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Homework answers / question archive / Lab 14: Putting it all together PSY301 Research Methods Lab Objective s 1
Lab 14: Putting it all together PSY301 Research Methods Lab Objective s 1 . Abstract 2. References 3. Title page 4. Putting it all together Abstract: Rationale and Hypotheses • Rationale • Why is your study important? • Why are you doing your study? • Hypotheses • Copy-paste your hypotheses (no errors) into your abstract Abstract: Participants and Procedure • Participants • Include # of participants • Provide some information on who these people are (i.e., college students). • Procedure • What did you have your participants do? • Provide a brief explanation of your methodology. Paste Tense Abstract: Results, Conclusions, Implications • Results • State the significant/non-significant findings of your study. • Implications • What does this mean for society? • How can this be applied to future studies? Reference Page • You are including THREE references this time. • TWO background journal articles • ONE article for the DV scale • Make sure that your heading (References) is plural. • Make sure to alphabetize your references • Use a hanging indent for your references page. Refer to Lab 6 if you need further instruction. Title page • Make sure: • Times New Roman font, 12pt • Double-spaced, 0pt before 0pt after • Center your title on the page (about 8 double-spaced enters from the top of the page) • Include paper title, your name, school affiliation, and TA name Title page: Running head/Header • Please refer to Lab 6 slides for a detailed explanation on how to include a header in your document. • The ”R” in Running head is capitalized and should only be on the first page of your document. • Provide a short version of your title in the first page header. • All other pages should not include the words “Running head:” just your short title. • Page numbers should be on the right-hand side of the page. • Double-check that your font is Times New Roman (this is always where students lose points) Putting it all together: Order • Items in GREEN should have their OWN PAGE. • Title page • Abstract • Introduction (Remember: The header here should be the title of your paper now, not “Introduction”) • Method • Results • Discussion • References • Figure(s) Tips and Goodbyes • Lab 6 is INCREDIBLY detailed. Please take a look at it if you need further details OR visuals in order to best complete this assignment. Congratulations on completing your second APA-style paper in this course. It has been a pleasure virtually working with you all. Best wishes! Gray, Little & Hafdahl (2000) found that blacks exhibit higher self-esteem than their white compatriots and other races. It was realized that the esteem is higher for children, adolescents and male blacks. Gender is said to moderate the effect of race on self-esteem. The difference in self-esteem between whites and blacks was greater in females than males (Twenge & Crocker, 2002). The study was conducted for a period of 22 years between 1990 and 2012 at Midwestern University. The study involved students enrolled in the department of sociology who were issued with survey questionnaires. A relationship-esteem scale was used to measure the degree of esteem in different aspects such as age, gender, and race. The preliminary descriptive results found that blacks had higher esteem with the mean of 4.25 compared to the whites at 3.91, Asians at 3.65, and Hispanics being 3.91. Male blacks had higher self-esteem scores than their female compatriots while there was a significant gender difference in self-esteem. The results from the study show that blacks have higher self-esteem than whites while the gender difference in self-esteem is higher in women than men. The esteem is high in children and adolescents compared to adult individuals. Life satisfaction has a strong correlation with self-efficacy in both adults and adolescents according to study of Judge, Locke, Durham, & Kluger, 1998). Those people who possess high levels of self-esteem are capable of handling more challenging tasks than people with low self-efficacy (Chen et al., 2001). Other studies support the relationship between personality traits and life satisfaction (Garcia, 2011). The study involved 437 students (204 girls and 233 boys) at the Swiss state of Ticino, Italy. The age of participants ranged between 12 to 16 years with a mean of 13.3. online questionnaires were issued to seven schools. The researcher was present to guide students who had difficulties. There was a positive relationship between global life satisfaction and self-esteem. There was a negative global life correlation between satisfaction and self-esteem while personality traits showed the highest correlation score. Extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, and self-esteem were found to significantly explain variance in global life satisfaction (35% of global life satisfaction). Self-esteem highly depends on the level of personality traits possessed by an