are millions of residents, as well as restaurants, places to go, malls, etc. Recently, I’ve listened and read on the news about the newest arising recycling problem that is happening in Phoenix, and I’m afraid of what’s going to happen. It is our job and future generations to protect and clean our planet in order to live long, healthy, and happy lives. With this being said, it is very important that I write to you and encourage you to stop Arizona from trashing its recycling programs and begin to educate, spread, and inform our residents on how to change the problem with recycling so we can live in a cleaner and healthier atmosphere. Recycling has been an ongoing issue for years. The EPA defines recycling as, “the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products” (Recycling Basics par. 1). Recently, Arizona has been trashing its recycling programs due to residential contamination. According to Jordan Evans, “China’s move has forced cities to rethink what they can afford to recycle. Mesa is the latest to cut back on what it recycles because of the rising costs, and Surprise, in the northwest Valley, suspended its program in August because of contamination” (Evans par. 4). Evans explains how Arizona and other states cut back on their recycling programs because China cut back on recyclable imports from the US because the products were contaminated with food and other nonrecyclable materials, which makes the recycling process useless. Recycling programs are too expensive for the cost of any city, which is why the recycling market continues to drop and the future of recycling remains unknown. This will continue to happen unless we come up with a solution to save the future of recycling programs, as well as our planet and our homes. Doug Ducey 20 April 2021 The diagram below shows the process of recycling and how it works. This is a simple way to remember the process of recycling: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Source: “Home: SaveBOARD - Sustainable Building Materials.” Save Board NZ, 2 Doug Ducey 20 April 2021 3 Recycling has been around America for decades and it continues to be a problem around the world because nobody knows how to fix the problem. Without recycling, there would be more landfills which increases the potential for water pollution and hurts our planet and the world we live in. Arizona is one of many states to put an end to most of their recycling programs because of how much it costs to maintain and get materials recycled. According to Marshall Terrill, “China stopped importing plastic waste, which effectively shut down the market for these materials, as there was no other revenue-generating alternative in the U.S. or other countries. With no other outlet for plastics, many cities and urban areas around the U.S have or are considering stopping curbside pickup or closing recycling centers simply to reduce operating costs. In places where recycling service has been stopped, most of the waste ends up in landfills” (Terrill par. 7). This current issue of trashing Arizona recycling programs leads to materials such as plastic, food, styrofoam, etc. ending up in landfills, waterways, and oceans. This also arises the problem of fish and how the waste contaminates their atmosphere which limits us humans how much we can eat fish because of their unhealthy living conditions. Not recycling daily and cutting off recycling programs leads to many more problems as time goes on and more people throw their waste away. This isn’t a one-time problem, these concerns of our living conditions and our planet will continue to increase because of how much pollution, waste, and harm there has been done to our atmosphere if action isn’t taken fast. Another concern of mine lies with the problem of not designing the recycle process to process the contamination level that China demands and requires. Megan Janetsky states, “China has banned 24 kinds of solid waste, including unsorted paper, certain textile materials and low-grade polyethylene terephthalate often used in plastic bottles… Each "bale" of goods can only be 0.5 percent contaminated, so a stray plastic bag or a greasy pizza box can disqualify an entire load of recycling” (Janetsky par. 6-8). These types of standards that China now requires on recyclable materials makes it nearly impossible for cities like Phoenix to meet. This is mainly because like Phoenix, many recycling centers weren’t designed to reach China’s recycling standards and at the end of the day, the cities who cannot meet those standards usually send their recyclables to landfills. With Phoenix trying their very best to meet China’s recycling standards, they were just wasting their time and money because they were struggling to find a solution to meet China’s contamination standards. Janetsky states that, “Phoenix's two processing plants have had to slow down their systems by sometimes half