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Homework answers / question archive / Learning Curriculum and Plans for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum Reflective Essay Promoting inclusion and learning of autistic and neurodivergent individuals across the lifespan Description Students will present a written 2500 word essay in which you will discuss the current research on influences and contexts which support the rights and ability of autistic and neurodivergent individuals to learn and achieve “on the same basis” as their peers

Learning Curriculum and Plans for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum Reflective Essay Promoting inclusion and learning of autistic and neurodivergent individuals across the lifespan Description Students will present a written 2500 word essay in which you will discuss the current research on influences and contexts which support the rights and ability of autistic and neurodivergent individuals to learn and achieve “on the same basis” as their peers


Learning Curriculum and Plans for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum

Reflective Essay

Promoting inclusion and learning of autistic and neurodivergent individuals across the lifespan


Students will present a written 2500 word essay in which you will discuss the current research on influences and contexts which support the rights and ability of autistic and neurodivergent individuals to learn and achieve “on the same basis” as their peers. In this essay, students will specifically discuss research on inclusive contexts, theories of learning and neurodivergent perspectives that need to be utilised in implementing evidence-based learning programs for autistic and neurodivergent individuals and strategies for ensuring that these programs are developed around the voice, values and preferences of autistic and neurodivergent individuals and their families.


Subject Learning Outcomes

After successfully completing this course, students will be able to:

1. Utilise developmental theories to assess the learning needs of autistic and neurodivergent individuals with a range of diagnoses.

3. Articulate the benefits derived for all stakeholders in supporting the meaningful inclusion of autistic and neurodivergent individuals in curriculum-based learning and employment communities and contexts.

5. Apply current research to incorporate the perspectives of autistic and neurodivergent individuals, their families, and interdisciplinary teams to eliminate barriers that prevent the meaningful inclusion and achievement of neurodivergent individuals in learning programs, communities and curriculum.


Suggested Approach

I would suggest that to prepare this assignment, you focus on an individual of a specific age in a specific educational/employment setting. This can include school, workplace, home and community settings. By focusing on one individual, you can focus your discussion more specifically to demonstrate how the research, theories, and policies shape the assessment and experience of that individual. This will also enable you to demonstrate not just your knowledge of the relevant research and policies, but also your ability to apply this knowledge. Remember that this is an assignment where you are focusing on inclusive environments and contexts in communities, societies, or organisations (schools) so think clearly about the definition and features of inclusive settings and the barriers and facilitators that may impact the individual in your particular context. Also don’t forget you need to look at research on and in order to reflect on the perspectives of the individual and their family or significant others (adults).


You should utilize quality references and APA 7 format to support your discussion. Please use a minimum of 10 references, although it is anticipated that to adequately demonstrate your knowledge, you may require more. The course readings are a good source of information and references to support your writing. Make sure any references are from quality peer-reviewed sources.


A suggested structure for the essay is as follows:

    • Introductory paragraph with topic sentenceintroduce learner and learning environment you will focus on and key points you will make about factors that promote or inhibit their learning on the same basis in inclusive contexts.


    • Utilise relevant learning theory and research on perspectives of autistic or neurodivergent individuals to assess and describe the individual’s learning characteristics, including strengths and needs making sure to refer to relevant learning theory


    • Discuss relevant systems and structures (including policies) – that support the individuals rights to participate on the same basis and shape their learning experience and utilize research to describe how these policies and structure influence the individual’s inclusion, learning and achievement of the individual and other learners in the educations setting.


    • Discuss barriers to learning and inclusion drawing on research to describe factors that pose a barrier to the inclusion, learning and achievement of the individual in the education setting and strategies to mitigate these barriers.


    • Utilise research to describe how an interdisciplinary approach can be used to ensure that evidence-based practices are identified and implemented that are meaningful to and developed with autistic and neurodivergent individuals and their families.


    • Concluding paragraph – reiterate topic sentence and key points.



Criteria for Evaluation

This assessment is worth 40% of the total mark for the course. The assessment will primarily focus on whether the students have met the following criteria in the essay. Students will be marked on the following criteria.