individual. Interventions such as health and psychological promotion may boost personal traits vital in life satisfaction. An individual who has high self-esteem has a better chance to gain life satisfaction easily. The total number of participants was 196 and included various genders of different ages. There were 147 females (75% valid), 48 males (24.5% valid), and 1 (5% valid) non-binary participant. The study involved males, females, and one non-binary participant. The ages of the participants ranged from 19 to 53. The average age was 22.19, with a standard deviation of 3.886. What ethnicities were involved in the study? The study involved more than eight different ethnicities with varying frequencies. Whites appeared the most while other undisclosed ethnicities appeared the least. The valid percentages for whites was 34.7%, African American 2.6%, Asian/Pacific Islander 13.8%, Latin/Hispanic 33.2%, Middle Eastern 3.6%, Native American 0.5%, Biracial 8.2%, Multiracial 2.6%, other undisclosed ethnicities 1.0%. How many introverts were detected in the study? The study included a survey of both introverts and extroverts. Among the 196 participants, there were 114 introverts with a valid percentage of 58.2 and 82 extroverts with a valid percentage of 41.8. The selected group of participants was surveyed using questionnaires. The participants’ ages, genders, ethnicities, and other data were then recorded for the study. The DV scale (Case Processing Summary) involves 196 valid cases (N). None of the participants was excluded from the survey; hence the scale indicates a 100% validity based on the selected number of participants (in-text citation for the DV scale provided). Therefore, the Satisfaction With Life Scale is highly reliable (5 items: = .828). There was one opinion question that involved locus of control. Participants were expected to respond by indicating whether the outcomes of their circumstances were affected by either internal or external locus of control. The demographics questions were four, including questions about age, gender, ethnicity, and personality (introvert or extrovert). Those asked about their ethnicity, for instance, responded by selecting either African American, White, Asian/Pacific Islander, Latin/Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American, Biracial, Multiracial, or other ethnicities. It was hypothesized that extroverts experience a higher degree of life satisfaction compared to introverts. Extroverts experienced higher levels of life satisfaction (M= 24.29, SD=5.23) compared to introverts (M=22.24, SD= 5.98), t (194) = -2.05584, p= 0.28. The difference can be viewed in the graph plotted of the level of life satisfaction against the introvert and extrovert levels. Also, it was hypothesized that internal factors had a more significant effect on life satisfaction than external factors. The life satisfaction levels attributed to internal factors was higher (M=23.28, SD= 5.83) compared to external factors (M=21.96, SD=5.24), t (194) =1.103, p= .19. The correlating factors, often worrying about classes during holidays and weekends, are negatively correlated to the level of life satisfaction. The level of life satisfaction for participants’ who often worry about classes during weekends and holidays was r= -.16, p= .028. Participants who felt they were given too many assignments to complete had lower life satisfaction, r= -.20, p= .005. The level of life satisfaction of people that often felt that their classes were too difficult was r= -.20, p=.006. Always feeling pressure to do well in school was negatively correlated to life satisfaction (Tang, Wang & Guerrien, 2020). Participants who always felt pressure to do well in the school reported lower levels of life satisfaction r= -.1.2, p=.108. The life satisfaction level of participants who have had a difficult time adjusting to online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic was r= -.04 and p= .596. Adjusting to online classes after the pandemic had a negative correlation to life satisfaction levels. These satisfaction levels are captured in the statistical output graphs generated in the analysis accompanying this lab. Gray-Little, B., & Hafdahl, A. R. (2000). Factors influencing racial comparisons of self-esteem: A quantitative review. Psychological Bulletin, 126, 26–54. doi:10.1037//0033-2909.126.1.26. Twenge, J. M., & Campbell, W. K. (2002). Self-esteem and socioeconomic status: A meta-analytic review. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 6, 59–71. doi:10.1207/S15327957PSPR0601_3. Chen, G., Gully, S. M., & Eden, D. (2001). Validation of a new general self-efficacy scale. Organizational Research Methods, 4, 62–63. doi: 10.1177/109442810141004 Judge, T. A., Locke, E. A., Durham, C. C., & Kluger, A. N. (1998). Dispositional effects on job and life satisfaction: The role of core evaluations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 17–34. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.83.1.17
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