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You will be researching a country, its culture and cuisine


You will be researching a country, its culture and cuisine. The assignment will require an outline and selected references for the final presentation. 1-2 pages max.

  • Select a country of interest (Do NOT select a country highlighted in the past weeks: Greece, India, Mexico, France, Morocco,)
  • Create an outline of topics you will cover to highlight the :
    • History
    • Culture
    • Cuisine
    • Dining Etiquette
    • Traditions
  • Include a list of cited references for content, images, etc

Creating your PowerPoint presentation:

5pts=First slide

10pts=Last slide(S), References in APA format

50pts= content slides (10 or more)

  • History
  • Culture
  • Cuisine
  • Dining Etiquette
  • Traditions

10pts= consistent design

10pts= two hyperlinks to outside websites

15pts= at least 5 images

Excellent Example in included documents:

Running head: ITALY 1 Italy First and Last Name Wilmington University ITALY 2 Italy 1. Cuisine a. The importance of food b. The history of Italian cuisine c. Regional cuisine i. Northern Italy ii. Central Italy iii. Southern Italy 2. Food and Dining Etiquette a. Eating Rules b. Order of Courses 3. Mealtimes a. Breakfast b. Lunch c. Dinner 4. Holidays a. Feast of the Immaculate Conception b. Santa Lucia c. La Vigilia i. Feast of the Seven Fishes d. Natale e. Santo Stefano f. La Befana or Epifania ITALY 3 5. Fashion a. Fashion Houses b. La Passeggiata ITALY 4 References Eat This. (2015). Retrieved from Falcone, J. (2013). Italian Dining Etiquette: A Cautionary Tale - And How to Avoid Becoming One. Retrieved from Italian Eating Rules. (2015). Retrieved from Living and Working in Italy. (2010). Retrieved from Passion For Italy. (2016). Retrieved from Your Guide To Italy. (2014). Retrieved from Zimmerman, K. A. (2015). Italian Culture: Facts, Customs, & Traditions. Retrieved from IREL AND FO O D, C U LTU R E , AN D C U STO MS BY: ASHLEY BOUNDS DECEMBER 5, 2015 CUL 411 WHERE IN THE WORLD IS IRELAND? I R E L A N D O N A M A P O F E U RO P E (TUBS, 2011) I R E L A N D O N A M A P O F T H E WO R L D Image from: VISIT IRELAND THROUGH IMAGES • Here are some links to view Ireland • US644&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=599&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjctf7uk8XJ AhWIOT4KHa-gDBMQ_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=ireland&imgrc=qbcuUcRqpoDkDM%3A • US644&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=599&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjctf7uk8XJ AhWIOT4KHa-gDBMQ_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=ireland+culture PRE-HISTORIC TIMES • “Human occupation did not begin until a late stage in the prehistory of Europe” (Kay, 2015) • Very little is known about the first 8000 years of Irish history • They are believed to be hunters/ gatherers • There is some archeological evidence from 5000-8000 years ago that they were farmers • Over the next 5000 years the Irish experienced the “Cultural Revolution”- which is the beginning of what is considered modern civilization • Believed to have a relatively well developed social order (Linnane, 2000) EARLY IRELAND • At some point during the Iron Age ( beginning c. 300 or earlier in Ireland) the Celts arrived in Ireland • During this era social and political classes were organized into multiple smaller kingdoms or clans- each having it’s own king • Largest portion of wealth came from cattle • There were no urban centers at this point • Main economic basis was cattle rearing and agriculture • Wheat, Barley, Oats, flax and hay-primary crops (Kay, 2015) EARLY IRELAND: NORSE AND ENGLISH INVASIONS • The earliest signs of Norse can be found in Ireland around 740 • The Norseman began with small raids on the Irish and eventually escalated to large scale raids, invasion, and domination • At this point the Irish began trading with the Vikings and these commercial became large centers for a new way of life in Ireland • The English invaded Ireland c. 1166 and maintained their reign until 1959 when Ireland was declared a free state (Kay, 2015) • Much of the culture of Ireland comes from the Celtic/Gaelic culture intermingling with the English culture (Boland, 2015) PRE-POTATO IRELAND: COOKING UTENSIL AND VESSELS • Most notable