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Homework answers / question archive / 1)Proposed Dissertation Title: The impact of non-sustainable environmental practices in Honduras 2)
1)Proposed Dissertation Title: The impact of non-sustainable environmental practices in Honduras 2). Research Question or Hypothesis: (Suggestion: Please add a brief section to discuss the background of your topic) Research Question What are the current environmental processes being utilized in Honduras with a specific concentration of the collection and disposal of MSW from local homes and businesses? Objective #1 To understand the exact processes currently used to collect MSW curbside from the majority of the local population, the homes and businesses. Objective #2 To explore whether these processes currently being used are viewed as environmentally sustainable processes. Objective #3 To critically discuss the level of environmental awareness thepopulation is currently being taught, and if there is additional education required. Objective #4 To explore whether the amount of material being thrown into landfills can be decreased to encourage additional sustainability. 3). Review of Literature/Background: Theoretical Framework The theories and models to be used in the dissertation are of utmost importance towards achieving sustainability. Each theory has certain aspects that can be segregated from the framework to be combined with additional components as a tailored fit solution to assist in the end result of increasing sustainable environmental practices in Honduras. The theories and models that will be included are the sustainable development theory also known as the Brundtland report. The SDT is loosely defined as development that meets are current needs while still being able to meet our future needs. Furthermore, the Triple bottom line framework will be included with each of its components, social, environmental and financial. In addition to the previous two, the research will touch on the Corporate Social Responsibility theory. CSR has four strategic components the economic, legal, ethical and philanthropical responsibilities. These theories along with possible others will be examined in detail and utilized to be able to determine the current environmental practices and develop recommendations to implement sustainable processes in Honduras. Empirical Studies This research is significant in two main contexts. The first is for the local population of Honduras, so they can improve their sustainable environmental processes. The research will contribute procedures to minimize negative environmental practices while aiding to preserve the natural resources for the current and future generations. The research has determined that the nonsustainable practices are creating health conditions in the local population. Poor disposal of MSW has been found to create contamination into the local natural resources (World Bank, 2018). Leaching from landfills into fresh water sources is incurring negative health effects both on humans and animals. The research has determined that serious health conditions such as respiratory disease, cancer, neurological disease and more have been found to be the result of the contamination (Haseena M, et all. 2017). The research also has found that the poor disposal leads to the creation of bacteria and infections when humans come into contact with the decaying MSW. Any type of wound or puncture to the skin can quickly escalate into a type of infection. The tropical temperature in Honduras allows certain bacteria to excel opposed to deteriorate from exposure in colder climates (Goodman B, 2017). With the rising population rates and the simultaneous rise in MSW creation the concern over poor handling procedures is growing exponentially. Healthcare professionals and regulators are consistently experiencing the increasing pressures of non-sustainable environmental practices. Secondly, this research will be beneficial for neighboring and foreign countries. The results can be summarized and utilized in other countries. With small modifications to the existing criteria foreign countries can evaluate their current procedures and accommodate their results with possible recommendations found in this research. This research can be utilized as a benchmark for further, more developed studies into the current education being taught to the local population and can identify possible needs for improvement. World organizations will also be able to utilize the results found in the dissertation to be able to increase the quality of life and the well-being of other countries (Hoornweg D, Bhada-Tata P, 2012). The research will contribute to potential revenue and investments from outside corporations into a local economy thus creating more tax revenue and lowering the unemployment rate of a given country. The sustainable environmental processes can assist to increase tourism, preserve marine life as well as contribute to better yields in the agriculture industry and decrease negative health conditions. These practices will help to educate the current and future generations to become mindful of the impacts poor sustainable practices have on the environment and the people who depend on it (Little J, Hester C & Carey