  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of relevant policies, research and theory related to creating contexts and practices that shape the learning experiences and inclusion of individuals on the autism spectrum throughout the lifespan.
  2. Analyse and apply research to assess and identify learning characteristics of individuals on the autism spectrum and work with these individuals and utilise a multidisciplinary approach to identify and implement relevant evidence-based practices to support their learning and achievement.
  3. Communicate information in a coherent and logical manner, utilising appropriate structure and grammar.
  4. Utilise recent, relevant, high quality research in APA 7 format to substantiate viewpoints.



Other Considerations

  1. Use at least 1.5 spacing.
  2. Follow the recommended structure – Use headings and subheadings to indicate where you are addressing key criteria
  3. Indent paragraphs
  4. Make sure you support your points with references
  5. Use APA 7 style
  6. Make sure you offer an argument and make your points clear – don’t just report the research.
  7. Submit document in Turnitin link under Assessment 1 folder.
  8. Submit only one document in either Word or PDF format.
  9. Utilise submission document to complete and submit assessment.
  10. Don’t exceed 2500 words. Going under is fine.

Assessment 1: Reflective Essay


Name:                                                  Marker:  ____________________________  Date: _________________



High Distinction













Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of relevant policies, research and learning theory relevant to promoting learning and inclusion of autistic and neurodivergent individuals in education settings throughout the lifespan.

Demonstrates a very high level of knowledge and understanding of concept/issue. Very high level of interpretation of research in this area.

Demonstrates a high level of knowledge and understanding of concept/issue. High level of interpretation of research in this area.

Demonstrates a satisfactory level of knowledge and understanding of concept/issue. Satisfactory interpretation of research in this area.

Demonstrates a limited level of knowledge and understanding of concept/issue. Limited ability to interpret research in this area.

Demonstrates extremely limited to no level of knowledge and understanding of concept/issue. No interpretation of research.


/ 12




Analyse and apply research to assess and identify learning characteristics of autistic and neurodivergent individuals and to  utilise an interdisciplinary approach to identify barriers to inclusion and learning and implement evidence-based practices to mitigate these barriers.


Demonstrates a very high level of reasoning and analysis of the concepts/issues. Very high level of application for practice.

Demonstrates a high level of reasoning and analysis of the concepts/issues. High level of application for practice.

Demonstrates a satisfactory level of reasoning and analysis of the concepts/issues. Satisfactory level of application to own for practice.

Demonstrates a limited level of reasoning and reconstructing the concept/issue. Limited level of application to own philosophy and teaching practice.


Demonstrates no level of reasoning and reconstructing the concept/issue. No evidence of application to own philosophy and teaching practice.

/ 12








High Distinction













Utilise recent, relevant, high quality research in APA 7 format to substantiate viewpoints.


Seeks out high number of novel and quality references and embeds them seamlessly in writing to present a unique exploration of the topic. Presents references in proper format (APA 7) with extremely limited errors.

Uses high number of quality references and embeds them in writing to present a logical and coherent discussion of the topic. Presents references in proper format (APA 7) with minor mistakes.

Presents satisfactory number of references. References are embedded into the writing to support the topic. Presents references with some mistakes in format (APA 7).

Uses limited quality references. References are not embedded into the discussion or do not effectively support the discussion.  Presents references with a number of mistakes in format (APA 7). 

Uses limited references to support ideas or argument or presents references with major mistakes in formatting.

/ 8





Communicate information in a coherent and logical manner, utilising appropriate structure and grammar.


Presents a highly cohesive argument including the use of a topic sentence, sequential presentation of information, definitive conclusion, and appropriate grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Presents a cohesive argument including the use of a topic sentence, sequential presentation of information, definitive conclusion, and minor mistakes in grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Presents an argument with a topic sentence, a somewhat meandering presentation of information, some mistakes in grammar, punctuation

Presents an argument with limited obvious structure or topic sentence, a somewhat meandering presentation of information, some mistakes in grammar, punctuation

Presents little structure in writing so that argument is hard to follow. Does not use topic sentence and/or has pervasive mistakes in grammar, punctuation and spelling

/ 8





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Overall Mark: 


Overall Grade:

High Distinction







Reflective Essay

Promoting inclusion and learning of autistic and neurodivergent individuals across the lifespan



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