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Homework answers / question archive / Assignment Overview: Final Exam DUE MAY 9 by 11:59 pm! LATE PAPERS WILL BE SIGNIFICANTLY PENALIZED

Assignment Overview: Final Exam DUE MAY 9 by 11:59 pm! LATE PAPERS WILL BE SIGNIFICANTLY PENALIZED


Assignment Overview: Final Exam DUE MAY 9 by 11:59 pm! LATE PAPERS WILL BE SIGNIFICANTLY PENALIZED. His 152: Contemporary International Issues fulfills the Global Perspective component of the core curriculum. Essentially, classes that fall into this category are designed to promote the following objectives: * an "appreciation of problems that transcend national boundaries" * "making intelligent decisions as global citizens" * "broaden(ing) the perspective of the student" * "engage(ing) effectively the global community with sensitivity and open-mindedness" Select one of the above objectives. Your paper should examine how the assigned material we studied this year influenced your understanding of the selected objective. Your paper must include evidence from at least five different Modules. The idea is to integrate your analysis; the selected objective should be central to your paper! Copying and pasting parts of papers/posts you have already submitted will earn you little to no credit! Your paper should be three to four pages, double spaced, and use Times New Roman 12 font with one-inch margins on all sides. Papers longer than four pages will be penalized. Only use the assigned materials. Citations/Footnotes are required! You can either use parenthetical citations or the "insert a footnote" function. Remember, I have to be able to clearly identify the exact source you used. Failure to provide citations/footnotes will result in a significant penalty; the highest grade you will be able to earn is a 70. Use all these as the modules for the paper • • Review the website for detailed information about global poverty: (Links to an external site.) • • • Review the website for detailed information on the causes of global poverty: (Links to an external site.) Read Abhijit V. Banerjee and Ester Duflo, A Radical Rethinking of the Way We Fight Global Poverty (PublicAffairs, 2011), "Think Again, Again" pages 1-16, Poor Economics.pdf download Review the website Unequal Scenes in which the photographer captures inequality through spectacular aerial photography. Clicking on the photograph offers detailed information: (Links to an external site.) • • • • • • • • • • • Watch UNICEF 2014: A Devastating Year for Children (4:00 minutes) Link (Links to an external site.) Read UNICEF Humanitarian Action for Children 2019 at (Links to an external site.) Read UNICEF Annual Report 2018: Pick a topic of particular interest to you at • 2018%20revised%201.pdf (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Review UNICEF • website Link (Links to an external site.) and Videos Link (Links to an external site.) and cartoons Link Read The United Nations World Water Development Report 2019, Leaving No One Behind, Executive Summary at (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) • • • • • • • • • • Watch UNICEF: World Water Day (9:22 minutes) Link (Links to an external site.) • For information about World Water Day 2018, visit the homepage and explore all of the links: Link Listen to Fredros Okumu, "Why I study the most dangerous animal on earth mosquitos," (12:41) TEDGlobal 2017, animal_on_earth_mosquitoes (Links to an external site.) Watch Doctors without Borders volunteer video on Sierra Leone: Treating Children with Malaria (4:00 minutes) Link (Links to an external site.) • • • • • • • Watch Doctors without Borders volunteer video on Sierra Leone: Training Health Workers to Respond to Malaria (4:00 minutes) Link (Links to an external site.) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Watch Roll Back Malaria’s Malaria and Poverty (revised version 2:36 minutes) Link (Links to an external site.) Explore the World Health Organization’s website - World Malaria Report 2020, • Watch Fair Trade: The Story (8:41 minutes) Link (Links to an external site.) • Watch After the Harvest (22:00 minutes) Link (Links to an external site.) • The Fair Trade Federation website is extremely informative about fair trade. Review the entire website at (Links to an external site.) 10:19 7 Assignment Details Contemp. Internat'l Problems ONLIN-HIS-152-S01 His 152: Contemporary International Issues fulfills the Global Perspective component of the core curriculum. Essentially, classes that fall into this category are designed to promote the following objectives: * an "appreciation of problems that transcend national boundaries" * 11 "making intelligent decisions as global citizens" * "broaden(ing) the perspective of the student" * "engage(ing) effectively the global community with sensitivity and open-mindedness" Select one of the above objectives. Your paper should examine how the assigned material we studied this year influenced your understanding of the selected objective. Your paper must include evidence from at least five different Modules. The idea is to integrate your analysis; the selected objective should be central to your paper! Copying and pasting parts of papers/posts you have already submitted will earn you little to no credit! Your paper should be three to four pages, double spaced, and use Times New Roman 12 font with one-inch margins on all sides. Papers longer than four pages will be Launch External Tool 5 36 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 10:20 1 Assignment Details Contemp. Internat'l Problems ONLIN-HIS-152-S01 four pages, double spaced, and use Times New Roman 12 font with one-inch margins on all sides. Papers longer than four pages will be penalized. Only use the assigned materials. Citations/Footnotes are required! You can either use parenthetical citations or the "insert a footnote" function. Remember, I have to be able to clearly identify which source you used. Failure to provide citations/footnotes will result in a significant penalty; the highest grade you will be able to earn is a 70. A COUPLE OF IMPORTANT REMINDERS 1. Tam happy to answer questions regarding the final exam until noon on Friday. That gives you plenty of time to read the final exam and ask any questions you may have. Please submit your final exam as a Word file or as a PDF. 2. Your answers must be double-spaced, have one-inch margins on all sides, and use Times New Roman 12 Font. 3. The final exam is designed to test your understanding of the assigned material. Therefore, you can only use the assigned material to answer the final exam questions. 4. Citations/Footnotes are required. If you do not include citations/footnotes, the highest grade you can earn is a 70. You do not need to include a bibliography. Launch External Tool 5 36 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox

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