C, 2016). The contribution to the reduction in green-house gases and sustainable environmental practices can have a positive effect on climate change thus reducing the rate the earth’s temperature is rising. With many countries around the world each contributing their efforts to combat climate change, a significant impact can be made to reduce the occurrence of hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters. 4). Research Methodology : (Suggestion: please turn each layer into subheading as discussed during our webinars) The findings will be displayed primarily with the Saunders Research Onion displayed above. The research will be undertaken from the philosophical approach of axiology that will use a combination of quantitative and qualitative based methods as it will include facts, opinions and data compiled from various sources. From there a pragmatic approach will be utilized to combine both constructivism and objectivism to find solutions to the research question while following the listed objectives. Deductive reasoning will be utilized through the use of surveys, action and archival research. It should be noted that the actual research question and objectives for the country of Honduras have limited previous empirical research therefore, a mixture of strategies will be used to establish a result along with studies from other geographical areas. The strategies will be based on a mixed method of data collection and analysis that include a 3-question survey sent out to 5000 random people. The survey was distributed via a home by home technique and the data will be calculated, and the results will be discussed in detail in the dissertation. In addition, to the survey the use of a minimum of 15 academic resources will be utilized with credible information from The World-Bank and The United Nations along with Green Peace and The World Health Organization. The EU academic database (EBSCO) and Emerald Insight are other strategic resources that will be utilized to collect qualitative data. Furthermore, interviews with local government officials and representatives of municipalities may also be used as research to contribute to the final results. 5). Selected Bibliography: 1). Acklin M, Bayer P, Harish S, Urpelanien J, 2014 – Who blames corruption for the poor enforcement of environmental laws? Survey evidence from Brazil – Environmental Economics & Policy Studies 2). Bate R, Mathur A, 2018 – Corruption and Medicine Quality in Latin America: A Pilot Study – The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 3). Botello J, Rivas P, Fausto L, Estrada A, Gomez R, 2018 – Informal Collection, Recycling Export of Valuable Waste as Transcendent Factor in the Municipal Solid Waste Management: A Latin America Reality – Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 182 P 485- 495. 4). Chen Y, 2018 – Evaluating Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Recovery from Municipal and Industrial Solid Waste using Waste-to-Energy Technology – Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 192 P 262-269 5). Goodman B, 2017 – Warmer temps speed infectious disease spread 6). Greenpeace, 2018 – Website ource=website&utm_medium=actioncard&utm_campaign=180416_plastics&sourceid=1 003525&_ga=2.179758055.2120329520.1541268310-2015574148.1541268310 7). Haseena M, Malik M, Javed A, Arshad S, Asif N, Zulfiqar S, & Hanif J, 2017 – Water Pollution and Human Health – Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation – Allied Academies Volume 1 Issue 3 8). Hoornweg D, Bhada-Tata P, 2012 – What a Waste – A Global Review of Solid Waste Management - No.15 9). Kyte R, 2012- Sustainable Development What a Waste – A Global Review of Solid Waste Management - No.15 10). Little J, Hester C & Carey C, 2016 – Assessing and Enhancing environmental sustainability: A Conceptual Review – Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 50 Issues 13, P6830-6845. 11). Lopez R, Valdes A, 2000 – Fighting Rural Poverty in Latin America: New Evidence of the Effects of Education, Demographics and Access to Land – Economic Development & Cultural Change P 197209. 12). Orr V, 2018 – Alaska Business Monthly – Transforming Trash to Treasure 13). Restrepo I, 2012 – The Waste Mountain Engulfing Mexico City 14). Ruhl, M, 2011 – Political Corruption in Central America: Assessment and Explanation – Latin American Politics & Society Vol. 53 P33-38 15). Samet J, 2014 – Some Current Challenges in Research on Air Pollution and Health – Salud Publica de Mexico Vol.56 Issue 4 P 379-385 16). Testa F, Boiral O, Iraldo F, 2015 - Internalization of Environmental Practices and Institutional Complexity: Can Stakeholders Pressures Encourage Green washing – Journal of Business Ethics. 