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Homework answers / question archive / A simple interaction fits the element of communication as long as the process of exchanging facts and ideas in mutual harmony is present regardless of channel

A simple interaction fits the element of communication as long as the process of exchanging facts and ideas in mutual harmony is present regardless of channel


A simple interaction fits the element of communication as long as the process of exchanging facts and ideas in mutual harmony is present regardless of channel. Social Networking technology is just a revolutionary pattern of communication that integrates our way of social interaction. Information is created and shared in a simple, instantaneous way with the rest of the world. It is still a form of communication, and people communicate through this new aged communication channel.(what’s your personal intake on this?) 3.1 Age Valued Cultures Seniority is highly valued in some cultures because of the Confucianism influence over East Asian countries such as China, Korea and Japan. Traditionally, most cultures are elderlydominant because of knowledge, power and authority. People use government instituted laws to require people to show respect to the elders (please elaborate). An employee possesses a superior-ranking position only with age. The older person is the more credibility he or she earns in the organization(how is this so when there are also younger people in supervisor, director positions) thought it would be more based on merits and degree?) By contrast, youth-oriented cultures give young people the opportunity to have more choices, hold power, energy and freedom. Western advertisement . The word “old” connotes loss of power in terms of physical, mental, sexual and political aspects. Old people are “put out to pasture” as they lose the capability, status, position, respect until they turned being left out and just wait for their retirement. In age-valued cultures, organizations send senior members to negotiate business transactions. Younger members of an organization cannot disagree openly with the opinions of a senior person or even challenge their position as they should be treating them with respect (please providence evidence of this with refernce) Asian managers retain older workers out of respect, regardless of their productivity in comparison to young members. Whereas in youth-oriented cultures, young executive heroes are profiled in newspaper supplements because they are youth-looking. Western advertisements of consumer products appeal to the desire of looking young which holds a powerful, healthy, and vigorous image. (can you please separate each part of this question according to the question format im having troubles fining the 2 example of cultures that value sonority and 2 example of a culture that values youth?) The United States is more likely a youth-valuing culture because idealism and vigor are usually emphasized. Seniors in television and advertisements are lacking a positive appearance. Ageist attitudes are undeniably still rampant in Asian cultures culture. (whats your personal intake on this?) 3.2 Form means a protocol or the rules of etiquette and manners for doing something (cite definition) Proper behavior lies upon behaving according to form. Form is what requires Indians to greet one another with namaste, which is a gesture that accompanies the greeting, putting the palms of the hands together with fingers pointing toward the chin and slightly bowing the head. In Britain and New Zealand, given names are only used in close relationships and to most people to make them feel all accepted. (missing an example of FROMM from your culture) Unit 4 Germans belong to the low-context culture. They strongly prefer a direct communication style. They are detail-oriented that speaks lengthy and loudly as they tend to be argumentative at times. They defend their reasoning sharply without being emotional. Often, Germans may say, “You are wrong.” Praise is rarely given, but once given, could be misunderstood as (gut) good rather than fantastic.(do they not mean the same thing?) Greetings are formal and may tend to include academic titles like “Guten Morgen, Frau Doktor Faust”). (is there any intext citation needed with this?)Criticism views as a sign of honesty. On the other hand, Japanese from the east may tend to be indirect communicators due to their high context culture. They communicate subtly. Japanese are much likely people pleasers but may do so in an offensive manner, thus, create misunderstandings. (your personal intake on this?) Unit 5 Ethical differences can lead to cultural conflict and a more serious problem of contrasting business practices. Countries that do not share a common cultural heritage may face many challenges. Although cultural relativism states that there are no international right and wrong, ethical standards in a home country might fail in a foreign land with different ethical conduct. Such conflicts are common and unavoidable. Moreover, businesses cannot operate in another culture without being aware of the cultural attitudes toward ethics. So I would choose to adapt and absorb such different cultural ethics as much needed in a business setting. (please elaborate more n your personal intake on this matter?) 