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Part I: Analysis and problems: Answers to questions 1-3 do not need to be typed
Part I: Analysis and problems: Answers to questions 1-3 do not need to be typed
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Part I: Analysis and problems: Answers to questions 1-3 do not need to be typed.
1. [8 points] In this question you are asked to Use the IS-LM model (diagram) and the AD-AS diagram to analyze the impact of a rise in Money Supply over time (from SR to LR). Assume that the economy starts in general equilibrium (GE).
- Show the impact of a rise in Money Supply over time on the IS-LM and AD-AS diagrams. Along with your diagram provide a detailed intuitive discussion [as done in lecture] of the impact on the whole economy. Clearly label the diagram to illustrate SR vs. LR movements!!!
- Provide an intuitive discussion on the impact of the shock in the SR only. Be complete.
- money supply Now provide an intuitive discussion of the impact of the shock in the LR only (i.e. discuss what happens over time). Hint: price adjustment. Be complete.
- Use the time diagrams to show the impact of the shock over time on the following 3 variables: Consumption, real money supply, and the Price Level.
2. [4points]UsetheIS-LMmodel(diagram)andtheAD-ASdiagramtoanalyzetheimpactofafallin capital taxes (i.e. tax on capital stock: ?) in the SR only. Along with your diagram provide a
detailed intuitive discussion [as done in lecture] of the impact on the whole economy. Clearly label the diagram to illustrate SR movement.
3. [8points]Considerthefollowingeconomy: C=1500+0.5(Y-T)-100r
Government Budget = T – G. (Expected inflation = 0)
SHOW WORK for all calculations.
- a) SolvefortheIScurveandtheLMcurve.
- b) Solve for the equilibrium values of r and Y. [hint: Y is a whole number; note: do not multiply the solution of r by 100; simply plug the solution to r directly as is into the equations to solve for Y]
- c) Use the results from b) to solve for equilibrium C, I, and the Government Budget.
- d) Now suppose that the full-potential level of output is equal to 5500 (i.e. Y = 5500). Draw the IS- LM diagram that correctly shows the IS, LM, and FE line give the information you have calculated above (in part b) and given that the full-potential level of output is known to be 5500.
Impact of a rise in G.
- e) Now suppose that G increases to 850. What is the impact on the equilibrium r, Y, C, and I. Calculate.
- f) Discuss the impact of a rise in G on the economy, providing economic reasoning. No figure.
- g) Lastly, if the full-employment level of output ( Y ) = 5500, did the rise in G (from 600 to 850) bring the economy back to full-potential? Briefly discuss.
Part II. Article ANSWERS to Question 4 MUST BE TYPED!
4. [5 points] Read the article posted on iLearn: What We Do and Don’t Know about Discretionary Fiscal Policy. The article is required reading for the course. Then answer the following questions based on the article: (200-250 words – TYPED).
- a) What are the challenges with using tax cuts to expand the economy? Under what condition can a tax cut be fairly expansionary? Discuss.
- b) What are the challenges with using higher government spending to stimulate the economy? Discuss three (hint: starts on page 2!)
- c) Whatistheconclusionreachedinthearticlewithrespecttousingfiscalvs.monetarypolicyto restore output in the economy?
Extra Credit: 0.5 each. 2 max.
Instructions: In order to get the extra credit points, you must attempt all questions in the Assignment.
T/F 1.
According to Keynesian Theory prices adjust slowly over time, while according to the Classical Theory prices adjust quickly over time.
According to our models, a rise in G causes P to rise in the LR.
In the LR, according to Keynesian theory, a rise in G does not affect output, but it does decrease I and C.
General equilibrium occurs when the goods & service market, the market for money, and the labor market are all simultaneously in equilibrium.