17). The Economist, 2012 – A Rubbish Map – A Global Comparison of Garbage 18). UN Environment, 2018 – Website - stories/pressrelease/third-urban-waste-ends-open-dumpsites-or-environment-latin- America 19). World Bank, 2018 – Website 6). Research and Writing Timeline: 7). Ethics: To qualify the research as authentic findings the research will be sourced in an ethical manner. The qualitative research will be sourced via the qualified resources previously listed in this research proposal. The questionnaire will be focused on two main ethical objectives. The first will be to respect the identity of the questioned. The questionnaire will be completely anonymous, no information of the homeowner’s personal information or address will be included in the results. Secondly, the questions provided on the questionnaire will be specifically related to whether the home or business owner receives the MSW collection service. Additionally, the home or business owner will be asked who they prefer to provide the service to them, a private company or the government and what time they would like the trucks to start to provide the service. The home and business owner’s will also be granted an opportunity to have their voice heard with a section dedicated to future recommendations. The questionnaire will be in Spanish as it is the primary language in Honduras, and the results will be translated to English for the purpose of this dissertation. Below, in the appendix is a sample of the questionnaire. Finally, the dissertation is considered to be an ethical contemporary topic as the topic of climate change is of utmost importance to most nations. The research will demonstrate an ethical approach to handling MSW and disposing of it properly. The protection of the population, the natural resources, and the livestock and marine life all stand to benefit from the results determined. In addition, the concept of green-house gases and the reduction of these gases will have a positive impact on the atmosphere and will assist in reducing the rate in which the earth’s climate is rising. Bibliography 60% 10 May 2021 at 14.00h CET Assessment 2: Research Proposal Develop a Research proposal for your future dissertation Proposed Dissertation Title: The title (tentative) should be precise to allow the reader to comprehend the subject matter of the work. Title must have a theory (like digital marketing, service quality etc)+industry (like hotel industry, fashion) + a problem or research (like investigation, impact etc) + location area (like Nigeria, Spain) Example The impact of digital marketing in the hotel industry in Spain after covid 19. II. (Answer if you have access to people for surveys or interviews in the industry you are focus) Research Question or Hypothesis: State clearly what your research interest is. Define your research question/hypothesis and the main objectives of your research (Min 300 words) Research Questions must be in the following structure a. Investigation of the related theory (example digital marketing) b. Analysis of the background information from the industry Collecting primary data from interviews or surveys related to the theory of your subject d. Comparison and analysis of the theory and primary data findings e Recommendation based on your findings c II IV. Review of Literature/Background: Make a synthesis of the contributions made in your research field by accredited scholars. Describe how your intended research will complement and expand on the current literature, and what contributions you intend to make to the existing knowledge (Min 800 words). Using Google Scholar, Google Book, University Library EBSCO, other related thesis from the internet (search theory pdf thesis) find at least 20 differences references with citations. Try to develop a story related to theory. For example What is Digital Marketing, factors related to digital marketing, advantages and disadvantages, how the digital marketing is developed in the specific industry Research Methodology: Clearly indicate the methods and techniques which you are planning to use to gather information and investigate the identified problem. (Min 800 words). Explain what is Surveys and Interviews for the quantitative and qualitative research (use references). Explain which approach will be used for your dissertation and why. Explain in detail how you will collect the data, how you will do the surveys or interviews, what problems might be faced during them. How will you analyse these data, might be statistics or qualitative analysis. Give some details. Selected Bibliography: Please indicate a representative list of the main bibliographical sources you intend to utilize for your dissertation. Please provide full citations. (Min 20 sources) This will be derived from the literature and your research methodology citations and references. Do not forget to have the same number for references and citations. Citations are in the context and references are in the end in the Reference List Research and Writing Timeline: Indicate your expected research timetable: starting date, research time, data analysis time, writing time, editing time, date of first draft submission, expected defence time. You may use a Gantt chart. (Min 100 words.) V VI VII. Timeline ask the administration when you planning to deliver your dissertation as final and based on this date, define your timeframe setting the appropriate time for your different tasks that you will do Find a Gantt chart in the internet, or in excel, canvas etc Ethics: How does your research relate to the ethical aspects of your subject matter? (Min 100 words.) Explain how you will ensure the ethical part of your dissertation, like the anonymity, legal rules as also authorization for doing the interviews or surveys
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