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Homework answers / question archive / Assignment Task 1: Access Control Your task is to write a report critically evaluating the importance of Access Control when developing secure software

Assignment Task 1: Access Control Your task is to write a report critically evaluating the importance of Access Control when developing secure software

Computer Science

  • Assignment Task 1: Access Control

Your task is to write a report critically evaluating the importance of Access Control when developing secure software. You should examine the potential risks and benefits of implementing Access Control structures including groups and hierarchies at each layer of processing.

You should use IEEE referencing throughout to support your analysis, including captioning your images as required. Word count 500+ (Your reference list, tables and diagrams will not be included as part of your word count).

  • Assignment Task 3: Buffer Overflow

you will need to write a report explaining how ‘Heap Based Buffer Overflow’ works along with the potential mitigations that can be implemented by software developers to prevent these vulnerabilities.

Your report may include diagrams and any other imagery/code snippets that you feel would help illustrate your points.

You should use IEEE referencing throughout to support your analysis, including captioning your images as required. Word count 500+ (Your reference list, tables and diagrams will not be included as part of your word count).

  • Assignment Task 4: XSS

you will be designing a registration form for prospective students to register their interest in a new course at a university. You will need to create a graphical representation of each stage of the process, including what validation, sanitisation and error checking should be present at each stage.

Form fields that will be required for student interest registration are:

Name (First, Last)

Email Address

Date of Birth

Home Address

School Attended

Year Finished School

Grade(s) Achieved

Course they are interested in attending

You are not required to build the solution, although you may include sample code snippets for key functions where this may aid your explanation.

You should use IEEE referencing if/where required to support your explanation, including captioning your images as required. Word count 500+words (Your reference list, tables and diagrams will not be included as part of your word count).

  • Assignment Task 5: APIs


You are creating a new API to allow LATEST TRENDS CLOTHING COMPANY to integrate with their materials suppliers as well as their distribution customers. The API will allow for stock levels to be managed, orders to be placed and tracked through the manufacturing process including delivery to individuals who purchase through one of the distributors to their home address.

You are tasked with producing recommendations for the implementation of a new secure API as described in the scenario above. You will need to investigate available API standards (such as OAUTH2.0) and write a report with supporting evidence putting forward your recommended solution to this problem.

You should use IEEE referencing throughout to support your analysis. Your reference list, tables and diagrams will not be included as part of your word count.

Approximate Word Count 800 - 1000 Words

  • Assignment Task 6: Keys & Encryption

you will need to write a report explaining the importance and limitations of TLS Encryption in modern web based applications. Some areas for you to think about (not an exhaustive or required list of what to include, just food for thought) include:

  • What does the user see when TLS is used?
  • Does TLS make a web application safe to use?
  • Are there any benefits to an organization of using TLS (i.e. search rankings)?
  • Is there a difference when using 'self-signed certificates?

You should use IEEE referencing throughout to support your analysis, including captioning your images as required. Word count 600+ words (Your reference list, tables, and diagrams will not be included as part of your word count.

Assignment Task 7: Testing

Your task is to write a report critically evaluating the importance of Static and Dynamic testing when developing secure software.

You should use IEEE referencing throughout to support your analysis, including captioning your images as required. Word count 600+ words (Your reference list, tables, and diagrams will not be included as part of your word count.

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