cooking vessel is the cauldron: 3 legged pot that was hung over a fire and simmered continuously. • Because necessity is the mother of invention soups became the staple of most diets due to this form of vessel • There were a few ovens but not many. The cauldron Could be turned upside down and used as an oven • Roasting was also frequently used • They also baked fowl in clay (uncleaned). When the Clay was hard, the feathers would be removed upon removal Of the clay and the fowl was cooked. (Linnane, 2000) Image retrieved from: PRE-POTATO IRELAND: FOOD • What the Irish ate varied depending on where they lived geographically • Those near water tended to eat shellfish such as oysters, mussels, crabs etc.-they would make stews with these and would add to it seaweed as well as other herbs and vegetables • Those who lived in land-locked communities favored meat and other wild game. They also made a multiple of stews • Some of the multitude of these soups and stews included: Irish farm broth sheep’s head broth, clam and cockle soup, lobster soup and many, many more. • Stews were often eaten with an Oat bread (Linnane, 2000) THE POTATO IN IRELAND • The potato today ranks about 4th, just behind rice wheat and maize, as a staple of the diet. • It only became popular around the world about 300 years ago. • The potato arrived in Europe between 1570-1573, brought over by the Spanish • The Irish were the first to consider it a staple food. • It became widely accepted as central to their diet by 1663 and by 1670, it was known as the “Irish Potato” • It is thought that an adult male consumed about 14 lbs of potatoes per day. (Linnane, 2000) Image retrieved from: THE IRISH POTATO FAMINE • “Irish Potato Famine, also called Great Potato Famine, Great Irish Famine, or Famine of 1845–49, famine that occurred in Ireland in 1845–49 when the potato crop failed in successive years. The crop failures were caused by late blight, a disease that destroys both the leaves and the edible roots, or tubers, of the potato plant. The causative agent of late blight is the water mold Phytophthora infestans. The Irish Potato Famine was the worst famine to occur in Europe in the 19th century.” (Mokyr, 2014) • “By the early 1840s, almost one-half of the Irish population—but primarily the rural poor—had come to depend almost exclusively on the potato for their diet, and the rest of the population also consumed it in large quantities. A heavy reliance on just one or two high-yielding varieties of potato greatly reduced the genetic variety that ordinarily prevents the decimation of an entire crop by disease, and thus the Irish became vulnerable to famine. In 1845 Phytophthora arrived accidentally from North America, and that same year Ireland had unusually cool, moist weather, in which the blight thrived. Much of that year’s potato crop rotted in the fields. This partial crop failure was followed by more devastating failures in 1846–49, as each year’s potato crop was almost completely ruined by the blight.” (Mokyr,2014) IRISH POTATO FAMINE CONT. • The British attempted to relieve the famine to no avail • “The famine proved to be a watershed in the demographic history of Ireland. As a direct consequence of the famine, Ireland’s population of almost 8.4 million in 1844 had fallen to 6.6 million by 1851. The number of agricultural labourers and smallholders in the western and southwestern counties underwent an especially drastic decline. About one million people died from starvation or from typhus and other famine-related diseases. The number of Irish who emigrated during the famine may have reached two million. Ireland’s population continued to decline in the following decades because of overseas emigration and lower birth rates. By the time Ireland achieved independence in 1921, its population was barely half of what it had been in the early 1840s.” (Mokyr, 2014) IRISH RECIPES • Colcannon • An Irish dish made of potatoes and cabbage that are mashed together and flavored with onions, shallots and cream or butter. • The word colcannon comes from the gaelic word “cal caennann” meaning “white-headed cabbage” (Oliver, 2015) • You can a recipe for colcannon here: ej.php?hleda=colcannon&x=27&y=31 Image retrieved from: IRISH RECIPES • Irish Stew • A traditional stew that tends to be a heated topic of the proper way to make it • Purists maintain that only neck mutton chops, onion and water should go in it. Others state adding carrots, turnips and barley is acceptable. • Make your own stew and decide! 