6.1 McDonald’s pulled off a marketing advertisement with a spectacularly unpleasant taste. The ad shows a young boy talking with his mother about his dead father. It turns out that one of the things they both shared was a love for filet-o-fish sandwiches. McDonald’s took a lot of backlash on social media and accused them of “exploiting grief to sell sandwiches.” Dove had an empowering “Real Beauty” campaign featuring real women with a positive body image in a positive light. The company strives to reinforce a positive body image for women. Then, Dove got their hands dirty after they released limited edition packaging designed to present diverse representations of female bodies. Their packaging compared women’s figures to shapeless soap bottles. They only released seven different shapes to choose from, forcing women to choose the bottle that matched their body shapes. Simply put, the packaging sent the wrong message. Instead of reinforcing a strong body image, it ended up increasing self-consciousness. In Nivea’s Middle East division, the company launched a marketing ad for their “Invisible for Black and White” deodorant. The image depicted the back of a woman’s head with long, dark hair covering her white outfit. The tagline “White Is Purity.” was interpreted as racially insensitive. White supremacist groups jumped at that opportunity to applaud Nivea for their messaging which is a bad sign. (what is your personal intake on these marketing add?) 6.2 Chinese society follows an indirect approach as high context culture while Canadians are more likely low context. The business society culture of these two nations affects the Canwall negotiation. For Chinese people, the word “Guanxi”, which means connection and relationship, became an unconditional culture in any aspects of business-related interactions in Chinese society. Canadians tend to be directive about the product they are selling. Thus, their difference in negotiating principles and cultural taxonomy had led to miscommunication and failure to close the sales deal. (your personal intake on this?) 7.2 Credentials also called job labels or job qualifications are identified from professional attributes. Some examples are engineers, electricians, accountants, or carpenters. These job labels give provide professional identity. For example, Germany for many years awarded the Staatsexamen as the official degree at the end of one’s studies. There’s actually no conflict in domestic terms, however, people from foreign nations have no idea what the Staatsexamen was. They did not have any idea how to categorize the qualifications. Consequently, German universities have added the MBA program to their offerings. MBA is a credential that is universally recognized. A context-based organization reinforces cultural orientation toward collectivism, obligations, blending in, and loyalty rather than individual rights. It best exemplifies Japan. Japanese firms are organized based on frame, or group belonging. This concept goes back to the idea of household and emphasizes the importance of the group over the singularity. An organization ruled by the senior male member of the family is based on family orientation. It has an authoritative and autocratic style that is seen in the harmony-based approach. Firms in the Middle East are based on the family concept. Middle Eastern businesses prioritize their family members first. If aliens come into the company, they need to be part of the same social network and must bring the necessary connections. These businesses do not have official organizational charts. Indeed outsiders can’t determine who reports to whom and who holds such certain positions. Organization based on the concept of political principle of collective ownership and absolute right to a job is a style in the former communist system. Any business organization was not governed by business principles but by political influences. This system created a mentality of dependency in which people lack motivation and lose the appetite to take risks. Unit 8.1 The concept that I think would be beneficial to me in the coming years is expertise using an additional foreign language. For decades, some companies expand in international dealings. Those firms that establish subsidiaries in other parts of the world are susceptible to communication problems. How harder could it be for a firm will to use geocentric staffing? Potential candidates will be chosen for a job regardless of linguistic, cultural, and national background. It will add extra challenges to the people in the same office with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Moreover, the benefits of being bilingual are relevant in social and professional aspects. The concept that I would like to learn more about is Hofstede’s Four Cultural Dimensions. It is interesting to know this research because it tackles the generalized characteristics of culture to culture. These dimensions give some glimpse of one’s culture and thereby understand the actions and traits of the society living in it. References Barton, D. (2016, October 5). Japan’s “High Context” Society – Tips on Reading Between the Lines. Japanology. Beamer, L., & Varner, I. (2011). Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace. The McGraw-Hill Companies.!AqU7HCZwXtVHg012SEDoXdsUMdI2 Chand, S. (n.d.). 7 Major Elements of Communication Process. Your Article Library. Retrieved May 8, 2021, from Chen, G., & Chung, J. (2002). Seniority and Superiority: A Case Analysis of Decision Making in a Taiwanese Religious Group. Intercultural Communications Studies. [San Francisco State University]. Uri. Donaldson, T. (1996, September). Values in Tension: Ethics Away from Home. Harvard Business Review. IOR. (n.d.). Guidelines for Communicating with the Germans. Retrieved May 8, 2021, from Lally, M. (2020, February 27). 20 of the Biggest Marketing Fails of All Time. Business 2 Community.

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