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Homework answers / question archive / essay topic: Where did the last common ancestor of African Apes evolve? / Were the European apes an evolutionary dead end or the ancestors of living African Apes? Evolutionary dead end (the ancestors of African Apes evolved in Africa): Alba, D

essay topic: Where did the last common ancestor of African Apes evolve? / Were the European apes an evolutionary dead end or the ancestors of living African Apes? Evolutionary dead end (the ancestors of African Apes evolved in Africa): Alba, D


essay topic: Where did the last common ancestor of African Apes evolve? / Were the European apes an evolutionary dead end or the ancestors of living African Apes?

Evolutionary dead end (the ancestors of African Apes evolved in Africa): Alba, D. M. (2012). Fossil apes from the Vallès-Penedès basin. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews21(6), 254–269.

Reaction paper instuctions Three pages, 12 point type, 1" margins. This paper will summarize a debate in human evolution research. You will find at least two position papers each arguing a different position. Provide a summary of each position and the evidence supporting it. Make sure to provide your reaction to each argument. Which argument do you find most compelling and why? You should demonstrate your understanding of the material through your original response to the debate. You may use online resources but at least TWO of your resources must be original/primary sources. If you are unsure whether your source counts as a primary source, please ask your Al. ta rea ano correct questions to consider grading rubrics What is the nature and history of the debate? •What are the two positions and why did you choose them? .What is each author's central claim, argument, or point? nt) •Do the authors make any assumptions or unsubstan- tiated claims? assigned •What evidence do the authors of each position present? How does the evidence support their point? Are there alternate ways to interpret their evidence? ter •What are the strengths and weaknesses of their topic; question. arguments? Why is the debate important or interesting? reaction paper 45-50 = demonstrates critical thinking and superior make sure you: analysis, offers a creative comparison of positions, Characterize the text's arguments as fairly and accu- contains at least two correct citations, free of grammati- rately as possible. If you disagree, disagree with what cal/spelling errors; 40-44 = very good presentation and the author is actually arguing. analysis of the debate, contains at least two correct •Include your own voice by questioning arguments citations, very few grammatical/spelling errors; 35-39 = and evidence and by raising critical questions. generally solid work, but might miss the mark in some •Be specific in your critiques and claims and use way - such as failing to connect ideas, containing proof- citations to back them up. reading errors, page requirement not met; 30-34 = how to structure your paper: sub-standard work, page requirement not met, doesn't •Introduction paragraph with thesis statement-Briefly analyze or connect ideas, or contains inaccuracies outline or summarize your paper and the arguments demonstrating poor understanding of the debate and its significance.

Ancestors of living African Apes (the ancestors of African Apes evolved in Eurasia): Begun, D. R., Nargolwalla, M. C., & Kordos, L. (2012). European Miocene Hominids and the Origin of the African Ape and Human Clade. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews21(1), 10–23.

Three pages, 12 point type, 1” margins.
This paper will summarize a debate in human evolution research. You will find at least two position papers each arguing a different position. Provide a summary of each position and the evidence supporting it. Make sure to provide your reaction to each argument. Which argument do you find most compelling and why? You should demonstrate your understanding of the material through your original response to the debate.

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