5-irish-stew Image retrieved from: IRISH CULTURE AND CUSTOMS • The Irish are avid story tellers and very socially oriented people • “The pub serves as a focal point for many small villages and urban neighborhoods, a place where the great Irish passion for conversation, stories, and jokes can be indulged.” (Boland, 2015) • When beer is being enjoyed a toast will surely follow. It is customary to allow the host to initiate the first toast and then you may propose a toast. • It is customary for the most important or prestigious person to sit at the head of the table and then others to be seated in decreasing prestige away from the host (Kay, 2014) OTHER RESOURCES • For a complete history and etiquette concerns please feel free to explore these resources: • Enyclopaedia Brittanica: • Food timeline: • Etiquette concerns: REFERENCES • Boland, F.H. (2015). Ireland: Cultural life. Retrieved from • Images. (2015). Retrieved from • Kay, S. (2015). Ireland: History. Retrieved from • Linnane, J. (2000). A History of Irish cuisine (before and after the potato). Retreived from • Mokyr, J. (2014). Irish Potato famine. Retrieved from the Enyclopaedia Britannica database • Oliver, L. (2015). Food timeline-A celebration of Irish food: History and tradition. Retrieved from • TUBS. (2011). Cartograph. Retrieved from 15 points 50 points 10 points Criteria for PowerPoint Presentation - 100 points 5pts.=First slide (title slide) include Title, your Name, Date on the PowerPoint title slide Add an image of the country you have selected 10pts=Last slide, Credit or Reference slide in APA format. (reference your images, websites, etc.) that lists all of the sources (i.e., websites, images, and any other resources) used to create the PowerPoint presentation, and you must use APA style for your Credits slide for both the format of each citation and for the alphabetizing of the citations in the listing. For images, you are to cite each image separately. In case you are the photographer, you must make a citation that clearly indicates that you are the one who took the image. For any image that you find as a result of using Google, Yahoo, or any similar image database, you must cite the actual website from which the image came. Links on the Credits/Reference slide must be active for website addresses. 10 or more slides with content (The first and last slide is not included as content) …Your PowerPoint is a review of the food and culture of the country selected. Content is accurate and information is presented in logical order. This is a PPT you will use for next week to present using Kaltura. You may create a game within the PPT content, or link out to a website containing an interactive game (optional). Overall appearance that is appealing, follows visual literacy guidelines, and contains no spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors. Each slide = 5 points Main topics to include: • History • Culture • Cuisine • Dining Etiquette • Traditions Consistent Design –Solid background or PPT Design can be used. Placement of words and images show good design practices. (Do not make it wordy). Appropriate Fonts: Color and fonts are complimentary. Dark Background – light text, Light Background-dark text. Use three different layouts in your PPT: choose from Title slide, Title/Content slide, Two Content slide, Title Only slide, Picture with Caption slide, Blank slide, etc. 10 points External Links that extend the learning—do they link to correct web site? Hyperlink to outside websites, you can hyperlink on text ,images, or videos. Please point out directions on the slide if you are hyperlinking on an image. (Insert text box and then type, click the image above/below to discover more about….) You can hyperlink to anything on the internet. Need two external hyperlinks at 5 points each 15 points Variety of visuals (Examples: photos, images, tables, graphs, charts or diagrams) At least five appropriate imported (inserted) images. These images may be photos, maps, charts, or similar images. You may not use clip art! The images must be legally obtained (copyright free.) 3pts each for each image. =100 points NAME COMMENTS =Student Score

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