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Some organizations have implemented bring your own device (BYOD) policies

Computer Science

Some organizations have implemented bring your own device (BYOD) policies. This enables organizations to save money on equipment costs because employees are now using their personal computers. At the same time, BYOD policies also present challenges for organizations. Now organizations are in the business of supporting personal computers.

Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to locate and integrate at least two quality, academic resources (in addition to your textbook) on BYOD policies and the challenges associated with them. You may also use government websites, such as Cybersecurity from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Please respond to the following in a post of at least 200 words:

  • Describe some of the specific challenges (for example, risks of employees going to various websites, viruses, and legal implications) associated with BYOD policies.
  • Recommend methods organizations can use to address the challenges associated with BYOD policies.
  • Provide full citations and references, formatted according to Strayer Writing Standards.
    • For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

In 60 to 75 words, please respond to to the student's comments below:

Professor and peers,

Ed here. We seem to be moving pretty fast. Already in week 5, and in this week’s discussion, we are going to take a look at BYOD policy

What is a BYOD policy?

The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) concept has numerous definitions in different contexts but essentially, it is the idea that an individual makes use of their personally owned technological device in a workplace or educational setting rather than using an institution owned device to perform work or education related tasks (WELSH, K. E. et al., 2018). Our textbook defines bring your own device (BYOD), as an IT strategy in which employees, business partners, and others use their personally selected and purchased client devices to execute enterprise applications and access data and the corporate network (Stallings, 2019). It adds that the policy spans smartphones and tablets, but the strategy may also be used for laptops, and it may include a subsidy.

What are some of the specific challenges (for example, risks of employees going to various websites, viruses, and legal implications) associated with BYOD policies?

Unarguably, there are perceived benefits of BYOD, and there are a number of challenges associated with implementing BYOD. The week’s discussion has asked us to examine the specific challenges not the benefits. Some of these challenges include; risks of employees going to various websites, viruses, legal implications, the importance of network security when connecting BYOD devices to the corporate Wi-Fi, increased IT support is a requirement of BYOD, etc. Let us take a look at a couple of these. Concerns about damage to their devices have been cited as a reason for some individuals not wanting to use their devices in a corporate or setting.

Employees accessing websites that are unauthorized could bring about viruses, and legal implications for a company. Security and privacy are risks faced by both organizations and employees in different ways. Organizations tend to be more concerned about the security of corporate data (and how user behavior threatens it). Employees are more concerned about the privacy and confidentiality of their personal data (and what rights their employers have to access it). The more of the story, professor and peers, is that, if employees access malicious websites, they could unintentionally bring about the company’s data leakage, data loss, public exposure, and the integrity of devices in the company could be compromised, as well as defaulting on the company’s cybersecurity and BYOD policies.

What are the methods organizations can use to address the challenges associated with BYOD policies?

Without going into much detail, we are told that Mobile Device Management (MDM), Mobile Application Management (MAM), Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM), Data Loss Prevention (DLP), etc., – are simply types of software, companies can buy and use to help secure BYOD. We’re told that these software can do things like remotely wipe all the data from the phone and locate the phone if it has gone missing. MDM is also great at data segregation. Sharing work and personal contacts in the same address book, for example, creates a high risk of data leakage. It is unfortunately easy to incorrectly select a personal contact as a recipient and accidentally post sensitive company information. An additional control called Next Gen Network Access Control (NAC), controls the users that access certain types of data. It works best in concert with MDM, which enables organizations to monitor, manage, secure, and apply security policies on employee devices (HOELSCHER, 2017).

My discussion for week 5, professor and peers.



Stallings, W. (2019). Effective Cybersecurity: A Guide to Using Best Practices and Standards. Pearson Education (1st


Welsh, K. E., Mauchline, A. L., France, D., Powell, V., Whalley, W. B., & Park, J. (2018). Would Bring Your Own

Device (BYOD) be welcomed by undergraduate students to support their learning during fieldwork? In Journal of

Geography in Higher Education42(3), 356–371. Database: Academic Search Complete

HOELSCHER, P. (2017). BYOD security: What are the risks and how can they be mitigated? Retrieved from



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