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Homework answers / question archive / Love and the Heart of the New Testament word count at least 1000 Importantly, the signature assignment links the teaching of Jesus on the matter of love (agape`) with that found in Paul

Love and the Heart of the New Testament word count at least 1000 Importantly, the signature assignment links the teaching of Jesus on the matter of love (agape`) with that found in Paul


Love and the Heart of the New Testament

word count at least 1000

Importantly, the signature assignment links the teaching of Jesus on the matter of love (agape`) with that found in Paul. For example, a comparison might be made between what Jesus says about love in Matthew 5 and what Paul says about it 1 Corinthians 13. Many other NT passages are possible. Hence, students are to write a minimum 1000 word essay demonstrating their understanding of the teachings of Jesus and Paul concerning the centrality of love and mission in the Christian life, especially in making the gospel meaningful for today. This essay should contain quotations from various passages of scripture which flesh out the New Testament focus on genuine love which includes an ‘others first’ (agape`) mindset and identifies the mission of individuals and the contemporary church. Consult the rubric for guidance in constructing the signature assignment essay. Please contact me if you have any questions about this assignment.

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