speed. They pay more workers to sift through boxes, magazines and envelopes to pick out the stray plastic bag, string of lights and contaminated paper that may make it through the elaborate system of belts” (Janetsky par. 29). This basically explains how Phoenix’s recycling centers were having their employees to pick through their recycling boxes in order to grab any sign of contamination. With doing this, they had to pay their workers more and waste extra time to go through each and every box. This distracts many people Doug Ducey 20 April 2021 4 in Phoenix from the main focus and goal, which is to find an efficient and realistic solution in order to have a consistent and effective recycling program and process so that it doesn’t go to landfills and contaminates our atmosphere and our lives. Janetsky also explains how, “Republic Services, which works with Phoenix recycling, has diverted more than 2,000 tons of paper to landfills, after sending little to none of it the year before” (Janetsky par. 15). This means that our city of Phoenix, Arizona, is only getting worse. Thousands of materials and products are being thrown into landfills, which does more harm than good because it is contaminating and polluting our atmosphere and our planet. We only have one planet and it is our job to make sure it is being taken care of and healthy at all times so future generations can enjoy it the way we did. Source: Edwards, Zachary. “Where Does My Trash Go?” The Arizona State Press, 17 Mar. 2017, Doug Ducey 20 April 2021 5 Source: Regan, Shawn, et al. “Resources Versus Refuse in Recycling.” PERC, 11 Jan. 2018, The graphs above show how much waste is thrown into landfills and it proves how harmful and dangerous this is for our atmosphere and our planet. The first graph is from ASU and how the research that the The Zero Waste Program conducted shows that 64% of materials goes directly to landfills and how only 36% is diverted. This proves to us that the majority of the waste, materials, and products that are thrown away get dumped into landfills that are getting filled up very quickly. The second graph shows that by the year, our landfills around the nation are quickly getting filled up to the point where there might not be any landfill space in the future. This is caused by states dumping their trash or waste into landfills instead of reducing the amount of trash we throw away. The number of landfills continues to decreased while the capacity of landfills only increases year by year. This is a problem because this waste rots and decomposes, Doug Ducey 20 April 2021 6 which produces harmful gases. this also causes pollution to our local environment that contaminates our land and soil. This problem is only going to increase and get worse in the future unless we try to reduce the amount of garbage we throw away and try our best to reuse the products that are able to be reused. In conclusion, as you can see, recycling is a big and increasing issue that only brings harm to our lives and our atmosphere if it does not get the attention it needs to be solved. Recycling is a great way to reduce the amount of trash we use and it gives us the opportunity to reuse materials and get our maximum use out of them. If we continue to be careless about our environment, it will get contaminated by the amount of landfill that is dumped every year and our lives will be in trouble. It is crucial that we bring attention to the cancelling of recycling programs in Arizona because as of right now, that is our only hope in order to make our home a safe living space and environment for all of the residents. We must do our part to take care of the only planet we have, not only for ourselves, but for our future generations that are after us. This recycling problem is only getting worse, and it will continue to do so to the point where one day, it will be too late to take action. We have the power to make a difference and change the way we live in order to have a healthy planet, but that will only happen if we bring attention to the problem. Thank you. Sincerely, Rabah Sabah 7 Doug Ducey 20 April 2021 Works Cited Edwards, Zachary. “Where Does My Trash Go?” The Arizona State Press, 17 Mar. 2017, “Home: SaveBOARD - Sustainable Building Materials.” Save Board NZ, Janetsky, Megan. “Arizona Cities Are Actually Trashing Things You Think You're Recycling.” The Arizona Republic, The Republic |, 5 July 2018, News, Jordan Evans/Cronkite. “Arizona Recycling Programs in Trouble Thanks to Residential Contamination.” Cronkite News - Arizona PBS, 5 May 2020, “Recycling Basics.” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 12 Nov. 2020, Regan, Shawn, et al. “Resources Versus Refuse in Recycling.” PERC, 11 Jan. 2018, Terrill, Marshall, and Mark J. Scarp. “Why Is Arizona Trashing Its Recycling Programs?” ASU News, ASU News, 18 Feb. 2020, 

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