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Homework answers / question archive / RESEARCHED ARGUMENT The Researched Argument, 10-12 pages, double spaced, which brings together your understanding of the scholarship on a specific (business) ethical issue and your ability to articulate a response to that problem, should exhibit your ability to: 1) invent a sophisticated research question, problem, or issue, 2) undertake in-depth research that informs the question at hand, 3) derive a plausible soft-claim that seriously addresses your problem, and 4) suggest an even better question that prompts further thinking on the matter
RESEARCHED ARGUMENT The Researched Argument, 10-12 pages, double spaced, which brings together your understanding of the scholarship on a specific (business) ethical issue and your ability to articulate a response to that problem, should exhibit your ability to: 1) invent a sophisticated research question, problem, or issue, 2) undertake in-depth research that informs the question at hand, 3) derive a plausible soft-claim that seriously addresses your problem, and 4) suggest an even better question that prompts further thinking on the matter. Typically, the 1st Section of your writing includes: • A Set-up for your Research Question, a brief lay-of the land narrative that provides a broad description of the problem at hand. This general comment shows what brings you to the issue, often by way of setting down the current scholarly debate, or by describing a scene from a film, book, or news event. “The themes of citizenship and community are being discussed in many quarters of the left today. This is no doubt a consequence of the crisis of class politics and indicates the growing awareness of the need for a new form of identification around which to organize the forces struggling for a radicalization of democracy.” • The Problem as you see it, which hints at the Research Question itself. This brief narrative frames the issue at hand so that you can then ask a specific question for your research. “I believe that the question of political identity is crucial and that the attempt to construct citizens’ identities is one of the more important tasks of democratic politics. But there are many different versions of citizenship and vital issues are at stake in their contest. The way we define citizenship is intimately linked to the kind of society and political community we want.” • The Research Question (#1 above) which can take the form of a stated problem (“In this essay I want to interrogate the ways ideology informs our identity-constructs”), or an actual question (“In what ways does ideology determine our identity?) This is the single most important component of your writing. With regard to transparency and effects on income, how should it behave? “How should we understand citizenship when our goal is both a radical and plural democracy? Such a project requires the creation of a chain of equivalence among democratic struggles, and therefore the creation of a common political identity among democratic subjects. For the term citizens to actually mean this and function in this way, what conditions must it meet?” • The Research Method and a glimpse of your Researched Argument. This optional narrative shows how you plan to address the question through research, and how your argument will emerge from your findings. “These are the problems that I will address, and I will argue that the key task is how to conceive of the nature of the political community under modern democratic conditions. I consider that we need to go beyond the conceptions of citizenship of both the liberal and civic republican tradition while building on their respective strengths.” Typically, the 2nd Section of your writing includes: The Research (#2 above), which functions exclusively to address and inform your understanding of the question so that you can intelligently and carefully construct your soft-claim This is the section in which you play an intellectual “ping-pong” match. Pose your question to the scholarly world (journals, books, culture, etc) What you read in your research (scholarly ideas) is then pinged to you What you process in your own mind (your re-construction of scholarship) is then ponged back to the scholarly world through different lenses Re-ping and Re-pong as necessary This section becomes the bulk of your writing (usually 6-7 references). Typically, the 3rd Section of your writing includes: When all is said and done in terms of your thoughtful research about the question at hand, the 3rd section serves as the place for you to state your now-informed Soft Claim (#3 above) [and to offer further implications for new research on the topic (#4 above)]. The “conclusion” you reach (your soft-claim) has to do with the research you have amassed, and is therefore not a sum-up (please!!!). It is, rather, a soft statement of your “position” on the issue, now that you have processed the research in your mind. It is by no means a definitive or absolute statement. It is your informed claim—it is your researched argument. Typically, the 4th Section of your writing includes: By offering Further Implications, you provide scholars who read your work a chance to think more about the issue and perhaps even advance your claims. Based on your Soft-Claim (#3 above), you are now able to suggest to your readers/scholars the “things to think about” to further advance the discussion regarding your initial question. (These further implications are to be taken up outside the pages of your essay). (Please use 1 of the 3 standard style guides for your essay—MLA, APA, or Chicago Manual) (Attach an Abstract as a separate page, single spaced, with your essay—it should immediately precede your full text—it is not counted, however, as a page of your actual essay). (Attach a Works Cited or Works Consulted or Bibliography page with your essay—it should immediately follow your full text—it is not counted, however, as a page of your actual essay). Abstract A common financial model used in business decisions is the cost/benefit comparison. The costs of a proposed project are compared with the benefits, and if the benefits outweigh the costs, the project is accepted; if the costs exceed the benefits, the project is rejected. This model is applicable when tangible costs and benefits can be reasonably measured in monetary units. However, it is difficult to consider intangible factors in this model because intangible factors cannot be readily quantified in money. While some might argue that the financial model should not apply to healthcare decisions, the fact is that costs do enter into the picture. People may decide to forego needed healthcare because they cannot afford it. Healthcare providers may make choices based in part on the costs of diagnosis and treatment, rather than solely on medical information and what is best for the patient. Should financial issues enter into healthcare decisions – decisions about human health and well being? If so, how should the costs and benefits be measured and evaluated? What are some ethical issues and dilemmas involved in such decisions? In this paper, I address such ethical dilemmas and financial issues in healthcare. I then propose a healthcare decision model, which considers medical information, financial information, as well as ethical and other intangible factors.
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