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Homework answers / question archive / Wi Construction Management CNST 6360 Computer Applications in CM Assignment 6: Database Design and Implementation CONTACT DATABASE Work individually
Wi Construction Management CNST 6360 Computer Applications in CM
Assignment 6: Database Design and Implementation
Work individually. See due date and online submission in Blackboard Vista. This assignment takes long, start EARLY!!!
Note: Please submit a copy of your MS Access database and report online at Blackboard.
Your boss would like you to develop an integrated database application that will enable him to maintain a list of business contacts with relationships to current projects. The program you will use as the development platform will be Microsoft Access.
The following is a description of information required in the program.
Company Information:
Companies can be subcontractors, vendors, material suppliers etc.
e Company Name (allow 50 Characters )
¢ Company Type: this is a list of contact types see “Company/Contact Types” described later. (Hint: in Access, use “Combo box” and “Table/ Query” in the lookup field property for this field, so user can choose company type using a combo box)
e Mailing Address
e Phone Number
e Fax Number
e Web Site
¢ Notes: provide a memo field that can be used to store general information
¢ Related Companies: Companies can be related to other companies (Many-to-many relationship). Allow user to store the related company and a memo field that allows the user to explain the relationship.
e Primary Contact: The primary contact person (a link to a Personal Contact Information record, each company has one primary contact)
Personal Contact Information:
A person can be a primary contact for a company or just an ordinary employee of a company
e First name
e Last name
¢ Professional designation (provide a 10-character field )
e Salutation (Mr, Ms, Mrs, Dr. )
¢ Corporate/Employer title
e Telephone
e Extension
e Fax number
@ Cell phone number
e Home phone number
e Email address
e Personal notes: provide a memo for personal notes
e Related to projects: allow a person to be related to one or more projects and allow user
to define nature of relationship to each project in a memo field.
e Contact Type (See Company/Contact Types)
Project Information
e Project name
e Project $ value
e Project type: (Allow multiple types. e.g. each project can be of many types) (See
“Project Types”)
e¢ Description of project: a memo Field
e Project notes: a memo field
e Related companies (with a memo field for the nature of relationship. Example: General
contractor, sub, ...)
e Priority (allow : High, Medium, Low )
Company/Contact Types:
This defines the type of contact; the user should be able to add/delete types at their discretion. Here
is a pre-defined preliminary list of types:
e =6Architect/Designer e Other
e Association e¢ Owner — Developer/Property
e Engineer/Consultant Manager
e General Contractor ¢ Owner — General
® Joint Venture © Owner — Government
e Subcontractor/ Supplier
Project Types:
Allow the user to define project types: e.g.
e Bridges e Retail
e Commercial e Road Construction
e Education Facilities e Sporting Facilities
e Healthcare Facilities e Utilities
) e Oil & Gas e Petrochemical
Mailing List for Personal Contact:
Allow the user to define multiple mailing lists and define who belongs in each mailing list. Here are
some sample mailing lists:
e Christmas Card List
e Publication List
e Conference Invitation List.
Each mailing list may include many persons (see Personal Contact Information section). You should
allow users to define new mailing lists and also allow them to add persons to a mailing list.
The user interface should be simple and user-friendly. Try using a tabbed interface with each tab
providing access to the many aspects of the database (company/contact person/project/ mailing list
as an example).
Each tab should provide the user with a comprehensive view of the relevant data. The user should
then be able to do the following:
VY Use buttons to navigate records;
Vv’ Use buttons to delete and add new rows (i.e. new projects/companies...).
Combo boxes should be utilized as much as possible.
Build the required Microsoft ACCESS reports to provide the following:
1. Mailing list labels for a given mailing list (personal contacts)
2. Project list for a user specified project $ value range
3. A contact person list grouped under company title
You MUST populate your database with some sample data, so the validity of your database can be
checked. Submit an electronic copy of your completed project files including the Access database
Also, provide a database description including the following items:
" The conceptual data model (ER Diagram) and the mapped relational MS Access relationship
diagram (take a screenshot from Access)
= A mini user manual briefly describes how to use your database application.
Evaluation (total 15 points):
1. ER Diagram — 3 points
2. Access tables — 3 points
3. Access relationship — 2 point
4. User interface (Access Forms) — 3 points
5. Access Reports — 2 points
6. Project report and sample data— 2 points
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